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Peter Sergeant
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2024
Publications (10 Years): 38
Top Topics
Permanent Magnet
Dynamic Model
Parameter Identification
Energy Management
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
IEEE Access
Ayoub Aroua
Luis Ramirez
Walter Lhomme
Florian Verbelen
Philippe Delarue
Alain Bouscayrol
Peter Sergeant
Kurt Stockman
Reliability of Linear Losses-to-Power Scaling Method of Electric Drive Systems.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
73 (4) (2024)
Shruti Singh
Ilya Petrov
Peter Sergeant
Juha Pyrhönen
Optimisation of Slot Wedges for 27 kW 100 krpm Axially Laminated Synchronous Reluctance Machine.
David van Os
Théo Tuerlinckx
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Koen Laurijssen
Kurt Stockman
Sensitivity Analysis Framework for the Evaluation of Modular Drivetrain Architectures.
Lynn Verkroost
Frederik De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Hendrik Vansompel
Multiagent Control in Modular Motor Drives by Means of Deterministic Consensus.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
70 (2) (2023)
Shruti Singh
Ilya Petrov
Peter Sergeant
Juha Pyrhönen
Rotor Layer Thickness and Arrangement for a 27 kW 100 krpm Axially Laminated Synchronous Reluctance Machine.
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Peter Sergeant
Design and Analysis of Electric Motor With Integrated Magnetic Spring for Cyclic Loads.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
70 (9) (2023)
David van Os
Koen Laurijssen
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Niels Divens
Kurt Stockman
Evaluation Framework for the Comparison of Modular Drivetrain Architectures.
Homayoun Soltani Gohari
Hadi Tarzamni
Peter Sergeant
Hendrik Vansompel
PV-Grid Integrated Multifunctional Buck-boost On-board EV Charger with CCM-DCM Operation.
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Peter Sergeant
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Electric Motor With Integrated Magnetic Spring Driving Weaving Loom Application.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
70 (3) (2023)
Abdalla Hussein Mohamed
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Design of an Integrated DC-Link Structure for Reconfigurable Integrated Modular Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (3) (2022)
Abdalla Hussein Mohamed
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Polygon-Retrofitted Integrated Modular Motor Drive for Switched Reluctance Machines.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (12) (2022)
Dmitry Egorov
Ilya Petrov
Juha J. Pyrhönen
Joosep Link
Raivo Stern
Peter Sergeant
Bulent Sarlioglu
Hysteresis Loss in NdFeB Permanent Magnets in a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (1) (2022)
Kotb B. Tawfiq
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
E. E. El-Kholy
Peter Sergeant
Construction of Synchronous Reluctance Machines With Combined Star-Pentagon Configuration Using Standard Three-Phase Stator Frames.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (8) (2022)
David van Os
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Koen Laurijssen
Niels Divens
Kurt Stockman
Identification of Dynamic Behaviour in a Modular Drivetrain.
Linnan Sun
Hendrik Vansompel
Zhuoran Zhang
Alex Van den Bossche
Peter Sergeant
Circulating-Current-Excited Switched Reluctance Generator System With Diode Rectifier.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (8) (2022)
Ahmed Selema
Mehmet Gulec
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Ruud Sprangers
Peter Sergeant
Selection of Magnet Wire Topologies With Reduced AC Losses for the Windings of Electric Drivetrains.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Lynn Verkroost
Jordi Van Damme
Dimitar V. Bozalakov
Frederik De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Hendrik Vansompel
Simultaneous DC-Link and Stator Current Ripple Reduction With Interleaved Carriers in Multiphase Controlled Integrated Modular Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (7) (2021)
Abdalla Hussein Mohamed
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
An Integrated Modular Motor Drive With Shared Cooling for Axial Flux Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (11) (2021)
David van Os
Hendrik Vansompel
Jelle De Decker
Peter Sergeant
Thomas Vandenhove
Stephan Schlimpert
Kurt Stockman
Drivetrain Torque Ripple Reduction With a Modular Motor Architecture.
Kotb B. Tawfiq
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
E. E. El-Kholy
Peter Sergeant
Performance Improvement of Existing Three Phase Synchronous Reluctance Machine: Stator Upgrading to 5-Phase With Combined Star-Pentagon Winding.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Abdalla Hussein Mohamed
Hendrik Vansompel
Ahmed Hemeida
Peter Sergeant
Wide Bandgap Based Modular Driving Techniques for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives.
Florian Verbelen
Ahmed Abdallh
Hendrik Vansompel
Kurt Stockman
Peter Sergeant
Sizing Methodology Based on Scaling Laws for a Permanent Magnet Electrical Variable Transmission.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
67 (3) (2020)
Lynn Verkroost
Hendrik Vansompel
Frederik De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Distributed Control Strategies for Modular Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Taking Into Account Mutual Inductances.
Majid Vafaeipour
Mohamed El Baghdadi
Dai-Duong Tran
Joeri Van Mierlo
Omar Hegazy
Florian Verbelen
Peter Sergeant
Energy Management Strategy Optimization for Application of an Electrical Variable Transmission System in a Hybrid Electric City Bus.
Mahmoud Amin
Ghada A. Abdel Aziz
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Peter Sergeant
Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Current Reconstruction Control of Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors.
Ahmed Hemeida
Antti Lehikoinen
Paavo Rasilo
Hendrik Vansompel
Anouar Belahcen
Antero Arkkio
Peter Sergeant
A Simple and Efficient Quasi-3D Magnetic Equivalent Circuit for Surface Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
66 (11) (2019)
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Hegazy Rezk
Mujahed Al Dhaifallah
Peter Sergeant
Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Generator Powered Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Pumping Applications.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Majid Vafaeipour
Mohamed El Baghdadi
Joeri Van Mierlo
Omar Hegazy
Florian Verbelen
Peter Sergeant
An ECMS-based Approach for Energy Management of a HEV Equipped with an Electrical Variable Transmission.
Mohamed N. Ibrahim
Hegazy Rezk
Mujahed Aldhaifallah
Peter Sergeant
Solar Array Fed Synchronous Reluctance Motor Driven Water Pump: An Improved Performance Under Partial Shading Conditions.
IEEE Access
7 (2019)
Hendrik Vansompel
Anna Yarantseva
Peter Sergeant
Guillaume Crevecoeur
An Inverse Thermal Modeling Approach for Thermal Parameter and Loss Identification in an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
66 (3) (2019)
Ravi Sundaria
Ahmed Hemeida
Antero Arkkio
Andries Daem
Peter Sergeant
Anouar Belahcen
Effect of Different Cutting Techniques on Magnetic Properties of Grain Oriented Steel Sheets and Axial Flux Machines.
Joachim Druant
Hendrik Vansompel
Frederik De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Efficiency of a CVT-Operated EVT Experimentally Evaluated Against Half-Toroidal and Push-Belt CVTs.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (4) (2018)
Joachim Druant
Hendrik Vansompel
Frederik M. De Belie
Jan A. Melkebeek
Peter Sergeant
Torque Analysis on a Double Rotor Electrical Variable Transmission With Hybrid Excitation.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
64 (1) (2017)
Hendrik Vansompel
Anna Yarantseva
Peter Sergeant
Guillaume Crevecoeur
Thermal parameter identification of an electrical machine using inverse modelling and non-collocated thermal sensors.
Joachim Druant
Hendrik Vansompel
Frederik De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Loss Identification in a Double Rotor Electrical Variable Transmission.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
64 (10) (2017)
Joachim Druant
Frederik M. De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Jan A. Melkebeek
Field-Oriented Control for an Induction-Machine-Based Electrical Variable Transmission.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
65 (6) (2016)
Peter Sergeant
Hendrik Vansompel
Luc Dupré
Influence of stator slot openings on losses and torque in axial flux permanent magnet machines.
Math. Comput. Simul.
130 (2016)
Bert Hannon
Peter Sergeant
Luc Dupré
Torque and torque components in high-speed permanent-magnet synchronous machines with a shielding cylinder.
Math. Comput. Simul.
130 (2016)
Joachim Druant
Thomas J. Vyncke
Frederik M. De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Jan A. Melkebeek
Adding Inverter Fault Detection to Model-Based Predictive Control for Flying-Capacitor Inverters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
62 (4) (2015)
Hendrik Vansompel
Peter Sergeant
Luc Dupré
Alex P. M. Van den Bossche
Axial-Flux PM Machines With Variable Air Gap.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
61 (2) (2014)
Peter Sergeant
Alex P. M. Van den Bossche
Influence of the Amount of Permanent-Magnet Material in Fractional-Slot Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
61 (9) (2014)
Peter Sergeant
Frederik M. De Belie
Jan A. Melkebeek
Rotor Geometry Design of Interior PMSMs With and Without Flux Barriers for More Accurate Sensorless Control.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
59 (6) (2012)
Selim Koroglu
Peter Sergeant
Nurettin Umurkan
Comparison of analytical, finite element and neural network methods to study magnetic shielding.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory
18 (2) (2010)
Frederik M. De Belie
Peter Sergeant
Jan A. Melkebeek
A sensorless PMSM drive using modified high-frequency test pulse sequences for the purpose of a discrete-time current controller with fixed sampling frequency.
Math. Comput. Simul.
81 (2) (2010)