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Noa Segall
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2020
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Classification Trees
Systematic Review
Critical Care
Cognitive Model
Top Venues
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
Melanie C. Wright
Sydney Radcliffe
Suzanne Janzen
Judy Reed Edworthy
Thomas J. Reese
Noa Segall
Organizing Audible Alarm Sounds in the Hospital: A Card-Sorting Study.
IEEE Trans. Hum. Mach. Syst.
50 (6) (2020)
Thomas J. Reese
Guilherme Del Fiol
Joseph E. Tonna
Kensaku Kawamoto
Noa Segall
Charlene R. Weir
Brekk C. Macpherson
Polina V. Kukhareva
Melanie C. Wright
Impact of integrated graphical display on expert and novice diagnostic performance in critical care.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
27 (8) (2020)
Melanie C. Wright
Damian Borbolla
Rosalie G. Waller
Guilherme Del Fiol
Thomas J. Reese
Paige Nesbitt
Noa Segall
Critical care information display approaches and design frameworks: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
J. Biomed. Informatics X
3 (2019)
Rosalie Waller
Melanie C. Wright
Noa Segall
Paige Nesbitt
Thomas J. Reese
Damian Borbolla
Guilherme Del Fiol
Novel displays of patient information in critical care settings: a systematic review.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
26 (5) (2019)
Thomas J. Reese
Noa Segall
Paige Nesbitt
Guilherme Del Fiol
Rosalie Waller
Brekk C. Macpherson
Joseph E. Tonna
Melanie C. Wright
Patient information organization in the intensive care setting: expert knowledge elicitation with card sorting methods.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
25 (8) (2018)
Bora Chang
Manoj Kanagaraj
Ben Neely
Noa Segall
Erich Huang
Triangulating Methodologies from Software, Medicine and Human Factors Industries to Measure Usability and Clinical Efficacy of Medication Data Visualization in an Electronic Health Record System.
Thomas J. Reese
Kensaku Kawamoto
Guilherme Del Fiol
Charlene R. Weir
Joseph E. Tonna
Noa Segall
Paige Nesbitt
Rosalie Waller
Damian Borbolla
Eugene Moretti
Melanie C. Wright
Approaching the Design of an Information Display to Support Critical Care.
Noa Segall
Damian Borbolla
Guilherme Del Fiol
Rosalie Waller
Thomas J. Reese
Paige Nesbitt
Melanie C. Wright
Trend Displays to Support Critical Care: A Systematic Review.
Sherry Dunbar
Brekk Macpherson
Eugene Moretti
Guilherme Del Fiol
Jean Bolte
Jeffrey Taekman
Noa Segall
Melanie C. Wright
Toward Designing Information Display to Support Critical Care.
Appl. Clin. Inform.
7 (04) (2016)
Noa Segall
David B. Kaber
Jeffrey M. Taekman
Melanie C. Wright
A Cognitive Modeling Approach to Decision Support Tool Design for Anesthesia Provider Crisis Management.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
29 (2) (2013)
David B. Kaber
Rebecca S. Green
Sang-Hwan Kim
Noa Segall
Assessing Usability of Human-Machine Interfaces for Life Science Automation Using Computational Cognitive Models.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact.
27 (6) (2011)
Melanie C. Wright
Noa Segall
Jonathan B. Mark
Jeffrey M. Taekman
Qualitative and Task Analytic Methods to Support Comprehensible Intelligent System Design.
Noa Segall
Melanie C. Wright
Jeffrey M. Taekman
Human patient simulation as a research tool in cognitive engineering.
David B. Kaber
Noa Segall
Rebecca S. Green
K. Entzian
S. Junginger
Using multiple cognitive task analysis methods for supervisory control interface design in high-throughput biological screening processes.
Cogn. Technol. Work.
8 (4) (2006)
David B. Kaber
Noa Segall
Rebecca S. Green
K. Entzian
S. Junginger
Using multiple cognitive task analysis methods for supervisory control interface design in high-throughput biological screening processes.
Cogn. Technol. Work.
8 (4) (2006)
Noa Segall
Rebecca S. Green
David B. Kaber
User, robot and automation evaluations in high-throughput biological screening processes.
Noa Segall
Toni L. Doolen
J. David Porter
A usability comparison of PDA-based quizzes and paper-and-pencil quizzes.
Comput. Educ.
45 (4) (2005)