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KES (Selected Papers)
volume 7828, 2013
Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice Computing with Applications - 16th International Conference, KES 2012, San Sebastian, Spain, September 10-12, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
KES (Selected Papers)
7828 (2013)
Pavel Krbálek
Milos Vacek
Association between Teleology and Knowledge Mapping.
KES (Selected Papers)
Tadeusz Pankowski
Semantics Preservation in Schema Mappings within Data Exchange Systems.
KES (Selected Papers)
Magdalena Kacprzak
Katarzyna Budzynska
Reasoning about Dialogical Strategies.
KES (Selected Papers)
Wojciech Koziol
Hubert Wojtowicz
Kazimierz Sikora
Wieslaw Wajs
Analysis and Synthesis of the System for Processing of Sign Language Gestures and Translatation of Mimic Subcode in Communication with Deaf People.
KES (Selected Papers)
Bernardo Pereira Nunes
Alexander Arturo Mera Caraballo
Marco A. Casanova
Ricardo Kawase
Boosting Retrieval of Digital Spoken Content.
KES (Selected Papers)
Andrzej Szwabe
Pawel Misiorek
Przemyslaw Walkowiak
Multi-Relational Learning for Recommendation of Matches between Semantic Structures.
KES (Selected Papers)
Karol Odachowski
Jacek Grekow
Using Bookmaker Odds to Predict the Final Result of Football Matches.
KES (Selected Papers)
Talha Amin
Igor Chikalov
Mikhail Moshkov
Beata Zielosko
Optimization of Approximate Decision Rules Relative to Number of Misclassifications: Comparison of Greedy and Dynamic Programming Approaches.
KES (Selected Papers)
Jacek Rudzinski
Marcin Luckner
Low-Cost Computer Vision Based Automatic Scoring of Shooting Targets.
KES (Selected Papers)
Tatyana G. Penkova
Anna V. Korobko
Constructing the Integral OLAP-Model for Scientific Activities Based on FCA.
KES (Selected Papers)
Germán Bravo
Structured Construction of Knowledge Repositories with MetaConcept.
KES (Selected Papers)
Tadeusz Lasota
Zbigniew Telec
Bogdan Trawinski
Grzegorz Trawinski
Investigation of Random Subspace and Random Forest Regression Models Using Data with Injected Noise.
KES (Selected Papers)
Hércules Antônio do Prado
Fábio Bianchi Campos
Edilson Ferneda
Nildo Nunes Cornelio
Aluízio Haendchen Filho
Prediction of Software Quality Based on Variables from the Development Process.
KES (Selected Papers)
Joanna Karbowska-Chilinska
Pawel Zabielski
A Genetic Algorithm vs. Local Search Methods for Solving the Orienteering Problem in Large Networks.
KES (Selected Papers)
Pawel Biernacki
Dynamic Structure of Volterra-Wiener Filter for Reference Signal Cancellation in Passive Radar.
KES (Selected Papers)
Tomasz Rybicki
Ontology Recomposition.
KES (Selected Papers)
Ivan Stankov
Diman Todorov
Rossitza Setchi
Semantically Enhanced Text Stemmer (SETS) for Cross-Domain Document Clustering.
KES (Selected Papers)
Nikola Stankovic
Sorin Olaru
Silviu-Iulian Niculescu
Set-Based Detection and Isolation of Intersampled Delays and Pocket Dropouts in Networked Control.
KES (Selected Papers)
Edilson Ferneda
Hércules Antônio do Prado
Alexandre G. Cancian Sobrinho
Remis Balaniuk
Mining High Performance Managers Based on the Results of Psychological Tests.
KES (Selected Papers)
Pablo E. Román
Juan D. Velásquez
A Web Browsing Cognitive Model.
KES (Selected Papers)