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Joyca Lacroix
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Social Groups
Particle Filtering
Coronary Heart Disease
Multi Target Tracking
Top Venues
Frontiers Digit. Health
Int. J. Medical Informatics
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
Elçin Hanci
Peter A. M. Ruijten
Joyca Lacroix
Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
The Impact of Mindset on Self-Tracking Experience.
Frontiers Digit. Health
3 (2021)
Elçin Hanci
Joyca Lacroix
Peter A. M. Ruijten
Antal Haans
Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
Measuring commitment to self-tracking: development of the C2ST scale.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
24 (6) (2020)
Elçin Hanci
Peter A. M. Ruijten
Joyca Lacroix
Elisabeth Kersten-van Dijk
Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn
Are Trackers Social Actors? The Role of Self-tracking on Self-evaluation.
Sandra Vosbergen
J. M. R. Mulder-Wiggers
Joyca Lacroix
Hareld Kemps
Roderik A. Kraaijenhagen
Monique W. M. Jaspers
Niels Peek
Using personas to tailor educational messages to the preferences of coronary heart disease patients.
J. Biomed. Informatics
53 (2015)
Sandra Vosbergen
Jolien Janzen
Pieter Jan Stappers
Myra C. B. van Zwieten
Joyca Lacroix
Karin Idema
Inge van den Broek
Hareld Kemps
Roderik A. Kraaijenhagen
Niels Peek
A qualitative participatory study to identify experiences of coronary heart disease patients to support the development of online self-management services.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
82 (12) (2013)
Sandra Vosbergen
Anne-Marieke Wiggers
Joyca Lacroix
Monique W. M. Jaspers
Niels Peek
Using personas as an intermediate construct in the development of tailored messages: a Case Study.
Sandra Vosbergen
Ersen B. Colkesen
Joyca Lacroix
Georgio Mosis
Pieter Jan Stappers
Roderik A. Kraaijenhagen
Niels Peek
Assessment of user needs for self-management services in coronary heart disease: a designerly approach.
Maurits Kaptein
Joyca Lacroix
Privender Saini
Individual Differences in Persuadability in the Health Promotion Domain.
Jingyu Cui
Yasmin Aghajan
Joyca Lacroix
Aart van Halteren
Hamid K. Aghajan
Exercising at home: Real-time interaction and experience sharing using avatars.
Entertain. Comput.
1 (2) (2009)
Privender Saini
Joyca Lacroix
Self-setting of physical activity goals and effects on perceived difficulty, importance and competence.
Yasmin Aghajan
Joyca Lacroix
Jingyu Cui
Aart van Halteren
Hamid K. Aghajan
Home Exercise in a Social Context: Real-Time Experience Sharing Using Avatars.
Joyca Lacroix
Privender Saini
Annelies Goris
Understanding user cognitions to guide the tailoring of persuasive technology-based physical activity interventions.
Joyca Lacroix
Yasmin Aghajan
Aart van Halteren
Avatar communication for a social in-home exercise system: a user study.
BMI Book
André T. S. Fialho
Herjan van den Heuvel
Qonita Shahab
Qing Liu
Li Li
Privender Saini
Joyca Lacroix
Panos Markopoulos
ActiveShare: sharing challenges to increase physical activities.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Joyca Lacroix
Eric O. Postma
H. Jaap van den Herik
Jaap M. J. Murre
Toward a Visual Cognitive System Using Active Top-Down Saccadic Control.
Int. J. Humanoid Robotics
5 (2) (2008)
Joyca Lacroix
Privender Saini
Roger Holmes
The relationship between goal difficulty and performance in the context of a physical activity intervention program.
Mobile HCI
Joyca Lacroix
Jaap M. J. Murre
Eric O. Postma
H. Jaap van den Herik
Modeling Recognition Memory Using the Similarity Structure of Natural Input.
Cogn. Sci.
30 (1) (2006)
Joyca Lacroix
Eric O. Postma
Jaap M. J. Murre
Predicting experimental similarity ratings and recognition rates for individual natural stimuli with the NIM model.
Eric O. Postma
Alard Roebroeck
Joyca Lacroix
The Development of Small-world Semantic Networks.