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Gerard Lozanski
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2020
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Image Analysis
Cell Nuclei
Adaptive Thresholding
Automated Detection
Top Venues
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
Int. J. Comput. Biol. Drug Des.
Maciej Pietrzak
Gerard Lozanski
Michael Grever
Leslie Andritsos
James S. Blachly
Kerry Rogers
Michal Seweryn
On the analysis of the human immunome via an information theoretical approach.
Int. J. Comput. Biol. Drug Des.
13 (5/6) (2020)
Çaglar Senaras
M. Khalid Khan Niazi
Vidya Arole
Weijie Chen
Berkman Sahiner
Arwa Shana'ah
A. Louissaint
R. P. Hasserjian
Gerard Lozanski
Metin Nafi Gürcan
Segmentation of follicles from CD8-stained slides of follicular lymphoma using deep learning.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Çaglar Senaras
Berkman Sahiner
Gary Tozbikian
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Creating synthetic digital slides using conditional generative adversarial networks: application to Ki67 staining.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Çaglar Senaras
Michael Pennell
W. Chen
Berkman Sahiner
Arwa Shana'ah
A. Louissaint
R. P. Hasserjian
Gerard Lozanski
Metin Nafi Gürcan
Tumor microenvironment for follicular lymphoma: structural analysis for outcome prediction.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Çaglar Senaras
Michael Pennell
W. Chen
Berkman Sahiner
Arwa Shana'ah
A. Louissaint
R. P. Hasserjian
Gerard Lozanski
Metin Nafi Gürcan
FOXP3-stained image analysis for follicular lymphoma: optimal adaptive thresholding with maximal nucleus coverage.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Karl W. Kroll
Ann-Katherin Eisfeld
Gerard Lozanski
Clara D. Bloomfield
John C. Byrd
James S. Blachly
MuCor: mutation aggregation and correlation.
32 (10) (2016)
Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi
Michael Pennell
Berkman Sahiner
Weijie Chen
Arwa Shana'ah
Jessica Hemminger
Alejandro Gru
Habibe Kurt
Michael Losos
Amy Joehlin-Price
Christina Kavran
Stephen M. Smith
Nicholas Nowacki
Sharmeen Mansor
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Classification of follicular lymphoma: the effect of computer aid on pathologists grading.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
15 (2015)
M. Khalid Khan Niazi
Jessica Hemminger
Habibe Kurt
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Grading vascularity from histopathological images based on traveling salesman distance and vessel size.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Evrim Acar
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Tensor-based computation and modeling in multi-resolution digital pathology imaging: application to follicular lymphoma grading.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
M. Khalid Khan Niazi
Michael Pennell
Camille Elkins
Jessica Hemminger
Ming Jin
Sean Kirby
Habibe Kurt
Barrie Miller
Elizabeth Plocharczyk
Rachel Roth
Rebecca Ziegler
Arwa Shana'ah
Fred Racke
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Entropy based quantification of Ki-67 positive cell images and its evaluation by a reader study.
Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology
Hatice Çinar Akakin
Hui Kong
Camille Elkins
Jessica Hemminger
Barrie Miller
Jin Ming
Elizabeth Plocharczyk
Rachel Roth
Mitchell Weinberg
Rebecca Ziegler
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Automated detection of cells from immunohistochemically-stained tissues: application to Ki-67 nuclei staining.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid
Siddharth Samsi
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Automatic detection of follicular regions in H&E images using iterative shape index.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph.
35 (7-8) (2011)
Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid
Michael Pennell
Gerard Lozanski
Arwa Shana'ah
Metin N. Gurcan
Effect of pathologist agreement on evaluating a computer-aided assisted system: recognizing centroblast cells in follicular lymphoma cases.
Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid
Jeffrey W. Prescott
Gerard Lozanski
Metin N. Gurcan
Segmentation of follicular regions on H&E slides using a matching filter and active contour model.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Siddharth Samsi
Gerard Lozanski
Arwa Shanaah
Ashok K. Krishnamurthy
Metin N. Gurcan
Detection of Follicles From IHC-Stained Slides of Follicular Lymphoma Using Iterative Watershed.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
57 (10) (2010)
Olcay Sertel
Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Gerard Lozanski
Arwa Shanaah
Metin N. Gurcan
An Image Analysis Approach for Detecting Malignant Cells in Digitized H&E-stained Histology Images of Follicular Lymphoma.
Olcay Sertel
Gerard Lozanski
Arwa Shana'ah
Metin N. Gurcan
Computer-Aided Detection of Centroblasts for Follicular Lymphoma Grading Using Adaptive Likelihood-Based Cell Segmentation.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
57 (10) (2010)
Lee A. D. Cooper
Olcay Sertel
Jun Kong
Gerard Lozanski
Kun Huang
Metin N. Gurcan
Feature-based registration of histopathology images with different stains: An application for computerized follicular lymphoma prognosis.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
96 (3) (2009)
Olcay Sertel
Jun Kong
Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Gerard Lozanski
Joel H. Saltz
Metin N. Gurcan
Histopathological Image Analysis Using Model-Based Intermediate Representations and Color Texture: Follicular Lymphoma Grading.
J. Signal Process. Syst.
55 (1-3) (2009)
Olcay Sertel
Jun Kong
Gerard Lozanski
Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Joel H. Saltz
Metin N. Gurcan
Computerized microscopic image analysis of follicular lymphoma.
Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Olcay Sertel
Jun Kong
Gerard Lozanski
Arwa Shanaah
Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Joel H. Saltz
Metin N. Gurcan
Texture classification using nonlinear color quantization: Application to histopathological image analysis.