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Harald Devos
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2011
Publications (10 Years): 0
Harald Devos
Jan Van Campenhout
Ingrid Verbauwhede
Dirk Stroobandt
Constructing Application-Specific Memory Hierarchies on FPGAs.
Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil.
3 (2011)
Harald Devos
Wim Meeus
Dirk Stroobandt
Towards a Tighter Integration of Generated and Custom-Made Hardware.
Craig Moore
Wim Meeus
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
A Parallel for Loop Memory Template for a High Level Synthesis Compiler.
Brahim Al Farisi
Karel Bruneel
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
Automatic tool flow for shift-register-LUT reconfiguration: making run-time reconfiguration fast and easy (abstract only).
Tom Davidson
Karel Bruneel
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
Applying Parameterizable Dynamic Configurations to Sequence Alignment.
Craig Moore
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
Optimizing the FPGA Memory Design for a Sobel Edge Detector.
Tom Degryse
Karel Bruneel
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
Loop Transformations to Reduce the Dynamic FPGA Recon?guration Overhead.
Fabian Diet
Erik H. D'Hollander
Kristof Beyls
Harald Devos
Embedding Smart Buffers for Window Operations in a Stream-Oriented C-to-VHDL Compiler.
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Harald Devos
Philippe Faes
Mark Christiaens
Dirk Stroobandt
FPGA Design Methodology for a Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Decoder.
Harald Devos
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Mark Christiaens
Dirk Stroobandt
Energy Scalability and the RESUME Scalable Video Codec.
Power-aware Computing Systems
Harald Devos
Kristof Beyls
Mark Christiaens
Jan M. Van Campenhout
Erik H. D'Hollander
Dirk Stroobandt
Finding and Applying Loop Transformations for Generating Optimized FPGA Implementations.
Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil.
1 (2007)
Chris J. Bleakley
Tom Clerckx
Harald Devos
Matthias Grumer
Alex Janek
Ulrich Kremer
Christian W. Probst
Phillip Stanley-Marbell
Christian Steger
Vasanth Venkatachalam
Manuel Wendt
07041 Working Group - Towards Interfaces for Integrated Performance and Power Analysis and Simulation.
Power-aware Computing Systems
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Harald Devos
Dirk Stroobandt
The Energy Scalability of Wavelet-Based, Scalable Video Decoding.
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Harald Devos
Peter Lambert
Davy De Schrijver
Wim Van Lancker
Vincent Nollet
Prabhat Avasare
Tom Clerckx
Fabio Verdicchio
Mark Christiaens
Peter Schelkens
Rik Van de Walle
Dirk Stroobandt
Scalable, Wavelet-Based Video: From Server to Hardware-Accelerated Client.
IEEE Trans. Multim.
9 (7) (2007)
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Harald Devos
Benjamin Schrauwen
Mark Christiaens
Dirk Stroobandt
A Hardware-Friendly Wavelet Entropy Codec for Scalable Video.
Dirk Stroobandt
Hendrik Eeckhaut
Harald Devos
Mark Christiaens
Fabio Verdicchio
Peter Schelkens
Reconfigurable Hardware for a Scalable Wavelet Video Decoder and Its Performance Requirements.
Jeroen De Maeyer
Harald Devos
Wim Meeus
Peter Verplaetse
Dirk Stroobandt
Hardware implementation of an EAN-13 bar code decoder.