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Liang Guang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Power Management
Simulated Annealing
Computing Systems
Top Venues
Microprocess. Microsystems
Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Positioning Antifragility for Clouds on Public Infrastructures.
Liang Guang
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
From self-aware building blocks to self-organizing systems with hierarchical agent-based adaptation.
Syed M. A. H. Jafri
Liang Guang
Ahmed Hemani
Kolin Paul
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Energy-aware fault-tolerant network-on-chips for addressing multiple traffic classes.
Microprocess. Microsystems
37 (8-A) (2013)
Bo Yang
Liang Guang
Tero Säntti
Juha Plosila
Mapping multiple applications with unbounded and bounded number of cores on many-core networks-on-chip.
Microprocess. Microsystems
37 (4-5) (2013)
Ethiopia Nigussie
Andreas Riener
Liang Guang
Introduction to the Special Issue.
Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp.
14 (3) (2013)
Liang Guang
Syed M. A. H. Jafri
Bo Yang
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Hierarchical Supporting Structure for Dynamic Organization in Many-core Computing Systems.
Syed M. A. H. Jafri
Liang Guang
Axel Jantsch
Kolin Paul
Ahmed Hemani
Hannu Tenhunen
Self-adaptive Noc Power Management with Dual-level Agents - Architecture and Implementation.
Ethiopia Nigussie
Liang Guang
Alexey Boyko
Antti Hakkala
Petri Sainio
Seppo Virtanen
Jouni Isoaho
Incubator Platform for Multidisciplinary Innovation in Research and Education.
Int. J. Knowl. Soc. Res.
3 (3) (2012)
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Dual Monitoring Communication for Self-Aware Network-on-Chip: Architecture and Case Study.
Int. J. Adapt. Resilient Auton. Syst.
3 (3) (2012)
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
HLS-DoNoC: High-level simulator for dynamically organizational NoCs.
Xi Liu
Liang Guang
Longxiang Yang
Hongbo Zhu
PARALIND-based Blind Joint Angle and Delay Estimation for Multipath Signals with Uniform Linear Array.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.
2012 (2012)
Bo Yang
Liang Guang
Tero Säntti
Juha Plosila
t(k)-SA: accelerated simulated annealing algorithm for application mapping on networks-on-chip.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Vertical and horizontal integration towards collective adaptive system: a visionary approach.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Coarse and fine-grained monitoring and reconfiguration for energy-efficient NoCs.
Bo Yang
Liang Guang
Tero Säntti
Juha Plosila
Parameter-Optimized Simulated Annealing for Application Mapping on Networks-on-Chip.
Syed M. A. H. Jafri
Liang Guang
Ahmed Hemani
Kolin Paul
Juha Plosila
Hannu Tenhunen
Energy-Aware Fault-Tolerant Network-on-Chips for Addressing Multiple Traffic Classes.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Juha Plosila
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Survey of Self-Adaptive NoCs with Energy-Efficiency and Dependability.
Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst.
3 (2) (2012)
Khalid Latif
Amir-Mohammad Rahmani
Liang Guang
Tiberiu Seceleanu
Hannu Tenhunen
PVS-NoC: Partial Virtual Channel Sharing NoC Architecture.
Liang Guang
Bo Yang
Juha Plosila
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Hierarchical Agent Monitoring Design Platform - Towards Self-aware and Adaptive Embedded Systems.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Pekka Rantala
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Hierarchical agent monitoring design approach towards self-aware parallel systems-on-chip.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.
9 (3) (2010)
Liang Guang
Juha Plosila
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Hierarchical Agent Monitored Parallel On-Chip System: A Novel Design Paradigm and its Formal Specification.
Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst.
1 (2) (2010)
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Hannu Tenhunen
Run-time communication bypassing for energy-efficient, low-latency per-core DVFS on Network-on-Chip.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Jouni Isoaho
Pekka Rantala
Hannu Tenhunen
Interconnection alternatives for hierarchical monitoring communication in parallel SoCs.
Microprocess. Microsystems
34 (5) (2010)
Alexander Wei Yin
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Pasi Liljeberg
Jouni Isoaho
Hannu Tenhunen
Architectural Exploration of Per-Core DVFS for Energy-Constrained On-Chip Networks.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Hannu Tenhunen
System-level exploration of run-time clusterization for energy-efficient on-chip communication.
Liang Guang
Ethiopia Nigussie
Lauri Koskinen
Hannu Tenhunen
Autonomous DVFS on Supply Islands for Energy-Constrained NoC Communication.
Kostas Bousias
Liang Guang
Chris R. Jesshope
Mike Lankamp
Implementation and evaluation of a microthread architecture.
J. Syst. Archit.
55 (3) (2009)
Thomas A. M. Bernard
Kostas Bousias
Liang Guang
Chris R. Jesshope
Mike Lankamp
Michiel W. van Tol
Li Zhang
A general model of concurrency and its implementation as many-core dynamic RISC processors.