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Sergio Ledesma
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2022
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Retinal Fundus Images
Transfer Learning
Neural Network
Expectation Maximization
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Expert Syst. Appl.
Digit. Signal Process.
Jose L. Contreras-Hernandez
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Sergio Ledesma
Arturo Garcia-Perez
Rogelio Castro-Sanchez
Miguel A. Gomez-Martinez
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Geometric Analysis of Signals for Inference of Multiple Faults in Induction Motors.
22 (7) (2022)
Yair A. Andrade-Ambriz
Sergio Ledesma
Juan Manuel Belman-Flores
I. Carvajal-Mariscal
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Frost thickness estimation in a domestic refrigerator using acoustic signals and artificial intelligence.
Expert Syst. Appl.
201 (2022)
Yair A. Andrade-Ambriz
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Marvella-Izamar Oros-Flores
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Human activity recognition using temporal convolutional neural network architecture.
Expert Syst. Appl.
191 (2022)
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
On removing conflicts for machine learning.
Expert Syst. Appl.
206 (2022)
Emmanuel Ovalle-Magallanes
Noé G. Aldana-Murillo
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
José Ruiz-Pinales
Jonathan Cepeda-Negrete
Sergio Ledesma
Transfer Learning for Humanoid Robot Appearance-Based Localization in a Visual Map.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Pascal Fallavollita
Jason Steffener
Artificial Intelligence to Analyze the Cortical Thickness Through Age.
Frontiers Artif. Intell.
4 (2021)
Mustafa Haiderbhai
Sergio Ledesma
Nassir Navab
Pascal Fallavollita
Generating X-ray Images from Point Clouds Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks.
Sergio Ledesma
Jose de Jesus Guerrero-Turrubiates
Sheila Esmeralda González-Reyna
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Pascal Fallavollita
Learning Conflicts for C-arm Kinematic Modeling using Artificial Intelligence.
Mustafa Haiderbhai
Sergio Ledesma
Sing Chun Lee
Matthias Seibold
Philipp Fürnstahl
Nassir Navab
Pascal Fallavollita
pix2xray: converting RGB images into X-rays using generative adversarial networks.
Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg.
15 (6) (2020)
Sergio Ledesma
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Pascal Fallavollita
Differential Neural Networks (DNN).
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Pascal Fallavollita
Artificial Intelligence to Design a Mask Insensible to the Distance From the Camera to the Scene Objects.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Sebastián Salazar-Colores
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Juan Manuel Ramos Arreguín
Guillermo Botella
Luis Manuel Ledesma-Carrillo
Sergio Ledesma
A Fast Image Dehazing Algorithm Using Morphological Reconstruction.
IEEE Trans. Image Process.
28 (5) (2019)
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Analysis of Data Sets With Learning Conflicts for Machine Learning.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Hugo Aguirre-Ramos
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Ivan Cruz-Aceves
José Ruiz-Pinales
Sergio Ledesma
Blood vessel segmentation in retinal fundus images using Gabor filters, fractional derivatives, and Expectation Maximization.
Appl. Math. Comput.
339 (2018)
Sergio Ledesma
Juan Manuel Belman-Flores
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Arturo Morales-Fuentes
Jorge Arturo Alfaro-Ayala
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Mathematical Models to Predict and Analyze the Energy Consumption of a Domestic Refrigerator for Different Position of the Shelves.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Sergio Ledesma
Mario Alberto Ibarra-Manzano
Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Cost function to analyze the passband and the stopband of Digital Biquadratic Filters.
Digit. Signal Process.
75 (2018)
Misael Lopez-Ramirez
Luis Manuel Ledesma-Carrillo
Eduardo Cabal-Yepez
Guillermo Botella Juan
Carlos Rodriguez-Donate
Sergio Ledesma
FPGA-based methodology for depth-of-field extension in a single image.
Digit. Signal Process.
70 (2017)
Jose de Jesus Guerrero-Turrubiates
Ivan Cruz-Aceves
Sergio Ledesma
Juan Manuel Sierra-Hernández
Jonás Velasco
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Maria Susana Avila Garcia
Horacio Rostro-González
Roberto Rojas-Laguna
Fast Parabola Detection Using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine
2017 (2017)
Sergio Ledesma
Juan Manuel Belman-Flores
Analysis of COP stability in a refrigeration system using artificial neural networks.
Juan Manuel Belman-Flores
Sergio Ledesma
Ma. de Guadalupe García-Hernández
José Ruiz
José L. Rodríguez-Muñoz
Analysis of a variable speed vapor compression system using artificial neural networks.
Expert Syst. Appl.
40 (11) (2013)
Sergio Ledesma
José Ruiz
Guadalupe García
Gabriel Aviña
Donato Hernández
Analysis of self-similar data by artificial neural networks.
Sergio Ledesma
Gustavo Cerda-Villafana
Gabriel Aviña
Donato Hernández
Miguel Torres
Feature Selection Using Artificial Neural Networks.
Ma. de Guadalupe García-Hernández
José Ruiz-Pinales
Alberto Reyes-Ballesteros
Eva Onaindia
Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
Sergio Ledesma
Donato Hernández
Association rule-based Markov Decision Processes.
Sergio Ledesma
Derong Liu
Donato Hernández
Two approximation methods to synthesize the power spectrum of fractional Gaussian noise.
Comput. Stat. Data Anal.
52 (2) (2007)
Sergio Ledesma
Miguel Torres
Donato Hernández
Gabriel Aviña
Guadalupe García
Temperature Cycling on Simulated Annealing for Neural Network Learning.
Sergio Ledesma
Derong Liu
Synthesis of fractional gaussian noise using linear approximation for generating self-similar network traffic.
Comput. Commun. Rev.
30 (2) (2000)