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Erik Nilsen
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1987-2021
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Learning Processes
Game Play
Student Participation
Optimal Design
Top Venues
ASE @ USENIX Security Symposium
CHI Extended Abstracts
Yoram Chisik
Marie-Monique Schaper
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Ruxandra Lupu
Laetitia Barbu
Laia Turmo Vidal
Erik Nilsen
Saumya Gupta
Cristina Valero
Through the Zoom Glass: Drawing Design Inspiration from Mediated Playful Interactions with Food and Child Personas.
Erik Nilsen
Elizabeth Safran
Peter Drake
Bryan Sebok
Playing a Serious Game for Earthquake Preparedness: Effects of Resource Richness and Avatar Choice.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Richard S. Weiss
Franklyn A. Turbak
Jens Mache
Erik Nilsen
Michael E. Locasto
Finding the Balance Between Guidance and Independence in Cybersecurity Exercises.
ASE @ USENIX Security Symposium
Richard S. Weiss
Stefan Boesen
James F. Sullivan
Michael E. Locasto
Jens Mache
Erik Nilsen
Teaching Cybersecurity Analysis Skills in the Cloud.
Stefan Boesen
Richard S. Weiss
James F. Sullivan
Michael E. Locasto
Jens Mache
Erik Nilsen
EDURange: Meeting the Pedagogical Challenges of Student Participation in Cybertraining Environments.
Moira Burke
Anthony J. Hornof
Erik Nilsen
Nicholas Gorman
High-cost banner blindness: Ads increase perceived workload, hinder visual search, and are forgotten.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
12 (4) (2005)
Moira Burke
Nicholas Gorman
Erik Nilsen
Anthony J. Hornof
Banner ads hinder visual search and are forgotten.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Erik Nilsen
Jake Evans
Exploring the divide between two unified theories of cognition: modeling visual attention in menu selection.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Erik Nilsen
David Fencsik
Aidan Smith
Linda Solares
Scott Stratton
Reducing visual stress symptoms of VDT users with prescription eyeglasses.
CHI 95 Conference Companion
Shawna Meyer
Oryx Cohen
Erik Nilsen
Device comparisons for goal-directed drawing tasks.
CHI Conference Companion
Erik Nilsen
Hee Sen Jong
Judith S. Olson
Kevin Biolsi
Henry H. Rueter
Sharon Mutter
The growth of software skill: a longitudinal look at learning & performance.
Oryx Cohen
Shawna Meyer
Erik Nilsen
Studying the movement of high-tech Rodentia: pointing and dragging.
INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings
Erik Nilsen
Hee Sen Jong
Judith S. Olson
Peter G. Polson
Method engineering: from data to model to practice.
Erik Nilsen
Perceptual-motor control in Human-Computer Interaction.
23 (4) (1991)
Neff Walker
John B. Smelcer
Erik Nilsen
Optimizing Speed and Accuracy of Menu Selection: A Comparison of Walking and Pull-Down Menus.
Int. J. Man Mach. Stud.
35 (6) (1991)
Judith Reitman Olson
Erik Nilsen
Analysis of the Cognition Involved in Spreadsheet Software Interaction (Abstract Only).
21 (1) (1989)
Judith Reitman Olson
Erik Nilsen
Analysis of the Cognition Involved in Spreadsheet Software Interaction.
Hum. Comput. Interact.
3 (4) (1987)