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Kazuo Yana
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1988-2017
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Left Ventricle
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Tagged Mri
Centered Design
Top Venues
Kazuo Yana
Hiroyuki Mino
On a unified point process approach for the characterization of bioelectric discrete phenomena.
Keisuke Kasahara
Masahito Shiobara
Saya Nakamura
Koichiro Yamashiro
Kazuo Yana
Takuya Ono
Sudden cardiac arrest risk stratification based on 24-hour Holter ECG statistics.
Masaki Furuya
Yuta Masuda
Kei Sato
Toshihiro Nishibe
Kazuo Yana
Takuya Ono
Long and short term QT-RR interval co-variability in type 2 diabetes.
Yuki Terawaki
Taketo Shimohigoshi
Makoto Watanabe
Toshiyuki Kamada
Yasushi Kodama
Kazuo Yana
Design and Development of ePortfolio Using Gamifi cation to Increase Engagement.
Toshihiro Nishibe
Koichiro Yamashiro
Kazuo Yana
Takuya Ono
T-wave alternans search over 24 hour holter ECG recordings based on singular value decomposition.
Toshihiro Nishibe
Kei Sato
Kunihiro Yoshino
Ryota Seki
Kazuo Yana
Takuya Ono
RR-QT interval trend covariability for sudden cardiac death risk stratification.
Billy Pham
Hisato Kobayashi
Kazuo Yana
Momori Ban
Yoshiyuki Hino
3D Virtual-Reality Object of Noh-Mask for Mobile Devices.
Ryota Seki
Kunihiro Yoshino
Kazuo Yana
Takuya Ono
A method for characterizing circadian changes in QT intervals of diabetic patients.
Yuki Terawaki
Taketo Shimohigoshi
Makoto Watanabe
Yasushi Kodama
Kazuo Yana
Introducing ePortfolio to Architectural Course: The Integrated Archiving Environment.
Yuki Terawaki
Yuichi Takahashi
Yasushi Kodama
Kazuo Yana
The Development of Educational Environment Suited to the Japan-Specific Educational Service Using Requirements Engineering Techniques: Case Study of Running Sakai with PostgreSQL.
Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol.
9 (4) (2011)
Yuki Terawaki
Yuichi Takahashi
Yuji Tokiwa
Yasushi Kodama
Kazuo Yana
Towards Integration of Data Base Management System for Open-source Course Management Systems.
Yoshiyuki Hino
Kazuo Yana
Hisato Kobayashi
Kimiyoshi Hayashi
Yasushi Kodama
Billy Pham
3D virtual space for a quality e-Learning environment in collaborative study.
Masami Iwatsuki
Norio Takeuchi
Hisato Kobayashi
Kazuo Yana
Hiroshi Takeda
Hisashi Yaginuma
Hajime Kiyohara
Akira Tokuyasu
Automatic Digital Content Generation System for Real-Time Distance Lectures.
Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol.
5 (1) (2007)
Kazuo Yana
Hiroyuki Shichiku
Toshihisa Satoh
Hirohisa Mizuta
Takuya Ono
An Improved QT Interval Measurement based on Singular Value Decomposition.
Billy Pham
Kazuo Yana
Hisato Kobayashi
A real-time interactive distance education system for a broadband internet environment.
Int. J. Wirel. Mob. Comput.
1 (1) (2005)
Ivan Ho
Hajime Kiyohara
Akira Sugimoto
Kazuo Yana
Enhancing Global and Synchronous Distance Learning and Teaching by Using Instant Transcript and Translation.
Ivan Ho
Zentaro Komiya
Billy Pham
Hisato Kobayashi
Kazuo Yana
An Efficient Framework for Business Software Development.
Ivan Ho
Zentaro Komiya
Billy Pham
S. Sayavong
Hisato Kobayashi
Kazuo Yana
A Unified Framework for Software Development.
Kazuo Yana
Koji Kawachi
Kazuhiro Iida
Yoshio Okubo
Michio Tohru
Fumio Okuyama
Pseudo Bayesian Screening of Psychiatric Patients.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst.
(4) (1995)
Hiroyuki Mino
Kazuo Yana
Estimation of the density of the filtered Poisson impulse process: a parametric approach.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
41 (4) (1993)
Hisato Kobayashi
Kazuo Yana
Yong Yout Posirisuk
Katsumi Tamura
Tukahiro Nakama
Shuji Ishihara
An intelligent visual feedbak system for robotic manipulators.