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CAV (3)
Alyzia-Maria Konsta
Alberto Lluch Lafuente
Christoph Matheja
What Should Be Observed for Optimal Reward in POMDPs?
CAV (3)
Anne-Kathrin Schmuck
Philippe Heim
Rayna Dimitrova
Satya Prakash Nayak
Localized Attractor Computations for Infinite-State Games.
CAV (3)
Taylor Dohmen
Mateo Perez
Fabio Somenzi
Ashutosh Trivedi
Regular Reinforcement Learning.
CAV (3)
Dejin Ren
Zhen Liang
Chenyu Wu
Jianqiang Ding
Taoran Wu
Bai Xue
Inner-Approximate Reachability Computation via Zonotopic Boundary Analysis.
CAV (3)
Alessandro Abate
Mirco Giacobbe
Yannik Schnitzer
Bisimulation Learning.
CAV (3)
Sota Sato
Jie An
Zhenya Zhang
Ichiro Hasuo
Optimization-Based Model Checking and Trace Synthesis for Complex STL Specifications.
CAV (3)
Yuning Wang
He Zhu
Safe Exploration in Reinforcement Learning by Reachability Analysis over Learned Models.
CAV (3)
Anders Miltner
Ziteng Wang
Swarat Chaudhuri
Isil Dillig
Relational Synthesis of Recursive Programs via Constraint Annotated Tree Automata.
CAV (3)
Florian Lercher
Matthias Althoff
Using Four-Valued Signal Temporal Logic for Incremental Verification of Hybrid Systems.
CAV (3)
Tobias Meggendorfer
Maximilian Weininger
Playing Games with Your PET: Extending the Partial Exploration Tool to Stochastic Games.
CAV (3)
Bernd Finkbeiner
Hadar Frenkel
Niklas Metzger
Julian Siber
Synthesis of Temporal Causality.
CAV (3)
Bernd Finkbeiner
Niklas Metzger
Yoram Moses
Information Flow Guided Synthesis with Unbounded Communication.
CAV (3)
Aochu Dai
Mingsheng Ying
QReach: A Reachability Analysis Tool for Quantum Markov Chains.
CAV (3)
Jingyi Mei
Marcello M. Bonsangue
Alfons Laarman
Simulating Quantum Circuits by Model Counting.
CAV (3)
Peng Yan
Hanru Jiang
Nengkun Yu
Approximate Relational Reasoning for Quantum Programs.
CAV (3)
Kazuki Watanabe
Marck van der Vegt
Sebastian Junges
Ichiro Hasuo
Compositional Value Iteration with Pareto Caching.
CAV (3)
Yi Lin
Lucas Martinelli Tabajara
Moshe Y. Vardi
Dynamic Programming for Symbolic Boolean Realizability and Synthesis.
CAV (3)
Mojtaba Valizadeh
Nathanaël Fijalkow
Martin Berger
LTL Learning on GPUs.
CAV (3)
Ji Guan
Yuan Feng
Andrea Turrini
Mingsheng Ying
Measurement-Based Verification of Quantum Markov Chains.
CAV (3)
Raven Beutner
Tzu-Han Hsu
Borzoo Bonakdarpour
Bernd Finkbeiner
Syntax-Guided Automated Program Repair for Hyperproperties.
CAV (3)
Shaowei Zhu
Yunbo Zhang
Probabilistic Access Policies with Automated Reasoning Support.
CAV (3)
Toru Takisaka
Libo Zhang
Changjiang Wang
Jiamou Liu
Lexicographic Ranking Supermartingales with Lazy Lower Bounds.
CAV (3)
Jiawan Wang
Wenxia Liu
Muzimiao Zhang
Jiaqi Wei
Yuhui Shi
Lei Bu
Xuandong Li
Scenario-Based Flexible Modeling and Scalable Falsification for Reconfigurable CPSs.
CAV (3)
Keith J. C. Johnson
Andrew Reynolds
Thomas W. Reps
Loris D'Antoni
The SemGuS Toolkit.
CAV (3)
Alessandro Abate
Mirco Giacobbe
Diptarko Roy
Stochastic Omega-Regular Verification and Control with Supermartingales.
CAV (3)
volume 14683, 2024
Computer Aided Verification - 36th International Conference, CAV 2024, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 24-27, 2024, Proceedings, Part III
CAV (3)
14683 (2024)
Nick Feng
Lina Marsso
Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
Marsha Chechik
Early Verification of Legal Compliance via Bounded Satisfiability Checking.
CAV (3)
Rupak Majumdar
Kaushik Mallik
Mateusz Rychlicki
Anne-Kathrin Schmuck
Sadegh Soudjani
A Flexible Toolchain for Symbolic Rabin Games under Fair and Stochastic Uncertainties.
CAV (3)
Ming-Hsien Tsai
Yu-Fu Fu
Jiaxiang Liu
Xiaomu Shi
Bow-Yaw Wang
Bo-Yin Yang
Certified Verification for Algebraic Abstraction.
CAV (3)
Gourav Takhar
Subhajit Roy
SR-SFLL: Structurally Robust Stripped Functionality Logic Locking.
CAV (3)
Simon Guilloud
Mario Bucev
Dragana Milovancevic
Viktor Kuncak
Formula Normalizations in Verification.
CAV (3)
Hanliang Zhang
Cristina David
Yijun Yu
Meng Wang
Ownership Guided C to Rust Translation.
CAV (3)
Elaine Li
Felix Stutz
Thomas Wies
Damien Zufferey
Complete Multiparty Session Type Projection with Automata.
CAV (3)
Roman Andriushchenko
Alexander Bork
Milan Ceska
Sebastian Junges
Joost-Pieter Katoen
Filip Macák
Search and Explore: Symbiotic Policy Synthesis in POMDPs.
CAV (3)
Chris Johannsen
Phillip H. Jones
Brian Kempa
Kristin Yvonne Rozier
Pei Zhang
R2U2 Version 3.0: Re-Imagining a Toolchain for Specification, Resource Estimation, and Optimized Observer Generation for Runtime Verification in Hardware and Software.
CAV (3)
Eszter Couillard
Philipp Czerner
Javier Esparza
Rupak Majumdar
Making sf IP=sf PSPACE Practical: Efficient Interactive Protocols for BDD Algorithms.
CAV (3)
Yu-Fang Chen
Kai-Min Chung
Ondrej Lengál
Jyun-Ao Lin
Wei-Lun Tsai
AutoQ: An Automata-Based Quantum Circuit Verifier.
CAV (3)
Alberto Griggio
Martin Jonás
Kratos2: An SMT-Based Model Checker for Imperative Programs.
CAV (3)
Yican Sun
Hongfei Fu
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Amir Kafshdar Goharshady
Automated Tail Bound Analysis for Probabilistic Recurrence Relations.
CAV (3)
Thom S. Badings
Sebastian Junges
Ahmadreza Marandi
Ufuk Topcu
Nils Jansen
Efficient Sensitivity Analysis for Parametric Robust Markov Chains.
CAV (3)
Meghana Sistla
Swarat Chaudhuri
Thomas W. Reps
Symbolic Quantum Simulation with Quasimodo.
CAV (3)
S. Akshay
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Tobias Meggendorfer
Dorde Zikelic
MDPs as Distribution Transformers: Affine Invariant Synthesis for Safety Objectives.
CAV (3)
Jesper Amilon
Zafer Esen
Dilian Gurov
Christian Lidström
Philipp Rümmer
Automatic Program Instrumentation for Automatic Verification.
CAV (3)
Andoni Rodríguez
César Sánchez
Boolean Abstractions for Realizability Modulo Theories.
CAV (3)
Alex Ozdemir
Riad S. Wahby
Fraser Brown
Clark W. Barrett
Bounded Verification for Finite-Field-Blasting - In a Compiler for Zero Knowledge Proofs.
CAV (3)
Elvira Albert
Samir Genaim
Daniel Kirchner
Enrique Martin-Martin
Formally Verified EVM Block-Optimizations.
CAV (3)
Kazuki Watanabe
Clovis Eberhart
Kazuyuki Asada
Ichiro Hasuo
Compositional Probabilistic Model Checking with String Diagrams of MDPs.
CAV (3)
Harishankar Vishwanathan
Matan Shachnai
Srinivas Narayana
Santosh Nagarakatte
Verifying the Verifier: eBPF Range Analysis Verification.
CAV (3)
Mingyang Liu
Fu Song
Taolue Chen
Automated Verification of Correctness for Masked Arithmetic Programs.
CAV (3)
volume 13966, 2023
Computer Aided Verification - 35th International Conference, CAV 2023, Paris, France, July 17-22, 2023, Proceedings, Part III
CAV (3)
13966 (2023)