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Taehwan Roh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Monitoring System
Health Monitoring
Artifact Reduction
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
Unsoo Ha
Jaehyuk Lee
Minseo Kim
Taehwan Roh
Sangsik Choi
Hoi-Jun Yoo
An EEG-NIRS Multimodal SoC for Accurate Anesthesia Depth Monitoring.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
53 (6) (2018)
Unsoo Ha
Jaehyuk Lee
Jihee Lee
Kwantae Kim
Minseo Kim
Taehwan Roh
Sangsik Choi
Hoi-Jun Yoo
27.2 A 25.2mW EEG-NIRS multimodal SoC for accurate anesthesia depth monitoring.
Kwonjoon Lee
Kiseok Song
Taehwan Roh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A fabric wrist patch sensor for continuous and comprehensive monitoring of the cardiovascular system.
Hyunki Kim
Kiseok Song
Taehwan Roh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 95% accurate EEG-connectome processor for a mental health monitoring system.
Unsoo Ha
Yongsu Lee
Hyunki Kim
Taehwan Roh
Joonsung Bae
Changhyeon Kim
Hoi-Jun Yoo
21.9 A wearable EEG-HEG-HRV multimodal system with real-time tES monitoring for mental health management.
Unsoo Ha
Changhyeon Kim
Yongsu Lee
Hyunki Kim
Taehwan Roh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A multimodal stress monitoring system with canonical correlation analysis.
Unsoo Ha
Yongsu Lee
Hyunki Kim
Taehwan Roh
Joonsung Bae
Changhyeon Kim
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A Wearable EEG-HEG-HRV Multimodal System With Simultaneous Monitoring of tES for Mental Health Management.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst.
9 (6) (2015)
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
Wearable depression monitoring system with heart-rate variability.
Taehwan Roh
Kiseok Song
Hyunwoo Cho
Dongjoo Shin
Unsoo Ha
Kwonjoon Lee
Hoi-Jun Yoo
18.5 A 2.14mW EEG neuro-feedback processor with transcranial electrical stimulation for mental-health management.
Taehwan Roh
Kiseok Song
Hyunwoo Cho
Dongjoo Shin
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A Wearable Neuro-Feedback System With EEG-Based Mental Status Monitoring and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst.
8 (6) (2014)
Hyungwoo Lee
Kwonjoon Lee
Sunjoo Hong
Kiseok Song
Taehwan Roh
Joonsung Bae
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 5.5mW IEEE-802.15.6 wireless body-area-network standard transceiver for multichannel electro-acupuncture application.
Hyunwoo Cho
Unsoo Ha
Taehwan Roh
Dongchurl Kim
Jeahyuck Lee
Yunje Oh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
1.2Gb/s 3.9pJ/b mono-phase pulse-modulation inductive-coupling transceiver for mm-range board-to-board communication.
Taehwan Roh
Kyungryul Bong
Sunjoo Hong
Hyunwoo Cho
Hoi-Jun Yoo
Live demonstration: Wearable mental health monitoring system with planar-fashonable circuit board.
Sunjoo Hong
Seulki Lee
Taehwan Roh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 46 μW motion artifact reduction bio-signal sensor with ICA based adaptive DC level control for sleep monitoring system.
Taehwan Roh
Kyeongryeol Bong
Sunjoo Hong
Hyunwoo Cho
Hoi-Jun Yoo
Wearable mental-health monitoring platform with independent component analysis and nonlinear chaotic analysis.
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hyunwoo Cho
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 259.6μW nonlinear HRV-EEG chaos processor with body channel communication interface for mental health monitoring.
Seulki Lee
Long Yan
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 75 µ W Real-Time Scalable Body Area Network Controller and a 25 µW ExG Sensor IC for Compact Sleep Monitoring Applications.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
47 (1) (2012)
Seulki Lee
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 2.1µW real-time reconfigurable wearable BAN controller with dual linked list structure.
Sunjoo Hong
Taehwan Roh
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 145µW 8×8 parallel multiplier based on optimized bypassing architecture.
Long Yan
Joonsung Bae
Seulki Lee
Taehwan Roh
Kiseok Song
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 3.9 mW 25-Electrode Reconfigured Sensor for Wearable Cardiac Monitoring System.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
46 (1) (2011)
Seulki Lee
Long Yan
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
The Smart Patches and Wearable Band (W-Band) for comfortable sleep monitoring system.
Seulki Lee
Long Yan
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 75μW real-time scalable network controller and a 25μW ExG sensor IC for compact sleep-monitoring applications.
Long Yan
Joonsung Bae
Seulki Lee
Binhee Kim
Taehwan Roh
Kiseok Song
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 3.9mW 25-electrode reconfigured thoracic impedance/ECG SoC with body-channel transponder.
Hyungwoo Lee
Taehwan Roh
Joonsung Bae
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A 60µW 10Mb/s fully digital FSK demodulator for power-jitter efficient medical BAN.
Taehwan Roh
Joonsung Bae
Hoi-Jun Yoo
A lOMb/s 4ns jitter direct conversion low Modulation Index FSK demodulator for low-energy body sensor network.
Seulki Lee
Binhee Kim
Taehwan Roh
Sunjoo Hong
Hoi-Jun Yoo
Arm-band type textile-MP3 player with multi-layer Planar Fashionable Circuit Board (P-FCB) techniques.
Moon Ki Jung
Hyundeok Cho
Taehwan Roh
Kunwoo Lee
Integrated Framework for Vehicle Interior Design Using Digital Human Model.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol.
24 (6) (2009)