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Emma L. Tonkin
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2023
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Pilot Study
User Centred
E Learning
Epistemological Beliefs
Top Venues
PerCom Workshops
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Taku Yamagata
Emma L. Tonkin
Benjamin Arana Sanchez
Ian Craddock
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Weisong Yang
Peter A. Flach
When the Ground Truth is not True: Modelling Human Biases in Temporal Annotations.
Taku Yamagata
Emma L. Tonkin
Benjamin Arana Sanchez
Ian Craddock
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Weisong Yang
Peter A. Flach
When the Ground Truth is not True: Modelling Human Biases in Temporal Annotations.
PerCom Workshops
Emma L. Tonkin
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Teodor Stoev
Kristina Yordanova
ARDUOUS: Tutorial on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems - Developing a Data Annotation Protocol.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Ferdian Jovan
Catherine Morgan
Ryan McConville
Emma L. Tonkin
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting.
Teodor Stoev
Kristina Yordanova
Emma L. Tonkin
Experiencing Annotation: Emotion, Motivation and Bias in Annotation Tasks.
PerCom Workshops
Ferdian Jovan
Catherine Morgan
Ryan McConville
Emma L. Tonkin
Ian Craddock
Alan L. Whone
Multimodal Indoor Localisation in Parkinson's Disease for Detecting Medication Use: Observational Pilot Study in a Free-Living Setting.
Rachel Eardley
Emma L. Tonkin
Ewan Soubutts
Amid Ayobi
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
Explanation before Adoption: Supporting Informed Consent for Complex Machine Learning and IoT Health Platforms.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
7 (CSCW1) (2023)
Rachel Eardley
Sue Mackinnon
Emma L. Tonkin
Ewan Soubutts
Amid Ayobi
Jess Linington
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Zoe Banks Gross
David J. Bailey
Russell Knights
Rachael Gooberman-Hill
Ian Craddock
Aisling Ann O'Kane
A Case Study Investigating a User-Centred and Expert Informed 'Companion Guide' for a Complex Sensor-based Platform.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
6 (2) (2022)
Emma L. Tonkin
Kristina Yordanova
Pervasive Healthcare: Privacy and Security in Data Annotation.
IEEE Pervasive Comput.
21 (4) (2022)
Laura Scheinert
Emma L. Tonkin
Towards Ethical Judicial Analytics: Assessing Readability of Immigration and Asylum Decisions in the United Kingdom.
Catherine Morgan
Farnoosh Heidarivincheh
Ian Craddock
Ryan McConville
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Emma L. Tonkin
Alessandro Masullo
Antonis Vafeas
Mickey Kim
Roisin McNaney
Gregory J. L. Tourte
Alan L. Whone
Data labelling in the wild: annotating free-living activities and Parkinson's disease symptoms.
PerCom Workshops
Emma L. Tonkin
Keynote: Privacy and Security in Real-World Data Annotation.
PerCom Workshops
Emma L. Tonkin
Miquel Perelló-Nieto
Haixia Bi
Antonis Vafeas
Towards a Methodology for Acceptance Testing and Validation of Monitoring Bodyworn Devices.
PerCom Workshops
Emma L. Tonkin
Kristina Y. Yordanova
Panel session: How could we build a community for sharing annotation activities, methods, and outcomes?
PerCom Workshops
Emma L. Tonkin
Ola Bykowska
Hannah Berg
Ian Craddock
Towards estimation of cooking complexity: free-text annotations in the kitchen environment.