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volume 8682, 2015
Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data - Third International Workshop, STIA 2014, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2014, Boston, MA, USA, September 18, 2014, Revised Selected Papers
8682 (2015)
Adriënne M. Mendrik
Evert-Jan Vonken
Theo Witkamp
Mathias Prokop
Bram van Ginneken
Max A. Viergever
Using the Fourth Dimension to Distinguish Between Structures for Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering in 4D CT Perfusion Scans.
Ernst Schwartz
András Jakab
Gregor Kasprian
Lilla Zöllei
Georg Langs
A Locally Linear Method for Enforcing Temporal Smoothness in Serial Image Registration.
Bérengère Aubert-Broche
Vladimir S. Fonov
Katrin Weier
Sridar Narayanan
Douglas L. Arnold
Brenda Banwell
D. Louis Collins
Is It Possible to Differentiate the Impact of Pediatric Monophasic Demyelinating Disorders and Multiple Sclerosis After a First Episode of Demyelination?
Eliza Orasanu
Andrew Melbourne
Herve Lombaert
Manuel Jorge Cardoso
Stian Flage Johnsen
Giles S. Kendall
Nicola J. Robertson
Neil Marlow
Sébastien Ourselin
Prefrontal Cortical Folding of the Preterm Brain: A Longitudinal Analysis of Preterm-Born Neonates.
Feng Shi
Jian Cheng
Li Wang
Pew-Thian Yap
Dinggang Shen
Longitudinal Guided Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Neonatal Brain MR Images.
Andreas Schuh
Maria Murgasova
Antonios Makropoulos
Christian Ledig
Serena J. Counsell
Joseph V. Hajnal
Paul Aljabar
Daniel Rueckert
Construction of a 4D Brain Atlas and Growth Model Using Diffeomorphic Registration.
Avantika Vardhan
Marcel Prastawa
Neda Sadeghi
Clement Vachet
Joseph Piven
Guido Gerig
Joint Longitudinal Modeling of Brain Appearance in Multimodal MRI for the Characterization of Early Brain Developmental Processes.
Jieqing Jiao
Graham E. Searle
Andri C. Tziortzi
Cristian A. Salinas
Roger N. Gunn
Julia A. Schnabel
Spatial-temporal Pharmacokinetic Model Based Registration of 4D Brain PET Data.
Paul C. Pearlman
Ivana Isgum
Karina J. Kersbergen
Manon J. N. L. Benders
Max A. Viergever
Josien P. W. Pluim
Elastic Demons: Characterizing Cortical Development in Neonates Using an Implicit Surface Registration.
Nicolas Guizard
Vladimir S. Fonov
Daniel García-Lorenzo
Bérengère Aubert-Broche
Simon F. Eskildsen
D. Louis Collins
Spatio-temporal Regularization for Longitudinal Registration to an Unbiased 3D Individual Template.
Li Wang
Feng Shi
Gang Li
Dinggang Shen
4D Segmentation of Longitudinal Brain MR Images with Consistent Cortical Thickness Measurement.
Nicolas Duchateau
Mathieu De Craene
Xavier Pennec
Beatriz Merino
Marta Sitges
Bart H. Bijnens
Which Reorientation Framework for the Atlas-Based Comparison of Motion from Cardiac Image Sequences?
Erin Stretton
Emmanuel Mandonnet
Ezequiel Geremia
Bjoern H. Menze
Hervé Delingette
Nicholas Ayache
Predicting the Location of Glioma Recurrence after a Resection Surgery.
Nicha Chitphakdithai
Veronica L. Chiang
James S. Duncan
Tracking Metastatic Brain Tumors in Longitudinal Scans via Joint Image Registration and Labeling.
Manasi Datar
Prasanna Muralidharan
Abhishek Kumar
Sylvain Gouttard
Joseph Piven
Guido Gerig
Ross T. Whitaker
P. Thomas Fletcher
Mixed-Effects Shape Models for Estimating Longitudinal Changes in Anatomy.
Xiaofeng Liu
Dirk R. Padfield
Motion-Based Segmentation for Cardiomyocyte Characterization.
Jean-Baptiste Fiot
Laurent Risser
Laurent D. Cohen
Jurgen Fripp
François-Xavier Vialard
Local vs Global Descriptors of Hippocampus Shape Evolution for Alzheimer's Longitudinal Population Analysis.
Arunachalam Narayanaswamy
Amine Merouane
Antonio Peixoto
Ena Ladi
Paul Herzmark
Ulrich Von Andrian
Ellen Robey
Badrinath Roysam
Multi-temporal Globally-Optimal Dense 3-D Cell Segmentation and Tracking from Multi-photon Time-Lapse Movies of Live Tissue Microenvironments.
Bérengère Aubert-Broche
Vladimir S. Fonov
Daniel García-Lorenzo
Abderazzak Mouiha
Nicolas Guizard
Pierrick Coupé
Simon F. Eskildsen
D. Louis Collins
A New Framework for Analyzing Structural Volume Changes of Longitudinal Brain MRI Data.
Ahmed Serag
Ioannis S. Gousias
Antonios Makropoulos
Paul Aljabar
Joseph V. Hajnal
James P. Boardman
Serena J. Counsell
Daniel Rueckert
Unsupervised Learning of Shape Complexity: Application to Brain Development.
volume 7570, 2012
Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data - Second International Workshop, STIA 2012, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 1, 2012. Proceedings
7570 (2012)