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Melvin Ayala
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2012
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Epileptic Seizures
Image Features
Feature Distributions
Local Binary Pattern
Top Venues
Int. J. Neural Syst.
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Melvin Ayala
Mohammed Goryawala
Prasanna Jayakar
Malek Adjouadi
A New Parametric Feature Descriptor for the Classification of Epileptic and Control EEG Records in Pediatric Population.
Int. J. Neural Syst.
22 (2) (2012)
Melvin Ayala
Malek Adjouadi
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Armando Barreto
A Windows-based interface for teaching image processing.
Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ.
18 (2) (2010)
Melvin Ayala
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Maria Tito
Armando Barreto
Malek Adjouadi
A spreadsheet application for processing long-term EEG recordings.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
39 (9) (2009)
Maria Tito
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Melvin Ayala
Armando Barreto
Ian Miller
Prasanna Jayakar
Malek Adjouadi
Classification of electroencephalographic seizure recordings into ictal and interictal files using correlation sum.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
39 (7) (2009)
Magno R. Guillen
Malek Adjouadi
Byron Bernal
Melvin Ayala
Armando Barreto
Naphtali Rishe
Gabriel Lizárraga
Xiaozhen You
William D. Gaillard
A knowledge-based database system for visual rating of fMRI activation patterns for brain language networks.
Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference
Anaelis Sesin
Malek Adjouadi
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Melvin Ayala
Armando Barreto
An Eye Gaze Tracking System Using Customized User Profiles to Help Persons with Motor Challenges Access Computers.
Mark A. Rossman
Malek Adjouadi
Melvin Ayala
Ilker Yaylali
An interactive interface for seizure focus localization using SPECT image analysis.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
36 (1) (2006)
Andres Herrera
Malek Adjouadi
Melvin Ayala
An Integrated Design for a Myoelectrically-Based Writing Module for a Controlled Prosthesis.
Malek Adjouadi
Anaelis Sesin
Melvin Ayala
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Remote Eye Gaze Tracking System as a Computer Interface for Persons with Severe Motor Disability.
Malek Adjouadi
Danmary Sanchez
Mercedes Cabrerizo
Melvin Ayala
Prasanna Jayakar
Ilker Yaylali
Armando Barreto
Interictal spike detection using the Walsh transform.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
51 (5) (2004)
Malek Adjouadi
Dalila Landestoy
Melvin Ayala
Walter Tischer
A Real-Time Voice Controlled Human Computer Interface to Help Persons with Motor Disability.
Melvin Ayala
Malek Adjouadi
An Optimized Artificial Neural Network Approach for Epileptiform Activity Recognition.
Modelling and Simulation
Mark A. Rossman
Malek Adjouadi
Natasa Mirkovic
Melvin Ayala
Prasanna Jayakar
Ilker Yaylali
An Integrated Approach to Localize Epileptic Foci using Relative Spect Subtraction.
Modelling and Simulation