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Phuc Do
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 69
Top Topics
Similarity Search
Topic Modeling
Dependency Graph
Deep Learning
Top Venues
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
Neural Comput. Appl.
Phuc Do
Van-Thai Nguyen
Alexandre Voisin
Benoît Iung
Waldomiro Alves Ferreira Neto
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning-based maintenance optimization for multi-dependent component systems.
Expert Syst. Appl.
245 (2024)
Waldomiro Alves Ferreira Neto
Cristiano Alexandre Virgínio Cavalcante
Phuc Do
Deep reinforcement learning for maintenance optimization of a scrap-based steel production line.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
249 (2024)
Rafael G. N. Paiva
Yan R. Melo
Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante
Vinícius A. S. Tenório
Phuc Do
Developing data-driven O&M policy through sequential pattern mining: A case study.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
193 (2024)
Minh-Tuan Truong
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Alexandre Voisin
Modelling and application of joint maintenance grouping and workload smoothing for an automotive plant.
Int. J. Prod. Res.
62 (8) (2024)
Rafael G. N. Paiva
Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante
Phuc Do
Applying association rules in the maintenance and reliability of physical systems: A review.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
194 (2024)
Duc-Hanh Dinh
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Pham-The-Nhan Nguyen
Reliability modeling and opportunistic maintenance optimization for a multicomponent system with structural dependence.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
241 (2024)
Duc-Hanh Dinh
Phuc Do
Van-Thanh Hoang
Nhu-Thanh Vo
Tao Quang Bang
A predictive maintenance policy for manufacturing systems considering degradation of health monitoring device.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
248 (2024)
Duc-Hanh Dinh
Phuc Do
Tao Quang Bang
Si-Hung Nguyen-Ho
Degradation modeling and opportunistic maintenance for two-component systems with an intermittent operation component.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
185 (2023)
Huong Duong To
Van Hai Ho
Phuc Do
Fact-checking Vietnamese Information Using Knowledge Graph, Datalog, and KG-BERT.
ACM Trans. Asian Low Resour. Lang. Inf. Process.
22 (10) (2023)
Trung Phan
Phuc Do
A novel framework to enhance the performance of training distributed deep neural networks.
Intell. Data Anal.
27 (3) (2023)
Vy Duong Kim Nguyen
Phuc Do
Fake news detection using knowledge graph and graph convolutional network.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
45 (6) (2023)
Pablo Calvo-Bascones
Alexandre Voisin
Phuc Do
Miguel Angel Sanz-Bobi
A collaborative network of digital twins for anomaly detection applications of complex systems. Snitch Digital Twin concept.
Comput. Ind.
144 (2023)
Minh-Tuan Truong
Phuc Do
Laurent Mendizabal
Benoît Iung
A Bayesian-based optimization approach for accelerated degradation test plan of a LED component with self-heating impact.
Van-Thai Nguyen
Phuc Do
Alexandre Vosin
Benoît Iung
Artificial-intelligence-based maintenance decision-making and optimization for multi-state component systems.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
228 (2022)
Phuc Do
Hung Le
An B. Pham
Cuong H. Nguyen
Using BERT and Knowledge Graph for detecting triples in Vietnamese text.
Neural Comput. Appl.
34 (20) (2022)
Truong H. V. Phan
Phuc Do
BERT-TRIPLE: Using BERT for Extracting Triples from Vietnamese Sentences.
Phuc Do
Trung Phan
Hung Le
Brij B. Gupta
Building a knowledge graph by using cross-lingual transfer method and distributed MinIE algorithm on apache spark.
Neural Comput. Appl.
34 (11) (2022)
Phuc Do
Truong H. V. Phan
Developing a BERT based triple classification model using knowledge graph embedding for question answering system.
Appl. Intell.
52 (1) (2022)
Huong Duong To
Van Hai Ho
Phuc Do
Vietnamese Fact Checking based on the Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning.
Truong H. V. Phan
Phuc Do
NER2QUES: combining named entity recognition and sequence to sequence to automatically generating Vietnamese questions.
Neural Comput. Appl.
34 (2) (2022)
Duc-Hanh Dinh
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Multi-level opportunistic predictive maintenance for multi-component systems with economic dependence and assembly/disassembly impacts.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
217 (2022)
Phuc Do
Phu Pham
Heterogeneous graph convolutional network pre-training as side information for improving recommendation.
Neural Comput. Appl.
34 (18) (2022)
Bin Liu
Xiujie Zhao
Yiqi Liu
Phuc Do
Maintenance optimisation for systems with multi-dimensional degradation and imperfect inspections.
Int. J. Prod. Res.
59 (24) (2021)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
Chien D. C. Ta
Automatic topic labelling for text document using ontology of graph-based concepts and dependency graph.
Int. J. Bus. Inf. Syst.
36 (2) (2021)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
W-MMP2Vec: Topic-driven network embedding model for link prediction in content-based heterogeneous information network.
Intell. Data Anal.
25 (3) (2021)
Trung Phan
Phuc Do
Building a Vietnamese question answering system based on knowledge graph and distributed CNN.
Neural Comput. Appl.
33 (21) (2021)
Antonin Gay
Benoît Iung
Alexandre Voisin
Phuc Do
Rémi Bonidal
Ahmed Khelassi
A Short Review on the Integration of Expert Knowledge in Prognostics for PHM in Industrial Applications.
Phuc Do
Phu Pham
W-KG2Vec: a weighted text-enhanced meta-path-based knowledge graph embedding for similarity search.
Neural Comput. Appl.
33 (23) (2021)
Phuc Do
Truong H. V. Phan
Brij B. Gupta
Developing a Vietnamese Tourism Question Answering System Using Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning.
ACM Trans. Asian Low Resour. Lang. Inf. Process.
20 (5) (2021)
Kangzhe He
Bin Liu
Min Xie
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Way Kuo
Reliability analysis of systems with discrete event data using association rules.
Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int.
37 (8) (2021)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
The approach of using ontology as a pre-knowledge source for semi-supervised labelled topic model by applying text dependency graph.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min.
18 (4) (2021)
Tham Vo
Phuc Do
GOW-Stream: A novel approach of graph-of-words based mixture model for semantic-enhanced text stream clustering.
Intell. Data Anal.
25 (5) (2021)
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Mitra Fouladirad
Antoine Grall
Dynamic opportunistic maintenance planning for multi-component redundant systems with various types of opportunities.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
198 (2020)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
Topic-driven top-k similarity search by applying constrained meta-path based in content-based schema-enriched heterogeneous information network.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min.
17 (3) (2020)
Duc-Hanh Dinh
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Degradation modeling and reliability assessment for a multi-component system with structural dependence.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
144 (2020)
Phuc Do
Christophe Bérenguer
Conditional reliability-based importance measures.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
193 (2020)
Bin Liu
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Min Xie
Stochastic Filtering Approach for Condition-Based Maintenance Considering Sensor Degradation.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng.
17 (1) (2020)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
W-Metagraph2Vec: a novel approval of enriched schematic topic-driven heterogeneous information network embedding.
Int. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern.
11 (8) (2020)
Huong Duong To
Phuc Do
Extracting triples from Vietnamese text to create knowledge graph.
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
ComRank: community-based ranking approach for heterogeneous information network analysis and mining.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min.
17 (4) (2020)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
W-Com2Vec: A topic-driven meta-path- based intra-community embedding for content-based heterogeneous information network.
Intell. Data Anal.
24 (5) (2020)
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
W-MetaPath2Vec: The topic-driven meta-path-based model for large-scaled content-based heterogeneous information network representation learning.
Expert Syst. Appl.
123 (2019)
Phuc Do
Phu Pham
DW-PathSim: a distributed computing model for topic-driven weighted meta-path-based similarity measure in a large-scale content-based heterogeneous information network.
J. Inf. Telecommun.
3 (1) (2019)
Duy Nguyen Ngoc
Tuoi Phan Thi
Phuc Do
A Data Preprocessing Method to Classify and Summarize Aspect-Based Opinions Using Deep Learning.
Khanh T. P. Nguyen
Phuc Do
Khac Tuan Huynh
Christophe Bérenguer
Antoine Grall
Joint optimization of monitoring quality and replacement decisions in condition-based maintenance.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
189 (2019)
Tham Vo Thi Hong
Phuc Do
A Novel System for Related Keyword Extraction over a Text Stream of Articles.
Minh-Tuan Truong
Phuc Do
Laurent Mendizabal
Benoit Iung
Reliability Assessment of Optoelectronic Systems with Stochastic Interactions under Accelerated Degradation Testing.
Ho Si Hung Nguyen
Phuc Do
Hai Canh Vu
Benoît Iung
Dynamic maintenance grouping and routing for geographically dispersed production systems.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
185 (2019)
Tham Vo Thi Hong
Phuc Do
Comparing Two Models of Document Similarity Search over a Text Stream of Articles from Online News Sites.
Phuc Do
Benoît Iung
Cristiano Cavalcante
Reliability and Maintenance Cost Forecasting for Systems with Multistate Components Using Artificial Neural Networks.
Phuc Do
Roy Assaf
Philip A. Scarf
Benoît Iung
Modelling and application of condition-based maintenance for a two-component system with stochastic and economic dependencies.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
182 (2019)
Thanh Ho
Phuc Do
Social Network Analysis Based on Topic Model with Temporal Factor.
Int. J. Knowl. Syst. Sci.
9 (1) (2018)
Phuc Do
Phu Pham
W-PathSim++: the novel approach of topic-driven similarity search in large-scaled heterogeneous network with the support of Spark-based DataLog.
Thuc Nguyen
Phuc Do
Discovering Topic Evolution in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Network.
Tham Vo Thi Hong
Phuc Do
SAR: A Graph-Based System with Text Stream Burst Detection and Visualization.
Phuc Do
Phu Pham
Trung Phan
Thuc Nguyen
T-MPP: A Novel Topic-Driven Meta-path-Based Approach for Co-authorship Prediction in Large-Scale Content-Based Heterogeneous Bibliographic Network in Distributed Computing Framework by Spark.
Thuc Nguyen
Phuc Do
CitationLDA++: an Extension of LDA for Discovering Topics in Document Network.
Phu Pham
Phuc Do
Chien D. C. Ta
W-PathSim: Novel Approach of Weighted Similarity Measure in Content-Based Heterogeneous Information Networks by Applying LDA Topic Modeling.
Trung Phan Hong
Phuc Do
Combining Apache Spark & OrientDb to Find the Influence of a Scientific Paper in a Citation Network.
Tham Vo Thi Hong
Phuc Do
Developing a graph-based system for storing, exploiting and visualizing text stream.
Trung Phan
Phuc Do
Improving the shortest path finding algorithm in apache spark graphX.
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Anne Barros
A Study on the Impacts of Maintenance Duration on Dynamic Grouping Modeling and Optimization of Multicomponent Systems.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
67 (3) (2018)
Thuc Nguyen
Phuc Do
Managing and Visualizing Citation Network Using Graph Database and LDA Model.
Shaomin Wu
Phuc Do
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
168 (2017)
Walid Mechri
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Timothee Klingelschmidt
Flavien Peysson
Didier Theilliol
A Study on Health Diagnosis and Prognosis of an Industrial Diesel Motor: Hidden Markov Models and Particle Filter Approach.
Kim-Anh Nguyen
Phuc Do
Antoine Grall
Joint predictive maintenance and inventory strategy for multi-component systems using Birnbaum's structural importance.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
168 (2017)
Roy Assaf
Phuc Do
Philip Scarf
Samia Nefti-Meziani
Diagnosis for systems with multi-component wear interactions.
Grâce Boyer
Nicolae Brinzei
Phuc Do
Jean-François Petin
Reliability modelling and assessment by joint consideration of Petri nets and gamma deterioration processes.
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Anne Barros
A Stationary Grouping Maintenance Strategy Using Mean Residual Life and the Birnbaum Importance Measure for Complex Structures.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
65 (1) (2016)
Phuc Do
Alexandre Voisin
Eric Levrat
Benoît Iung
A proactive condition-based maintenance strategy with both perfect and imperfect maintenance actions.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
133 (2015)
Phuc Do
Hai Canh Vu
Anne Barros
Christophe Bérenguer
Maintenance grouping for multi-component systems with availability constraints and limited maintenance teams.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
142 (2015)
Kim-Anh Nguyen
Phuc Do
Antoine Grall
Multi-level predictive maintenance for multi-component systems.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
144 (2015)
Thanh Ho
Phuc Do
Analyzing Users' Interests with the Temporal Factor Based on Topic Modeling.
Thanh Ho
Phuc Do
Discovering Communities of Users on Social Networks Based on Topic Model Combined with Kohonen Network.
Hoa Tran Quang
Hung Vo Ho Tien
Hoang Nguyen Le
Thanh Ho Trung
Phuc Do
Finding the Cluster of Actors in Social Network Based on the Topic of Messages.
Hai Canh Vu
Phuc Do
Anne Barros
Christophe Bérenguer
Maintenance grouping strategy for multi-component systems with dynamic contexts.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf.
132 (2014)
Muon Nguyen
Thanh Ho
Phuc Do
Social networks analysis based on topic modeling.
Hoang Nguyen Le
Pham Vu Dang Khoa
Phuc Do
Predicting preferred topics of authors based on co-authorship network.
Dang Khoa Cao
Phuc Do
Applying Data Mining in Money Laundering Detection for the Vietnamese Banking Industry.