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Stefan Kern
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1994-2022
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Sea Ice
Anonymous Communication
Spatial Correlation
Remote Sensing
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
AGILE Conference
Xi Zhao
Ying Chen
Stefan Kern
Meng Qu
Qing Ji
Pei Fan
Yue Liu
Sea Ice Concentration Derived From FY-3D MWRI and Its Accuracy Assessment.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
60 (2022)
Rasmus T. Tonboe
Vishnu Nandan
Marko Mäkynen
Leif Toudal Pedersen
Stefan Kern
Thomas Lavergne
Johanne Øelund
Gorm Dybkjær
Roberto Saldo
Marcus Huntemann
Simulated Geophysical Noise in Sea Ice Concentration Estimates of Open Water and Snow-Covered Sea Ice.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
15 (2022)
Stefan Kern
Spatial Correlation Length Scales of Sea-Ice Concentration Errors for High-Concentration Pack Ice.
Remote. Sens.
13 (21) (2021)
Stefan Kern
Burcu Ozsoy-Çiçek
An Attempt to Improve Snow Depth Retrieval Using Satellite Microwave Radiometry for Rough Antarctic Sea Ice.
Remote. Sens.
11 (19) (2019)
Stefan Kern
Johannes Scholz
Agent-Based Simulation for Indoor Manufacturing Environments - Evaluating the Effects of Spatialization.
AGILE Conference
Stefan Kern
Potential of runway capacity enhancements without building a new runway.
Stefan Kern
Burcu Ozsoy-Çiçek
Satellite Remote Sensing of Snow Depth on Antarctic Sea Ice: An Inter-Comparison of Two Empirical Approaches.
Remote. Sens.
8 (6) (2016)
Stefan Kern
Burcu Ozsoy-Çiçek
Anthony P. Worby
Antarctic Sea-Ice Thickness Retrieval from ICESat: Inter-Comparison of Different Approaches.
Remote. Sens.
8 (7) (2016)
Florian Burgstaller
Andreas Derler
Stefan Kern
Gabriel Schanner
Andreas Reiter
Anonymous Communication in the Browser via Onion-Routing.
Alexander Beitsch
Stefan Kern
Lars Kaleschke
Comparison of SSM/I and AMSR-E Sea Ice Concentrations With ASPeCt Ship Observations Around Antarctica.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
53 (4) (2015)
Giuseppe Aulicino
Giannetta Fusco
Stefan Kern
Giorgio Budillon
Estimation of Sea-Ice Thickness in Ross and Weddell Seas from SSM/I Brightness Temperatures.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
52 (7) (2014)
Marko Mäkynen
Stefan Kern
Anja Rösel
Leif Toudal Pedersen
On the Estimation of Melt Pond Fraction on the Arctic Sea Ice With ENVISAT WSM Images.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
52 (11) (2014)
Alexander Beitsch
Lars Kaleschke
Stefan Kern
Investigating High-Resolution AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentrations during the February 2013 Fracture Event in the Beaufort Sea.
Remote. Sens.
6 (5) (2014)
Manfred Brath
Stefan Kern
Detlef Stammer
Sea Ice Classification During Freeze-Up Conditions With Multifrequency Scatterometer Data.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
51 (6-1) (2013)
Alexander Beitsch
Stefan Kern
Lars Kaleschke
Comparison of AMSR-E sea ice concentrations with aspect ship observations around Antarctica.
Philippe Chatelain
Mattia Gazzola
Stefan Kern
Petros Koumoutsakos
Optimization of Aircraft Wake Alleviation Schemes through an Evolution Strategy.
Stefan Kern
Manfred Brath
Rene Fontes
Martin Gade
Klaus-Werner Gurgel
Lars Kaleschke
Gunnar Spreen
Steffen Schulz
Andreas Winderlich
Detlef Stammer
Scat - A Helicopter-Based Scatterometer for Snow-Cover and Sea-Ice Investigations.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
6 (4) (2009)
Stefan Kern
Polynya Area in the Kara Sea, Arctic, Obtained With Microwave Radiometry for 1979-2003.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett.
5 (2) (2008)
Stefan Kern
Nikolaus Hansen
Petros Koumoutsakos
Local Meta-models for Optimization Using Evolution Strategies.
Nikolaus Hansen
Stefan Kern
Evaluating the CMA Evolution Strategy on Multimodal Test Functions.
Stefan Kern
Sibylle D. Müller
Nikolaus Hansen
Dirk Büche
Jiri Ocenasek
Petros Koumoutsakos
Learning Probability Distributions in Continuous Evolutionary Algorithms - a Comparative Review.
Nat. Comput.
3 (3) (2004)
Stefan Kern
Sibylle D. Müller
Nikolaus Hansen
Dirk Büche
Jiri Ocenasek
Petros Koumoutsakos
Learning probability distributions in continuous evolutionary algorithms - a comparative review.
Nat. Comput.
3 (1) (2004)
Jiri Ocenasek
Stefan Kern
Nikolaus Hansen
Petros Koumoutsakos
A Mixed Bayesian Optimization Algorithm with Variance Adaptation.
Stefan Kern
Lars Kaleschke
David A. Clausi
A comparison of two 85-GHz SSM/I ice concentration algorithms with AVHRR and ERS-2 SAR imagery.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
41 (10) (2003)
Lars Kaleschke
Stefan Kern
ERS-2 SAR image analysis for sea ice classification in the marginal ice zone.
Stefan Kern
Ingo Harms
Spatial resolution improvement of sea ice maps prescribed to Regional Arctic Shelf Ocean Models by using Special Sensor Microwave/Imager 85 GHz data.
Roland Romeiser
Susanne Ufermann
Angelo Rubino
Alexei Androssov
Stefan Kern
Leonid M. Mitnik
Interpretation of convection cell signatures in radar images of the Greenland Sea.
Stefan Kern
Lars Kaleschke
Two ice concentration algorithms benefitting from 85 GHz Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data: a comparison.
Jungang Miao
Klaus-Peter Johnsen
Stefan Kern
Georg C. Heygster
Klaus Kunzi
Signature of clouds over Antarctic sea ice detected by the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
38 (5) (2000)
Reimund Wittmann
Bedrich J. Hosticka
Michael Schanz
Werner Schardein
Stefan Kern
Reinhold Vahrmann
Application-independent hierarchical synthesis methodology for analogue circuits.