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Ian Craddock
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2023
Publications (10 Years): 66
Top Topics
Home Environment
Activity Monitoring
Activity Recognition
Wearable Sensors
Top Venues
PerCom Workshops
Taku Yamagata
Emma L. Tonkin
Benjamin Arana Sanchez
Ian Craddock
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Weisong Yang
Peter A. Flach
When the Ground Truth is not True: Modelling Human Biases in Temporal Annotations.
Taku Yamagata
Emma L. Tonkin
Benjamin Arana Sanchez
Ian Craddock
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Weisong Yang
Peter A. Flach
When the Ground Truth is not True: Modelling Human Biases in Temporal Annotations.
PerCom Workshops
Haixia Bi
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Peter A. Flach
Ian Craddock
An active semi-supervised deep learning model for human activity recognition.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
14 (10) (2023)
Ferdian Jovan
Catherine Morgan
Ryan McConville
Emma L. Tonkin
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting.
Ferdian Jovan
Catherine Morgan
Ryan McConville
Emma L. Tonkin
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting.
James Pope
Catherine Morgan
Alessandro Masullo
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Real World Parkinson's Disease Tremor and Score Prediction using Wearable IMU Sensors.
Rachel Eardley
Emma L. Tonkin
Ewan Soubutts
Amid Ayobi
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
Explanation before Adoption: Supporting Informed Consent for Complex Machine Learning and IoT Health Platforms.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
7 (CSCW1) (2023)
Amid Ayobi
Rachel Eardley
Ewan Soubutts
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
Digital Mental Health and Social Connectedness: Experiences of Women from Refugee Backgrounds.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (CSCW2) (2022)
Amid Ayobi
Rachel Eardley
Ewan Soubutts
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
Digital Mental Health and Social Connectedness: Experiences of Women from Refugee Backgrounds.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (CSCW2) (2022)
Rachel Eardley
Sue Mackinnon
Emma L. Tonkin
Ewan Soubutts
Amid Ayobi
Jess Linington
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Zoe Banks Gross
David J. Bailey
Russell Knights
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
A Case Study Investigating a User-Centred and Expert Informed 'Companion Guide' for a Complex Sensor-based Platform.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
6 (2) (2022)
Alessandro Masullo
Toby Perrett
Tilo Burghardt
Ian Craddock
Dima Damen
Majid Mirmehdi
Inertial Hallucinations - When Wearable Inertial Devices Start Seeing Things.
Ferdian Jovan
Ryan McConville
Catherine Morgan
Emma Tonkin
Alan L. Whone
Ian Craddock
Multimodal Indoor Localisation for Measuring Mobility in Parkinson's Disease using Transformers.
Thanaphon Suwannaphong
Ryan McConville
Ian Craddock
Radio signal strength indication augmentation for one-shot learning in indoor localisation.
Roisin McNaney
Catherine Morgan
Pranav Kulkarni
Julio Vega
Farnoosh Heidarivincheh
Ryan McConville
Alan L. Whone
Mickey Kim
Reuben Kirkham
Ian Craddock
Exploring Perceptions of Cross-Sectoral Data Sharing with People with Parkinson's.
Luis R. Peraza
Kirsi M. Kinnunen
Roisin McNaney
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Catherine Morgan
Richard Joules
Robin Wolz
An Automatic Gait Analysis Pipeline for Wearable Sensors: A Pilot Study in Parkinson's Disease.
21 (24) (2021)
Ryan McConville
Gareth Archer
Ian Craddock
Michal Kozlowski
Robert J. Piechocki
James Pope
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Vesta: A digital health analytics platform for a smart home in a box.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
114 (2021)
Aftab Khan
Sebastian Mellor
Rachel King
Balazs Janko
William S. Harwin
R. Simon Sherratt
Ian Craddock
Thomas Plötz
Generalized and Efficient Skill Assessment from IMU Data with Applications in Gymnastics and Medical Training.
ACM Trans. Comput. Heal.
2 (1) (2021)
Catherine Morgan
Farnoosh Heidarivincheh
Ian Craddock
Ryan McConville
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Emma L. Tonkin
Alessandro Masullo
Antonis Vafeas
Mickey Kim
Roisin McNaney
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Alan L. Whone
Data labelling in the wild: annotating free-living activities and Parkinson's disease symptoms.
PerCom Workshops
Farnoosh Heidarivincheh
Ryan McConville
Catherine Morgan
Roisin McNaney
Alessandro Masullo
Majid Mirmehdi
Alan L. Whone
Ian Craddock
Multimodal Classification of Parkinson's Disease in Home Environments with Resiliency to Missing Modalities.
21 (12) (2021)
Atis Elsts
Xenofon Fafoutis
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
TSCH Networks for Health IoT: Design, Evaluation, and Trials in the Wild.
ACM Trans. Internet Things
1 (2) (2020)
Rafael Poyiadzi
Weisong Yang
Yoav Ben-Shlomo
Ian Craddock
Liz Coulthard
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
James Selwood
Niall Twomey
Detecting Signatures of Early-stage Dementia with Behavioural Models Derived from Sensor Data.
Rafael Poyiadzi
Weisong Yang
Yoav Ben-Shlomo
Ian Craddock
Liz Coulthard
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
James Selwood
Niall Twomey
Detecting Signatures of Early-stage Dementia with Behavioural Models Derived from Sensor Data.
Atis Elsts
Niall Twomey
Ryan McConville
Ian Craddock
Energy-efficient activity recognition framework using wearable accelerometers.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl.
168 (2020)
Antonis Vafeas
Md Israfil Biswas
Xenofon Fafoutis
Atis Elsts
Ian Craddock
Robert J. Piechocki
George Oikonomou
Wearable Devices for Digital Health: The SPHERE Wearable 3.
Ryan McConville
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
N2D: (Not Too) Deep Clustering via Clustering the Local Manifold of an Autoencoded Embedding.
Pawel Zalewski
Letizia Marchegiani
Atis Elsts
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Xenofon Fafoutis
From Bits of Data to Bits of Knowledge - An On-Board Classification Framework for Wearable Sensing Systems.
20 (6) (2020)
Kristina Y. Yordanova
Stefan Lüdtke
Samuel Whitehouse
Frank Krüger
Adeline Paiement
Majid Mirmehdi
Ian Craddock
Thomas Kirste
Analysing Cooking Behaviour in Home Settings: Towards Health Monitoring.
19 (3) (2019)
Ryan McConville
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
N2D: (Not Too) Deep Clustering via Clustering the Local Manifold of an Autoencoded Embedding.
Emma L. Tonkin
Ola Bykowska
Hannah Berg
Ian Craddock
Towards estimation of cooking complexity: free-text annotations in the kitchen environment.
Atis Elsts
Xenofon Fafoutis
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Emma Tonkin
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Enabling Healthcare in Smart Homes: The SPHERE IoT Network Infrastructure.
IEEE Commun. Mag.
56 (12) (2018)
Xenofon Fafoutis
Letizia Marchegiani
Atis Elsts
James Pope
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Extending the battery lifetime of wearable sensors with embedded machine learning.
Atis Elsts
Xenofon Fafoutis
Simon Duquennoy
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Temperature-Resilient Time Synchronization for the Internet of Things.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
14 (5) (2018)
James Pope
Antonis Vafeas
Atis Elsts
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
An accelerometer lossless compression algorithm and energy analysis for IoT devices.
WCNC Workshops
Lili Tao
Tilo Burghardt
Majid Mirmehdi
Dima Damen
Ashley Cooper
Massimo Camplani
Sion L. Hannuna
Adeline Paiement
Ian Craddock
Energy expenditure estimation using visual and inertial sensors.
IET Comput. Vis.
12 (1) (2018)
Xenofon Fafoutis
Atis Elsts
George C. Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Adaptive static scheduling in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH networks.
Xenofon Fafoutis
Atis Elsts
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Experiences and Lessons Learned From Making IoT Sensing Platforms for Large-Scale Deployments.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Atis Elsts
Tilo Burghardt
Dallan Byrne
Dima Damen
Xenofon Fafoutis
Sion L. Hannuna
Víctor Ponce-López
Alessandro Masullo
Majid Mirmehdi
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Emma Tonkin
Antonis Vafeas
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Ian Craddock
A Guide to the SPHERE 100 Homes Study Dataset.
Emma Tonkin
Alison Burrows
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Pawel Laskowski
Kristina Y. Yordanova
Niall Twomey
Ian Craddock
Talk, Text, Tag? Understanding Self-Annotation of Smart Home Data from a User's Perspective.
18 (7) (2018)
Antonis Vafeas
Atis Elsts
James Pope
Xenofon Fafoutis
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Energy-Efficient, Noninvasive Water Flow Sensor.
Atis Elsts
Ryan McConville
Xenofon Fafoutis
Niall Twomey
Robert J. Piechocki
Raúl Santos-Rodriguez
Ian Craddock
On-Board Feature Extraction from Acceleration Data for Activity Recognition.
Ryan McConville
Gareth Archer
Ian Craddock
Herman J. ter Horst
Robert J. Piechocki
James Pope
Raúl Santos-Rodriguez
Online Heart Rate Prediction using Acceleration from a Wrist Worn Wearable.
Niall Twomey
Tom Diethe
Xenofon Fafoutis
Atis Elsts
Ryan McConville
Peter A. Flach
Ian Craddock
A Comprehensive Study of Activity Recognition Using Accelerometers.
5 (2) (2018)
Christopher Beach
Sammy Krachunov
James Pope
Xenofon Fafoutis
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Alexander J. Casson
An Ultra Low Power Personalizable Wrist Worn ECG Monitor Integrated With IoT Infrastructure.
IEEE Access
6 (2018)
Ryan McConville
Dallan Byrne
Ian Craddock
Robert J. Piechocki
James Pope
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Understanding the quality of calibrations for indoor localisation.
Xenofon Fafoutis
Antonis Vafeas
Balazs Janko
R. Simon Sherratt
James Pope
Atis Elsts
Evangelos Mellios
Geoffrey S. Hilton
George Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Designing Wearable Sensing Platforms for Healthcare in a Residential Environment.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Pervasive Health Technol.
3 (12) (2017)
Kristina Y. Yordanova
Samuel Whitehouse
Adeline Paiement
Majid Mirmehdi
Thomas Kirste
Ian Craddock
What's cooking and why? Behaviour recognition during unscripted cooking tasks for health monitoring.
PerCom Workshops
Niall Twomey
Tom Diethe
Ian Craddock
Peter A. Flach
Unsupervised learning of sensor topologies for improving activity recognition in smart environments.
234 (2017)
Tom Diethe
Niall Twomey
Meelis Kull
Peter A. Flach
Ian Craddock
Probabilistic Sensor Fusion for Ambient Assisted Living.
Atis Elsts
Xenofon Fafoutis
James Pope
George C. Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Scheduling High-Rate Unpredictable Traffic in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Networks.
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Alison Burrows
Pawel Laskowski
Emma Tonkin
Ian Craddock
Evaluating the use of voice-enabled technologies for ground-truthing activity data.
PerCom Workshops
Ian Craddock
The SPHERE Experience.
Sammy Krachunov
Christopher Beach
Alexander J. Casson
James Pope
Xenofon Fafoutis
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Energy efficient heart rate sensing using a painted electrode ECG wearable.
Atis Elsts
Xenofon Fafoutis
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Adaptive channel selection in IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH networks.
James Pope
Ryan McConville
Michal Kozlowski
Xenofon Fafoutis
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
SPHERE in a Box: Practical and Scalable EurValve Activity Monitoring Smart Home Kit.
LCN Workshops
Xenofon Fafoutis
Lindsay Clare
Neil J. Grabham
Steve P. Beeby
Bernard H. Stark
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Energy Neutral Activity Monitoring: Wearables Powered by Smart Inductive Charging Surfaces.
Lili Tao
Tilo Burghardt
Majid Mirmehdi
Dima Damen
Ashley Cooper
Sion L. Hannuna
Massimo Camplani
Adeline Paiement
Ian Craddock
Calorie Counter: RGB-Depth Visual Estimation of Energy Expenditure at Home.
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Rachel King
William S. Harwin
Ian Craddock
A Human Activity Recognition Framework for Healthcare Applications: Ontology, Labelling Strategies, and Best Practice.
Niall Twomey
Tom Diethe
Meelis Kull
Hao Song
Massimo Camplani
Sion L. Hannuna
Xenofon Fafoutis
Ni Zhu
Pete Woznowski
Peter A. Flach
Ian Craddock
The SPHERE Challenge: Activity Recognition with Multimodal Sensor Data.
Xenofon Fafoutis
Balazs Janko
Evangelos Mellios
Geoffrey S. Hilton
R. Simon Sherratt
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
SPW-1: A Low-Maintenance Wearable Activity Tracker for Residential Monitoring and Healthcare Applications.
eHealth 360°
Wenda Li
Bo Tan
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Opportunistic physical activity monitoring via passive WiFi radar.
Xu Luo
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Alison Burrows
Mo Haghighi
Ian Craddock
SPLASH: Smart-Phone Logging App for Sustaining Hydration Enabled by NFC.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Lili Tao
Tilo Burghardt
Majid Mirmehdi
Dima Damen
Ashley Cooper
Sion L. Hannuna
Massimo Camplani
Adeline Paiement
Ian Craddock
Calorie Counter: RGB-Depth Visual Estimation of Energy Expenditure at Home.
ACCV Workshops (1)
Atis Elsts
Simon Duquennoy
Xenofon Fafoutis
George C. Oikonomou
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Microsecond-Accuracy Time Synchronization Using the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Protocol.
LCN Workshops
Xenofon Fafoutis
Evgeny Tsimbalo
Evangelos Mellios
Geoffrey S. Hilton
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
A residential maintenance-free long-term activity monitoring system for healthcare applications.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2016 (2016)
Lili Tao
Adeline Paiement
Dima Damen
Majid Mirmehdi
Sion L. Hannuna
Massimo Camplani
Tilo Burghardt
Ian Craddock
A comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst.
148 (2016)
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Dritan Kaleshi
George C. Oikonomou
Ian Craddock
Classification and suitability of sensing technologies for activity recognition.
Comput. Commun.
Ni Zhu
Tom Diethe
Massimo Camplani
Lili Tao
Alison Burrows
Niall Twomey
Dritan Kaleshi
Majid Mirmehdi
Peter A. Flach
Ian Craddock
Bridging e-Health and the Internet of Things: The SPHERE Project.
IEEE Intell. Syst.
30 (4) (2015)
Evgeny Tsimbalo
Xenofon Fafoutis
Evangelos Mellios
Mo Haghighi
Bo Tan
Geoffrey S. Hilton
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Mitigating packet loss in connectionless Bluetooth Low Energy.
Lili Tao
Tilo Burghardt
Sion L. Hannuna
Massimo Camplani
Adeline Paiement
Dima Damen
Majid Mirmehdi
Ian Craddock
A comparative home activity monitoring study using visual and inertial sensors.
Przemyslaw Woznowski
Xenofon Fafoutis
Terence Song
Sion L. Hannuna
Massimo Camplani
Lili Tao
Adeline Paiement
Evangelos Mellios
Mo Haghighi
Ni Zhu
Geoffrey S. Hilton
Dima Damen
Tilo Burghardt
Majid Mirmehdi
Robert J. Piechocki
Dritan Kaleshi
Ian Craddock
A multi-modal sensor infrastructure for healthcare in a residential environment.
ICC Workshops
Bo Tan
Alison Burrows
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Qingchao Chen
Karl Woodbridge
Kevin Chetty
Wi-Fi based passive human motion sensing for in-home healthcare applications.
Alison Burrows
Rachel Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
David Coyle
Sensors for healthcare: Would you want them in your home?
Evangelos Mellios
Angelos A. Goulianos
Sema Dumanli
Geoffrey S. Hilton
Robert J. Piechocki
Ian Craddock
Off-body Channel Measurements at 2.4 GHz and 868 MHz in an Indoor Environment.
Alison Burrows
Rachel Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
David Coyle
SPHERE: Meaningful and Inclusive Sensor-Based Home Healthcare.
Sema Dumanli
Sedat Görmüs
Ian Craddock
Energy Efficient Body Area Networking Based on Off-the-shelf Wireless Sensors.