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Lior Fink
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 31
Top Topics
Empirical Validation
Web Usage Mining
Health Information
Information Exchange
Top Venues
Inf. Syst. Manag.
Inf. Manag.
Lior Fink
Leorre Newman
Uriel Haran
Let me decide: Increasing user autonomy increases recommendation acceptance.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
156 (2024)
Dor Zazon
Lior Fink
Shirley Gordon
Nir Nissim
Can NeuroIS improve executive employee recruitment? Classifying levels of executive functions using resting state EEG and data science methods.
Decis. Support Syst.
168 (2023)
Lior Fink
Naama Ilany-Tzur
Hadar Yam
Svetlana Sokhina
Do women and men click differently? Mobile devices mitigate gender differences in online dating.
Inf. Manag.
60 (2) (2023)
Sharon Rabinovitch
Ella Segev
Lior Fink
Eyes on the Prize: Increasing the Prize May Not Benefit the Contest Organizer in Multiple Online Contests.
Lior Fink
Daniele Papismedov
On the Same Page? What Users Benefit from a Desktop View on Mobile Devices.
Inf. Syst. Res.
34 (2) (2023)
Naama Ilany-Tzur
Lior Fink
How is mobile task performance different? The case of information processing without information search.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
42 (15) (2023)
Lior Fink
Why and How Online Experiments Can Benefit Information Systems Research.
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
23 (6) (2022)
Leorre Newman
Uriel Haran
Lior Fink
Let me decide: The importance of user autonomy in accepting online recommendations.
Anat Goldstein
Lior Fink
Gilad Ravid
A Cloud-Based Framework for Agricultural Data Integration: A Top-Down-Bottom-Up Approach.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
Substitution and complementarity in the use of health information exchange and electronic medical records.
Eur. J. Inf. Syst.
31 (2) (2022)
Naama Ilany-Tzur
Noa Benjo
Lihi Ohayon
Lior Fink
Device and Risk Aversion in the Context of Cyber Security Phishing Attacks.
Lior Fink
The Philosopher's Corner: The Role of Theory in Information Systems Research.
Data Base
52 (3) (2021)
Michel Benaroch
Lior Fink
No Rose without a thorn: Board IT competence and market reactions to operational IT failures.
Inf. Manag.
58 (8) (2021)
Naama Ilany-Tzur
Lior Fink
A Digital Foot-in-the-Door: Increasing Information Disclosure and Conversion.
Michal Levi-Bliech
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Implementing A Sales Support app to Complement Face-to-Face Interaction: An Empirical Investigation of Business Value.
J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer.
30 (3) (2020)
Lior Fink
Conducting Information Systems Research in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunities and Challenges.
Inf. Syst. Manag.
37 (4) (2020)
Michal Levi-Bliech
Polina Kurtser
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Mobile apps and employee behavior: An empirical investigation of the implementation of a fleet-management app.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
49 (2019)
Anat Goldstein
Lior Fink
Gilad Ravid
A Framework for Evaluating Agricultural Ontologies.
Naama Ilany Tzur
Lior Fink
Mobile State of Mind: The Effect of Cognitive Load on Mobile Users' Cognitive Performance.
Daniele Papismedov
Lior Fink
Do Consumers Make Less Accurate Decisions When They Use Mobiles?
Michal Levi-Bliech
Polina Kurtser
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
The effects of a fleet-Management App on Driver Behavior.
Lior Fink
Liron Rosenfeld
Gilad Ravid
Longer online reviews are not necessarily better.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
39 (2018)
Michal Levi-Bliech
Gali Naveh
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Mobile Technology and Business Process Performance: The Mediating Role of Collaborative Supply-Chain Capabilities.
Inf. Syst. Manag.
35 (4) (2018)
Lior Fink
Nir Yogev
Adir Even
Business intelligence and organizational learning: An empirical investigation of value creation processes.
Inf. Manag.
54 (1) (2017)
Yossi Lichtenstein
Shy Cucuy
Lior Fink
Pre-defined and optional staging for the deployment of enterprise systems: a case study and a framework.
Enterp. Inf. Syst.
11 (3) (2017)
Orit Raphaeli
Anat Goldstein
Lior Fink
Analyzing online consumer behavior in mobile and PC devices: A novel web usage mining approach.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl.
26 (2017)
Lior Fink
Dorit Geldman
The effects of consumer participation in product construction and design on willingness to pay: The case of software.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
75 (2017)
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
The Impact of Introducing an Electronic Medical Record on the Use of Health Information Exchange in the Emergency Department.
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
Balancing volume and duration of information consumption by physicians: The case of health information exchange in critical care.
J. Biomed. Informatics
71 (2017)
Ofira Shmueli
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Can the outside-view approach improve planning decisions in software development projects?
Inf. Syst. J.
26 (4) (2016)
Michel Benaroch
Yossi Lichtenstein
Lior Fink
Contract Design Choices and the Balance of Ex Ante and Ex Post Transaction Costs in Software Development Outsourcing.
40 (1) (2016)
Gali Naveh
Adir Even
Lior Fink
Sigal Berman
Information Technology Education in a Digital Factory Learning Environment.
Intell. Autom. Soft Comput.
21 (4) (2015)
Ofira Shmueli
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
A Position Paper Proposing Behavioral Solutions to Challenges in Software Development Projects.
CAiSE Workshops
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
Use patterns of health information exchange systems and admission decisions: Reductionistic and configurational approaches.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
84 (12) (2015)
Orit Raphaeli
Sigal Berman
Lior Fink
E-business Value Creation from a Resource-Based Perspective: A Review of the Last Decade of Empirical Research.
Found. Trends Inf. Syst.
1 (1) (2015)
Lior Fink
Yossi Lichtenstein
Why project size matters for contract choice in software development outsourcing.
Data Base
45 (3) (2014)
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
Use patterns of health information exchange through a multidimensional lens: Conceptual framework and empirical validation.
J. Biomed. Informatics
52 (2014)
Ofira Shmueli
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Behavioural effects in Software Development: an Experimental Investigation.
Liran Politi
Shlomi Codish
Iftach Sagy
Lior Fink
Usage Patterns of Health Information Exchange: Antecedents and Consequences.
Orit Raphaeli
Lior Fink
Sigal Berman
Anat Goldstein
M-Commerce vs. E-Commerce: Exploring Web Session Browsing Behavior.
Ronnie Ben-Zion
Nava Pliskin
Lior Fink
Critical Success Factors for Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems: Literature Review and Prescriptive Analysis.
Inf. Syst. Manag.
31 (4) (2014)
Orit Raphaeli
Liron Rosenfeld
Lior Fink
Sigal Berman
A Simulation Study: The Business Value Of E-Business For A Maintenance Provider.
Lior Fink
The Logic of Electronic Hybrids: A Conceptual Analysis of the Influence of Cloud Computing on Electronic Commerce.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res.
8 (3) (2013)
Nir Yogev
Adir Even
Lior Fink
How Business Intelligence Creates Value: An Empirical Investigation.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Res.
4 (3) (2013)
Ofira Shmueli
Lior Fink
Nava Pliskin
Over-Requirement in Software Development: an Empirical Investigation of the 'IKEA' Effect.
Nir Yogev
Lior Fink
Adir Even
How Business Intelligence Creates Value.
Lior Fink
How do IT capabilities create strategic value? Toward greater integration of insights from reductionistic and holistic approaches.
Eur. J. Inf. Syst.
20 (1) (2011)
Lior Fink
Einat Sukenik
The Effect of Organizational Factors on the Business Value of IT: Universalistic, Contingency, and Configurational Predictions.
Inf. Syst. Manag.
28 (4) (2011)
Lior Fink
Edna Schechtman
Yossi Lichtenstein
Contract Choice in Software Development Outsourcing: a Multidimensional View of Project Attributes.
Lior Fink
Information technology outsourcing through a configurational lens.
J. Strateg. Inf. Syst.
19 (2) (2010)
Lior Fink
Seev Neumann
Taking the high road to web services implementation: an exploratory investigation of the organizational impacts.
Data Base
40 (3) (2009)
Lior Fink
Seev Neumann
Exploring the perceived business value of the flexibility enabled by information technology infrastructure.
Inf. Manag.
46 (2) (2009)
Lior Fink
Aviv Zeevi
Dov Te'eni
The effectiveness of online customer relations tools: Comparing the perspectives of organizations and customers.
Internet Res.
18 (3) (2008)
Lior Fink
Sarit Markovich
Generic verticalization strategies in enterprise system markets: An exploratory framework.
J. Inf. Technol.
23 (4) (2008)
Lior Fink
Coordination, Learning, and Innovation: The Organizational Roles of e-collaboration and their Impacts.
Int. J. e Collab.
3 (3) (2007)
Seev Neumann
Lior Fink
Gaining Agility through IT Personnel Capabilities: The Mediating Role of IT Infrastructure Capabilities.
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
8 (8) (2007)