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Ivan Machado
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2024
Publications (10 Years): 58
Top Topics
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Regression Testing
Factors Affect
E Learning
Top Venues
Railana Santana
Luana Almeida Martins
Tássio Virgínio
Larissa Rocha
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
An empirical evaluation of RAIDE: A semi-automated approach for test smells detection and refactoring.
Sci. Comput. Program.
231 (2024)
Luana Almeida Martins
Valeria Pontillo
Heitor A. X. Costa
Filomena Ferrucci
Fabio Palomba
Ivan Machado
Test Code Refactoring Unveiled: Where and How Does It Affect Test Code Quality and Effectiveness?
Publio Silva
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Ivan Machado
Automating Feature Model maintainability evaluation using machine learning techniques.
J. Syst. Softw.
195 (2023)
Luana Almeida Martins
Denivan Campos
Railana Santana
Joselito Mota Júnior
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
Hearing the voice of experts: Unveiling Stack Exchange communities' knowledge of test smells.
Denivan Campos
Luana Almeida Martins
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Ivan Machado
Investigating Developers' Contributions to Test Smell Survivability: A Study of Open-Source Projects.
Gustavo Silva
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Anderson G. Uchôa
Ivan Machado
What Factors Affect the Build Failures Correction Time? A Multi-Project Study.
Érica Sousa
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Ivan Machado
Flaky Tests in UI: Understanding Causes and Applying Correction Strategies.
Luana Almeida Martins
Denivan Campos
Railana Santana
Joselito Mota Júnior
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
Hearing the voice of experts: Unveiling Stack Exchange communities' knowledge of test smells.
Luana Almeida Martins
Heitor A. X. Costa
Márcio Ribeiro
Fabio Palomba
Ivan Machado
Automating Test-Specific Refactoring Mining: A Mixed-Method Investigation.
Elvys Soares
Manoel Aranda III
Naelson Oliveira
Márcio Ribeiro
Rohit Gheyi
Emerson Souza
Ivan Machado
André L. M. Santos
Baldoino Fonseca
Rodrigo Bonifácio
Manual Tests Do Smell! Cataloging and Identifying Natural Language Test Smells.
Tânia Maria Feitosa
Ivan Machado
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Hybrid Software Development with Scrum: Perceptions of Brazilian Software Practitioners.
Elvys Soares
Manoel Aranda III
Naelson Oliveira
Márcio Ribeiro
Rohit Gheyi
Emerson Souza
Ivan Machado
André L. M. Santos
Baldoino Fonseca
Rodrigo Bonifácio
Manual Tests Do Smell! Cataloging and Identifying Natural Language Test Smells.
Rafael Lima
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Ivan Machado
A Self-Adaptation Mechanism for Variability Management in Dynamic Software Product Lines.
Humberto Damasceno
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Denivan Campos
Ivan Machado
Emanuel F. Coutinho
Test smell refactoring revisited: What can internal quality attributes and developers' experience tell us?
J. Softw. Eng. Res. Dev.
11 (2023)
Edilton Lima dos Santos
Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Ivan Machado
Gilles Perrouin
Architectural Bad Smells for Self-Adaptive Systems: Go Runtime!
Railana Santana
Luana Almeida Martins
Tássio Virgínio
Larissa Rocha Soares
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
Refactoring Assertion Roulette and Duplicate Assert test smells: a controlled experiment.
Nabor Mendonça
Leopoldo Teixeira
Sérgio Soares
Vinicius Cardoso Garcia
Uirá Kulesza
César França
Daniel Lucrédio
Elder Cirilo
Ivan Machado
A Decade of Internationalization of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Denivan Campos
Luana Almeida Martins
Ivan Machado
An empirical study on the influence of developers' experience on software test code quality.
Leila Karita
Brunna Caroline Mourão
Ivan Machado
Towards a common understanding of sustainable software development.
Railana Santana
Luana Almeida Martins
Tássio Virgínio
Larissa Rocha Soares
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
Refactoring Assertion Roulette and Duplicate Assert test smells: a controlled experiment.
Humberto Damasceno
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Emanuel F. Coutinho
Ivan Machado
Analyzing Test Smells Refactoring from a Developers Perspective.
Sara Mendes Oliveira Lima
Denivan Campos
Ivan Machado
A thematic synthesis on the adoption of regression testing techniques in Android projects.
Daniel Fernandes
Ivan Machado
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
TEMPY: Test Smell Detector for Python.
Joselito Mota Júnior
Gláucya Boechat
Ivan Machado
Label it be! A large-scale study of issue labeling in modern open-source repositories.
Luana Almeida Martins
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
Smart prediction for refactorings in the software test code.
Nildo Silva Junior
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
How are test smells treated in the wild? A tale of two empirical studies.
J. Softw. Eng. Res. Dev.
9 (2021)
Joselito Mota Jr.
Railana Santana
Ivan Machado
GrumPy: an automated approach to simplify issue data analysis for newcomers.
Luana Almeida Martins
Vinicius Brito
Daniela Feitosa
Larissa Rocha
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
From Blackboard to the Office: A Look Into How Practitioners Perceive Software Testing Education.
Denivan Campos
Larissa Rocha Soares
Ivan Machado
Developers perception on the severity of test smells: an empirical study.
Joselito Mota Júnior
Gláucya Boechat
Ivan Machado
Label it be! A large-scale study of issue labeling in modern opensource repositories.
Daniel Fernandes
Ivan Machado
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Handling Test Smells in Python: Results from a Mixed-Method Study.
Tássio Virgínio
Luana Almeida Martins
Railana Santana
Adriana Cruz
Larissa Rocha
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
On the test smells detection: an empirical study on the JNose Test accuracy.
J. Softw. Eng. Res. Dev.
9 (2021)
Denivan Campos
Larissa Rocha
Ivan Machado
Developers' perception of the severity of test smells: an empirical study.
Luana Almeida Martins
Vinicius Brito
Daniela Feitosa
Larissa Rocha
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
From Blackboard to the Office: A Look Into How Practitioners Perceive Software Testing Education.
Nailton Junior
Heitor A. X. Costa
Leila Karita
Ivan Machado
Larissa Soares
Experiences and Practices in GUI Functional Testing: A Software Practitioners' View.
Leila Karita
Brunna Caroline Mourão
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha Soares
Ivan Machado
Software industry awareness on sustainable software engineering: a Brazilian perspective.
J. Softw. Eng. Res. Dev.
9 (2021)
Renata Souza
Orges Cico
Ivan Machado
A survey on the software engineering practices in brazilian software startups.
Railana Santana
Daniel Fernandes
Denivan Campos
Larissa Soares
Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel
Ivan Machado
Understanding practitioners' strategies to handle test smells: a multi-method study.
Publio Silva
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Ivan Machado
A machine learning model to classify the feature model maintainability.
João Pedro Rodrigues
Nabor Mendonça
Ivan Machado
Lyzeli: a tool for identifying the clues in survey research data.
Renata Souza
Orges Cico
Ivan Machado
A Survey on Software Engineering Practices in Brazilian Startups.
Nildo Silva Junior
Larissa Rocha
Luana Almeida Martins
Ivan Machado
A survey on test practitioners' awareness of test smells.
Cristiana Pereira Bispo
Ana Patrícia Magalhães
Sérgio Fernandes
Ivan Machado
Mitigating Difficulties in Use-Case Modeling.
Nildo Silva Junior
Larissa Rocha Soares
Luana Almeida Martins
Ivan Machado
A survey on test practitioners' awareness of test smells.
Cristiana Pereira Bispo
Ana Patrícia Magalhães
Sérgio Martins Fernandes
Ivan Machado
Improving Quality of Use-Case Models by Correlating Defects, Difficulties, and Modeling Strategies.
ICEIS (Revised Selected Papers)
Publio Silva
Carla I. M. Bezerra
Rafael Lima
Ivan Machado
Classifying Feature Models Maintainability based on Machine Learning Algorithms.
Larissa Rocha Soares
Ivan Machado
Eduardo Santana de Almeida
Christian Kästner
Sarah Nadi
A semi-automated iterative process for detecting feature interactions.
Orges Cico
Renata Souza
Letizia Jaccheri
Anh Nguyen-Duc
Ivan Machado
Startups Transitioning from Early to Growth Phase - A Pilot Study of Technical Debt Perception.
Hiolanda Menezes
Gláucya Boechat
Joselito Mota Jr.
Ivan Machado
Validação e construção de um dicionário léxico para auxiliar a análise de sentimentos em repositórios de projetos de software.
Railana Santana
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha
Tássio Virgínio
Adriana Cruz
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
RAIDE: a tool for Assertion Roulette and Duplicate Assert identification and refactoring.
Crescencio Lima
Ivan Machado
Matthias Galster
Christina von Flach G. Chavez
Recovering Architectural Variability from Source Code.
Tássio Virgínio
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha Soares
Railana Santana
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
An empirical study of automatically-generated tests from the perspective of test smells.
Sara Mendes Oliveira Lima
Denivan Campos
Larissa Rocha Soares
Ivan Machado
Unveiling Practitioners Awareness of Android Apps Regression Testing through an Expert Survey.
Franklin Silva
Renata Souza
Ivan Machado
Taming and Unveiling Software Reuse opportunities through White Label Software in Startups.
Tássio Virgínio
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha Soares
Railana Santana
Adriana Cruz
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
JNose: Java Test Smell Detector.
Renata Souza
Karla Malta
Roselane Silva
Paulo César Masiero
Eduardo Santana de Almeida
Ivan Machado
A Case Study about Startups' Software Development Practices: A Preliminary Result.
Tássio Virgínio
Railana Santana
Luana Almeida Martins
Larissa Rocha Soares
Heitor A. X. Costa
Ivan Machado
On the influence of Test Smells on Test Coverage.
Gláucya Boechat
Joselito Mota Júnior
Ivan Machado
Manoel G. Mendonça
Análise de Sentimentos em Discussões de Issues Reabertas do Github.