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CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
volume 189, 2013
International Joint Conference CISIS'12-ICEUTE'12-SOCO'12 Special Sessions, Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 5th-7th, 2012
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
189 (2013)
Abdallah Ghourabi
Tarek Abbes
Adel Bouhoula
Automatic Analysis of Web Service Honeypot Data Using Machine Learning Techniques.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavol Fedor
Daniela Perdukova
Energy Optimization of a Dynamic System Controller.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Jana Nowaková
Miroslav Pokorný
Martin Pies
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model in Task of Controllers Design.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Raúl Sánchez
Álvaro Herrero
Emilio Corchado
Clustering for Intrusion Detection: Network Scans as a Case of Study.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Maciej Piec
Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka
Mariusz Koziol
Analysis of Selected Aspects of "IBM I" Security.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Camelia-Mihaela Pintea
Petrica C. Pop
Sensor Networks Security Based on Sensitive Robots Agents: A Conceptual Model.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavel Brandstetter
Pavel Bilek
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Control of DC Drive.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Paulo Mourão
José Pedro Cabral
How Political Illusions Harm National Stability: Fiscal Illusion as a Source of Taxation.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Tomás Barton
Pavel Kordík
Encoding Time Series Data for Better Clustering Results.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pedro Antonio Gutiérrez
Javier Sánchez-Monedero
César Hervás-Martínez
Manuel Cruz-Ramírez
Juan Carlos Fernández
Francisco Fernández-Navarro
Approaching System Administration as a Group Project in Computer Engineering Higher Education.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Vilém Novák
Hashim Habiballa
Recognition of Damaged Letters Based on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic Analysis.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Radim Hercík
Roman Slabý
Zdenek Machacek
Jirí Koziorek
Correlation Methods of OCR Algorithm for Traffic Sign Detection Implementable in Microcontrollers.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavel Vlasánek
Irina Perfilieva
Image Reconstruction with Usage of the F-Transform.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Igor Santos
Jaime Devesa
Felix Brezo
Javier Nieves
Pablo García Bringas
OPEM: A Static-Dynamic Approach for Machine-Learning-Based Malware Detection.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Miroslaw Klinkowski
A Genetic Algorithm for Solving RSA Problem in Elastic Optical Networks with Dedicated Path Protection.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Angel Jesus Varela-Vaca
Robert Warschofsky
Rafael M. Gasca
Sergio Pozo
Christoph Meinel
A Security Pattern-Driven Approach toward the Automation of Risk Treatment in Business Processes.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Karol Wrótniak
Michal Wozniak
Combined Bayesian Classifiers Applied to Spam Filtering Problem.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavel Brandstetter
Marek Dobrovsky
Speed Control of A.C. Drive with Induction Motor Using Genetic Algorithm.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Stephane Kouamo
Claude Tangha
Image Compression with Artificial Neural Networks.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Iva Tomanova
Jiri Kupka
Implementation of Background Knowledge and Properties Induced by Fuzzy Confirmation Measures in Apriori Algorithm.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Felix Brezo
José Gaviria de la Puerta
Igor Santos
David Barroso
Pablo García Bringas
C&C Techniques in Botnet Development.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Jakub Talla
Zdenek Peroutka
Seppo J. Ovaska
Josef Stehlik
Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization of MGP-FIR Current Reference Generator for Active Power Filters.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavel Skalny
Bohumil Krajc
Discrete-Time Markov Chains in Reliability Analysis-Case Study.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Fanbao Liu
Changxiang Shen
Tao Xie
Equivalent Inner Key Recovery Attack to NMAC.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Igor Santos
Patxi Galán-García
Aitor Santamaría-Ibirika
Borja Alonso-Isla
Iker Alabau-Sarasola
Pablo García Bringas
Adult Content Filtering through Compression-Based Text Classification.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Krzysztof Walkowiak
Wojciech Charewicz
Maciej Donajski
Jacek Rak
A Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimization of Survivable Overlay Computing Systems.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Eugene Semenkin
Maria Semenkina
Ilia Panfilov
Neural Network Ensembles Design with Self-Configuring Genetic Programming Algorithm for Solving Computer Security Problems.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Sara Colantonio
Ovidio Salvetti
Temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data for the Assessment of COPD Patients' Health Status.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Carlos Laorden
Patxi Galán-García
Igor Santos
Borja Sanz
José María Gómez Hidalgo
Pablo García Bringas
Negobot: A Conversational Agent Based on Game Theory for the Detection of Paedophile Behaviour.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Michal Choras
Rafal Kozik
Damian Puchalski
Witold Holubowicz
Correlation Approach for SQL Injection Attacks Detection.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Ivan Zelinka
Filip Merhaut
Lenka Skanderová
Investigation on Operating Systems Identification by Means of Fractal Geometry and OS Pseudorandom Number Generators.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Wojciech Kmiecik
Krzysztof Walkowiak
Metaheuristic Approach for Survivable P2P Multicasting Flow Assignment in Dual Homing Networks.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavol Fedor
Daniela Perdukova
Zelmira Ferkova
Optimal Input Vector Based Fuzzy Controller Rules Design.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
José Antonio Álvarez-Bermejo
Juan Antonio López Ramos
Tracking Traitors in Web Services via Blind Signatures.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Michal Choras
Rafal Kozik
Rafal Renk
Witold Holubowicz
Information Exchange Mechanism between Federated Domains: P2P Approach.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Wojciech Indyk
Tomasz Kajdanowicz
Przemyslaw Kazienko
Slawomir Plamowski
Web Spam Detection Using MapReduce Approach to Collective Classification.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Oscar Delgado-Mohatar
Amparo Fúster-Sabater
Software Implementation of Linear Feedback Shift Registers over Extended Fields.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Petr Palacky
Petr Hudecek
Ales Havel
Real-Time Estimation of Induction Motor Parameters Based on the Genetic Algorithm.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Eliska Ochodkova
Jiri Dvorský
Pavel Krömer
Pavel Tucek
On Fitness Function Based upon Quasigroups Power Sequences.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
José Antonio Álvarez-Bermejo
J. Escoriza
Juan Antonio López Ramos
J. Peralta
An Interactive Mathematica Book.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Pavel Dohnálek
Petr Gajdos
Tomas Peterek
Marek Penhaker
Pattern Recognition in EEG Cognitive Signals Accelerated by GPU.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Tomasz Andrysiak
Lukasz Saganowski
Michal Choras
Greedy Algorithms for Network Anomaly Detection.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Jahangir Khan
Zoran S. Bojkovic
Syed Irfan Hayder
Gulam Ali Mallah
Abdul Haseeb
Fariha Atta
Simulation Analysis of Static and Dynamic Intermediate Nodes and Performance Comparison of MANETS Routing Protocols.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Jakub Jirka
Michal Prauzek
Built-in Smartphone Accelerometer Motion Pattern Recognition Using Wavelet Transform.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
M. Dolores Redel-Macías
Sara Pinzi
Antonio J. Cubero-Atienza
M. P. Dorado
Maria del Pilar Martínez-Jiménez
Biorefinery Virtual Lab-Integrating E-learning Techniques and Theoretical Learning.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Karla Stépánová
Martin Macas
Lenka Lhotská
Correlation-Based Neural Gas for Visualizing Correlations between EEG Features.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Jan Bauer
Stanislav Fligl
Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Based and Sliding Mode Based Controller for IM Drive Fed by Matrix Converter.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
Raúl Durán Díaz
Luis Hernández Encinas
Jaime Muñoz Masqué
Comments on a Cryptosystem Proposed by Wang and Hu.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions
David Sikora
Martin Stepnicka
Lenka Vavrickova
On the Potential of Fuzzy Rule-Based Ensemble Forecasting.
CISIS/ICEUTE/SOCO Special Sessions