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AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Jonas Vlasselaer
Angelika Kimmig
Anton Dries
Wannes Meert
Luc De Raedt
Knowledge Compilation and Weighted Model Counting for Inference in Probabilistic Logic Programs.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Vaishak Belle
Satisfiability and Model Counting in Open Universes.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Batya Kenig
Avigdor Gal
Exploiting the Hidden Structure of Junction Trees for MPE.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Kuldeep S. Meel
Moshe Y. Vardi
Supratik Chakraborty
Daniel J. Fremont
Sanjit A. Seshia
Dror Fried
Alexander Ivrii
Sharad Malik
Constrained Sampling and Counting: Universal Hashing Meets SAT Solving.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Eric Gribkoff
Dan Suciu
SlimShot: Probabilistic Inference for Web-Scale Knowledge Bases.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Adnan Darwiche
João Marques-Silva
Pierre Marquis
Preface: The Beyond NP Workshop.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Bart Bogaerts
Tomi Janhunen
Shahab Tasharrofi
Solving QBF Instances with Nested SAT Solvers.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Charles Jordan
Will Klieber
Martina Seidl
Non-CNF QBF Solving with QCIR.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Beyond NP, Papers from the 2016 AAAI Workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, February 12, 2016.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Valeriy Balabanov
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang
Alan Mishchenko
Christoph Scholl
Clauses Versus Gates in CEGAR-Based 2QBF Solving.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Timothy Kopp
Parag Singla
Henry A. Kautz
Toward Caching Symmetrical Subtheories for Weighted Model Counting.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Olaf Beyersdorff
Leroy Chew
Mikolas Janota
Extension Variables in QBF Resolution.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Dan Olteanu
Factorized Databases: A Knowledge Compilation Perspective.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Bernhard Bliem
Günther Charwat
Markus Hecher
Stefan Woltran
Subset Minimization in Dynamic Programming on Tree Decompositions.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP
Seyed Mehran Kazemi
David Poole
Lazy Arithmetic Circuits.
AAAI Workshop: Beyond NP