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Nicholas Cole
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Conceptual Retrieval
Regression Algorithm
Historical Documents
Case Study
Top Venues
ICDM Workshops
Int. J. Digit. Libr.
Gabriel Dias Cantareira
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Visualizing and Analyzing Voting Records from Historical Documents.
Gabriel Dias Cantareira
Yiwen Xing
Nicholas Cole
Rita Borgo
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Exploring Interpersonal Relationships in Historical Voting Records.
Comput. Graph. Forum
42 (3) (2023)
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Grace Mallon
A framework for modelling and visualizing the US Constitutional Convention of 1787.
Int. J. Digit. Libr.
21 (2) (2020)
Omer Gunes
Nicholas Cole
Sebastian Bates
Jonas Tupp-Mugglestone
Ask George Washington on Negotiated Texts with Quill Q&A.
ICDM Workshops
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Rodney Smith
Carl Eric Scott
Samuel Corry
Robert Johnson
Designing a Research Platform for Engaged Learning.
Olivia Griffiths
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Modeling Complex Negotiations: The Quill Project.
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Grace Mallon
Kate Howarth
Quill: Reconstructing the Secretary's Desk for the Records of the 1787 Convention.
Norman Poh
Santosh Tirunagari
Nicholas Cole
Simon de Lusignan
Probabilistic broken-stick model: A regression algorithm for irregularly sampled data with application to eGFR.
J. Biomed. Informatics
76 (2017)
Nicholas Cole
Alfie Abdul-Rahman
Grace Mallon
Quill: A Framework for Constructing Negotiated Texts - With a Case Study on the US Constitutional Convention of 1787.
Chris Miles
Sushil J. Louis
Nicholas Cole
John R. McDonnell
Learning to play like a human: case injected genetic algorithms for strategic computer gaming.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Nicholas Cole
Sushil J. Louis
Chris Miles
Using a genetic algorithm to tune first-person shooter bots.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation