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Irina Tal
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 37
Top Topics
Innovative Technologies
Pilot Study
E Learning
Traffic Surveillance
Top Venues
QRS Companion
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Cristina Hava Muntean
Irina Tal
Diana Bogusevschi
Marilena Bratu
Ting Bi
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Mulseplayer: A Multi-Sensorial Media Content Delivery Solution to Enhance End-User Quality of Experience.
Mohammad Fardad
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Irina Tal
Decentralized Multi-layer Vehicular Edge Computing Framework for Time-Efficient Task Coordination.
Jingyan Zhang
Irina Tal
A Systematic Review of Contemporary Applications of Privacy-Aware Graph Neural Networks in Smart Cities.
Michael Mayowa Farayola
Malika Bendechache
Takfarinas Saber
Regina Connolly
Irina Tal
Enhancing Algorithmic Fairness: Integrative Approaches and Multi-Objective Optimization Application in Recidivism Models.
Elham Mohammadzadeh Mianji
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Irina Tal
Trust and Reputation Management for Data Trading in Vehicular Edge Computing: A DRL-Based Approach.
Mohammad Fardad
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Irina Tal
Latency-aware V2X Operation Mode Coordination in Vehicular Network Slicing.
Ioan-Sorin Comsa
Andreea Molnar
Irina Tal
Christof Imhof
Per Bergamin
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Cristina Hava Muntean
Ramona Trestian
Improved Quality of Online Education Using Prioritized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Video Traffic Scheduling.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
69 (2) (2023)
Michael Mayowa Farayola
Irina Tal
Regina Connolly
Takfarinas Saber
Malika Bendechache
Ethics and Trustworthiness of AI for Predicting the Risk of Recidivism: A Systematic Literature Review.
14 (8) (2023)
Elham Mohammadzadeh Mianji
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Irina Tal
Trustworthy Routing in VANET: A Q-learning Approach to Protect Against Black Hole and Gray Hole Attacks.
Michael Mayowa Farayola
Irina Tal
Malika Bendechache
Takfarinas Saber
Regina Connolly
Fairness of AI in Predicting the Risk of Recidivism: Review and Phase Mapping of AI Fairness Techniques.
Rana Zeeshan
Irina Tal
Technical Usability Assessment of Security Analysis Tools for Ethereum Based Smart Contracts.
QRS Companion
Mohammad Fardad
Elham Mohammadzadeh Mianji
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Irina Tal
A Fast and Effective Graph-Based Resource Allocation and Power Control Scheme in Vehicular Network Slicing.
Gonzalo Faura
Cezary Siewiersky
Irina Tal
A User-Centric Evaluation of Smart Contract Analysis Tools in Decentralised Finance (DeFi).
Cyber Science
Liam Waters
Irina Tal
CERCoin: Carbon tracking enabling Blockchain system for Electric Vehicles.
QRS Companion
Ramona Trestian
Guodong Xie
Pintu Lohar
Edoardo Celeste
Malika Bendechache
Rob Brennan
Evgeniia Jayasekera
Regina Connolly
Irina Tal
Privacy in a Time of COVID-19: How Concerned Are You?
IEEE Secur. Priv.
19 (5) (2021)
Malika Bendechache
Pintu Lohar
Guodong Xie
Rob Brennan
Ramona Trestian
Edoardo Celeste
Kristina Kapanova
Evgeniia Jayasekera
Irina Tal
Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: A pilot study.
Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect.
30 (5) (2021)
Soumi Mitra
Nandhini Reddy Aileni
Irina Tal
Malika Bendechache
Towards an Optimised Vehicle Detection Algorithm for Multi-Object Tracking in Traffic Surveillance.
Ioan-Sorin Comsa
Andreea Molnar
Irina Tal
Per Bergamin
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Cristina Hava Muntean
Ramona Trestian
A Machine Learning Resource Allocation Solution to Improve Video Quality in Remote Education.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
67 (3) (2021)
Guodong Xie
Pintu Lohar
Claudia Florea
Malika Bendechache
Ramona Trestian
Rob Brennan
Regina Connolly
Irina Tal
Privacy in Times of COVID-19: A Pilot Study in the Republic of Ireland.
Malika Bendechache
Irina Tal
Pj Wall
Laura Grehan
Emma Clarke
Aidan Odriscoll
Laurence Van Der Haegen
Brenda Leong
Anne Kearns
Rob Brennan
AI in My Life: AI, Ethics & Privacy Workshops for 15-16-Year-Olds.
WebSci (Companion)
Ramona Trestian
Guodong Xie
Pintu Lohar
Edoardo Celeste
Malika Bendechache
Rob Brennan
Irina Tal
PRIVATT - A Closer Look at People's Data Privacy Attitudes in Times of COVID-19.
Pintu Lohar
Guodong Xie
Malika Bendechache
Rob Brennan
Edoardo Celeste
Ramona Trestian
Irina Tal
Irish Attitudes Toward COVID Tracker App & Privacy: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter and Survey Data.
Fintan Duffy
Malika Bendechache
Irina Tal
Can Solana's high throughput be an enabler for IoT?
QRS Companion
Irina Tal
Longhao Zou
Margaret Farren
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Mulsemedia in Education: A Case Study on Learner Experience, Motivation and Knowledge Gain.
Irina Tal
Longhao Zou
Margaret Farren
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Improving Learner Experience, Motivation and Knowledge Gain When Using Mulsemedia-Based Technology Enhanced Learning.
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
Vincenzo Mangini
Irina Tal
Arghir-Nicolae Moldovan
An empirical study on the impact of GDPR and right to be forgotten - organisations and users perspective.
Pascal Faurie
Arghir-Nicolae Moldovan
Irina Tal
Privacy Policy - "I agree"?! - Do alternatives to text-based policies increase the awareness of the users?
Cyber Security
Alexandra Covaci
Longhao Zou
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Gheorghita Ghinea
Is Multimedia Multisensorial? - A Review of Mulsemedia Systems.
ACM Comput. Surv.
51 (5) (2019)
Irina Tal
Longhao Zou
Alexandra Covaci
Eva Ibarrola
Marilena Bratu
Gheorghita Ghinea
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Mulsemedia in Telecommunication and Networking Education: A Novel Teaching Approach that Improves the Learning Process.
IEEE Commun. Mag.
57 (11) (2019)
Nour El Mawas
Irina Tal
Arghir-Nicolae Moldovan
Diana Bogusevschi
Josephine Andrews
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Cristina Hava Muntean
Final Frontier Game: A Case Study on Learner Experience.
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Towards Reasoning Vehicles: A Survey of Fuzzy Logic-Based Solutions in Vehicular Networks.
ACM Comput. Surv.
50 (6) (2018)
Nour El Mawas
Irina Tal
Arghir-Nicolae Moldovan
Diana Bogusevschi
Josephine Andrews
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Cristina Hava Muntean
Improving STEM Learning Experience in Primary School by Using NEWTON Project Innovative Technologies.
CSEDU (Selected Papers)
John Monks
Aida Olaru
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Quality of experience assessment of 3D video synchronised with multisensorial media components.
Longhao Zou
Irina Tal
Alexandra Covaci
Eva Ibarrola
Gheorghita Ghinea
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Can Multisensorial Media Improve Learner Experience?
Irina Tal
Phelim Kelly
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
A novel direction-based clustering algorithm for VANETs.
Irina Tal
Eva Ibarrola
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Quality and standardization in technology-enhanced learning.
Irina Tal
Bogdan Ciubotaru
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Vehicular-Communications-Based Speed Advisory System for Electric Bicycles.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
65 (6) (2016)
Soufiene Djahel
Mazeiar Salehie
Irina Tal
Pooyan Jamshidi
Adaptive traffic management for secure and efficient emergency services in smart cities.
PerCom Workshops
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
V2X communication-based power saving strategy for electric bicycles.
GLOBECOM Workshops
Irina Tal
Tianhua Zhu
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Short paper: On the potential of V2X communications in helping electric bicycles saving energy.
Irina Tal
Aida Olaru
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
eWARPE - Energy-efficient weather-aware route planner for electric bicycles.
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
User-Oriented Fuzzy Logic-Based Clustering Scheme for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks.
VTC Spring
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
User-oriented cluster-based solution for multimedia content delivery over VANETs.
Irina Tal
Gabriel-Miro Muntean
Using Fuzzy Logic for Data Aggregation in Vehicular Networks.
Gabriela Magureanu
Madalin Gavrilescu
Irina Tal
Adina Toma
Dan Pescaru
Ionel Jian
Generating OMNeT++ specifications from UML models for PSoC distributed applications.