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Jorge Hermosillo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2001-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Analog Vlsi
Artificial Agents
Radio Frequency
Top Venues
Connect. Sci.
Minds Mach.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
Wilmer Gaona
Esaú Escobar
Jorge Hermosillo
Bruno Lara
Anticipation by multi-modal association through an artificial mental imagery process.
Connect. Sci.
27 (1) (2015)
Jorge Carballido
Jorge Hermosillo
Arturo Veloz-Guerrero
David Arditti
Alberto Del Rio
Edgar Borrayo Sandoval
Manuel E. Guzman-Renteria
Hasnain Lakdawala
Marian Verhelst
A Programmable Calibration/BIST Engine for RF and Analog Blocks in SoCs Integrated in a 32 nm CMOS WiFi Transceiver.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
48 (7) (2013)
Dairon Rodríguez
Jorge Hermosillo
Bruno Lara
Meaning in Artificial Agents: The Symbol Grounding Problem Revisited.
Minds Mach.
22 (1) (2012)
Jorge Hermosillo
Jorge Carballido
Arturo Veloz-Guerrero
David Arditti
Alberto Del Rio
Edgar Borrayo Sandoval
Manuel E. Guzman-Renteria
Hasnain Lakdawala
Marian Verhelst
A programmable calibration/BIST engine for RF/analog blocks in SoCs.
Jorge Hermosillo
Sepanta Sekhavat
Feedback control of a bi-steerable car using flatness application to trajectory tracking.
Sepanta Sekhavat
Pierre Rouchon
Jorge Hermosillo
Computing the flat outputs of Engel differential systems: the case study of the bi-steerable car.