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Commun. Res.
volume 46, number 1, 2019
Jennifer L. Gibbs
Heewon Kim
Seol Ki
Investigating the Role of Control and Support Mechanisms in Members' Sense of Virtual Community.
Commun. Res.
46 (1) (2019)
Chih-Hui Lai
Bing She
Xinyue Ye
Unpacking the Network Processes and Outcomes of Online and Offline Humanitarian Collaboration.
Commun. Res.
46 (1) (2019)
Elmie Nekmat
Karla K. Gower
Shuhua Zhou
Miriam J. Metzger
Connective-Collective Action on Social Media: Moderated Mediation of Cognitive Elaboration and Perceived Source Credibility on Personalness of Source.
Commun. Res.
46 (1) (2019)
volume 46, number 2, 2019
Hyunjin Song
Dominic Nyhuis
Hajo G. Boomgaarden
A Network Model of Negative Campaigning: The Structure and Determinants of Negative Campaigning in Multiparty Systems.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
Yannick C. Atouba
Let's Start From the Beginning: Examining the Connections Between Partner Selection, Trust, and Communicative Effectiveness in Voluntary Partnerships Among Human Services Nonprofits.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
Alex M. Susskind
Peggy R. Odom-Reed
Team Member's Centrality, Cohesion, Conflict, and Performance in Multi-University Geographically Distributed Project Teams.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
Hai Liang
King-wa Fu
Network Redundancy and Information Diffusion: The Impacts of Information Redundancy, Similarity, and Tie Strength.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
Christopher J. Carpenter
Chandra S. Amaravadi
A Big Data Approach to Assessing the Impact of Social Norms: Reporting One's Exercise to a Social Media Audience.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
Sun Kyong Lee
Heewon Kim
Cameron W. Piercy
The Role of Status Differentials and Homophily in the Formation of Social Support Networks of a Voluntary Organization.
Commun. Res.
46 (2) (2019)
volume 46, number 3, 2019
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick
Editor's Note.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
Michael D. Slater
Mary Beth Oliver
Markus Appel
Poignancy and Mediated Wisdom of Experience: Narrative Impacts on Willingness to Accept Delayed Rewards.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
Jarim Kim
Xiaoli Nan
Temporal Framing Effects Differ for Narrative Versus Non-Narrative Messages: The Case of Promoting HPV Vaccination.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
Michael E. Roloff
Obituary by Michael Elwood Roloff in Memory of Chuck Berger.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
Charles R. Berger
Yerheen Ha
Meng Chen
Story Appraisal Theory: From Story Kernel Appraisals to Implications and Impact.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
Drew P. Cingel
Marina Krcmar
Prosocial Television, Preschool Children's Moral Judgments, and Moral Reasoning: The Role of Social Moral Intuitions and Perspective-Taking.
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
James Alex Bonus
Marie-Louise Mares
Commun. Res.
46 (3) (2019)
volume 46, number 4, 2019
Kristina M. Scharp
"You're Not Welcome Here": A Grounded Theory of Family Distancing.
Commun. Res.
46 (4) (2019)
Frankie J. Weinberg
Len J. Treviño
A. O'shea Cleveland
Gendered Communication and Career Outcomes: A Construct Validation and Prediction of Hierarchical Advancement and Non-Hierarchical Rewards.
Commun. Res.
46 (4) (2019)
Qin Zhang
John G. Oetzel
Stella Ting-Toomey
Jibiao Zhang
Making Up or Getting Even? The Effects of Face Concerns, Self-Construal, and Apology on Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Revenge in the United States and China.
Commun. Res.
46 (4) (2019)
Steven R. Wilson
Elizabeth Dorrance Hall
Patricia E. Gettings
Rebekah G. Pastor
A Multiple Goals Analysis of Families Attempting to Encourage U.S. Service Members to Seek Behavioral Health Care: Linking the GPA Model and Confirmation Theory.
Commun. Res.
46 (4) (2019)
Meina Liu
Lin Zhu
Ioana A. Cionea
What Makes Some Intercultural Negotiations More Difficult Than Others? Power Distance and Culture-Role Combinations.
Commun. Res.
46 (4) (2019)
volume 46, number 5, 2019
Jiyeon So
Kai Kuang
Hyunyi Cho
Information Seeking Upon Exposure to Risk Messages: Predictors, Outcomes, and Mediating Roles of Health Information Seeking.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Nathan Walter
Sheila T. Murphy
Lauren B. Frank
Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach
The Power of Brokerage: Case Study of Normative Behavior, Latinas and Cervical Cancer.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Erika Johnson
María Len-Ríos
Heather Shoenberger
Kyung Jung Han
A Fatal Attraction: The Effect of TV Viewing on Smoking Initiation Among Young Women.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Yotam Ophir
Emily Brennan
Erin Maloney
Joseph N. Cappella
The Effects of Graphic Warning Labels' Vividness on Message Engagement and Intentions to Quit Smoking.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Jessica Castonguay
Sugar and Sports: Age Differences in Children's Responses to a High Sugar Cereal Advertisement Portraying Physical Activities.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Sarah Geber
Eva Baumann
Christoph Klimmt
Where Do Norms Come From? Peer Communication as a Factor in Normative Social Influences on Risk Behavior.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
Jiyoung Chae
Chul-joo Lee
The Psychological Mechanism Underlying Communication Effects on Behavioral Intention: Focusing on Affect and Cognition in the Cancer Context.
Commun. Res.
46 (5) (2019)
volume 46, number 6, 2019
Erina L. MacGeorge
Lisa M. Guntzviller
Sara Branch
Liliya Yakova
Advice in Interaction: Quantity and Placement of Problem-Solving Behaviors.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
Tamara D. Afifi
Anne Merrill
Sharde Davis
Amanda Denes
Samantha Coveleski
The Impact of a Need for Closure and Support Quality on Verbal and Cognitive Brooding.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
Susanne M. Jones
Graham D. Bodie
Sam D. Hughes
The Impact of Mindfulness on Empathy, Active Listening, and Perceived Provisions of Emotional Support.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
Rachel M. McLaren
Andrew C. High
The Effect of Under- and Over-Benefited Support Gaps on Hurt Feelings, Esteem, and Relationships.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
Stephen A. Rains
Eric Tsetsi
Chelsie Akers
Corey A. Pavlich
Michael Appelbaum
Factors Influencing the Quality of Social Support Messages Produced Online: The Role of Responsibility for Distress and Others' Support Attempts.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
Nicholas A. Palomares
Danielle Derman
Topic Avoidance, Goal Understanding, and Relational Perceptions: Experimental Evidence.
Commun. Res.
46 (6) (2019)
volume 46, number 7, 2019
Emma Rodero
The Spark Orientation Effect for Improving Attention and Recall.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Aurélie De Waele
An-Sofie Claeys
Veroline Cauberghe
The Organizational Voice: The Importance of Voice Pitch and Speech Rate in Organizational Crisis Communication.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Paul Hendriks Vettehen
Mariska Kleemans
How Camera Changes and Information Introduced Affect the Recognition of Public Service Announcements: A Test Outside the Lab.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Sungwon Chung
Sun Young Lee
Visual CSR Messages and the Effects of Emotional Valence and Arousal on Perceived CSR Motives, Attitude, and Behavioral Intentions.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
George V. Kachkovski
Daniil Vasilyev
Michael Kuk
Alan Kingstone
Chris N. H. Street
Exploring the Effects of Violating the 180-Degree Rule on Film Viewing Preferences.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Robert F. Potter
Edgar J. Jamison-Koenig
Teresa Lynch
Joshua D. Sites
Effect of Vocal-Pitch Difference on Automatic Attention to Voice Changes in Audio Messages.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Jinguang Zhang
Scott A. Reid
Jessica Gasiorek
Nicholas A. Palomares
Voice Pitch Variation and Status Differentiation in Mixed-Sex Dyads: A Test of Expectation States Theory, Role Congruity Theory, and the Biosocial Model.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Kiwon Seo
James Price Dillard
The Persuasive Effects of Two Stylistic Elements: Framing and Imagery.
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
Commun. Res.
46 (7) (2019)
volume 46, number 8, 2019
Judith Möller
Claes H. de Vreese
Spiral of Political Learning: The Reciprocal Relationship of News Media Use and Political Knowledge Among Adolescents.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Ningxin Wang
David J. Roaché
Kimberly B. Pusateri
Associations Between Parents' and Young Adults' Face-to-Face and Technologically Mediated Communication Competence: The Role of Family Communication Patterns.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Piet de Pauw
Veroline Cauberghe
Liselot Hudders
Taking Children's Advertising Literacy to a Higher Level: A Multilevel Analysis Exploring the Influence of Parents, Peers, and Teachers.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Sebastián Valenzuela
Ingrid Bachmann
Marcela Aguilar
Socialized for News Media Use: How Family Communication, Information-Processing Needs, and Gratifications Determine Adolescents' Exposure to News.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Hillbun Ho
Wonsun Shin
May O. Lwin
Social Networking Site Use and Materialistic Values Among Youth: The Safeguarding Role of the Parent-Child Relationship and Self-Regulation.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Sara Nelissen
Leon Kuczynski
Lennert Coenen
Jan Van den Bulck
Bidirectional Socialization: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model of Internet Self-Efficacy and digital Media Influence Between Parents and Children.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)
Adam Shehata
Erik Amnå
The Development of Political Interest Among Adolescents: A Communication Mediation Approach Using Five Waves of Panel Data.
Commun. Res.
46 (8) (2019)