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Neeraj K. Kanhere
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2019
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Computing Infrastructure
Energy Efficiency
Fault Tolerance
High Performance Computing
Top Venues
Brandon Posey
Adam Deer
Wyatt Gorman
Vanessa July
Neeraj K. Kanhere
Dan Speck
Boyd Wilson
Amy W. Apon
On-Demand Urgent High Performance Computing Utilizing the Google Cloud Platform.
Neeraj K. Kanhere
Stanley T. Birchfield
A Taxonomy and Analysis of Camera Calibration Methods for Traffic Monitoring Applications.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
11 (2) (2010)
Neeraj K. Kanhere
Stanley T. Birchfield
Real-Time Incremental Segmentation and Tracking of Vehicles at Low Camera Angles Using Stable Features.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
9 (1) (2008)
Neeraj K. Kanhere
Shrinivas J. Pundlik
Stan Birchfield
Vehicle Segmentation and Tracking from a Low-Angle Off-Axis Camera.
CVPR (2)