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Dorothé Smit
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Columbia University
Mutual Exclusion
Physical World
Top Venues
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
CHI Extended Abstracts
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume)
Georg Regal
Dorothé Smit
Nathalia Campreguer França
Verena Fuchsberger
Manfred Tscheligi
Making It Work - Experiences of Women Who Engage in Technological Making at Home.
Interact. Comput.
36 (1) (2024)
Dorothé Smit
Georg Regal
Cornelia Gerdenitsch
Making Your Makerspace: A Tale of Tension.
Verena Fuchsberger
Dorothé Smit
Nathalia Campreguer França
Georg Regal
Stefanie Wuschitz
Barbara Huber
Joanna Kowolik
Laura Devendorf
Elisa Giaccardi
Ambra Trotto
Making Access: Increasing Inclusiveness in Making.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Dorothé Smit
Bart Hengeveld
Martin Murer
Manfred Tscheligi
Hybrid Design Tools for Participatory, Embodied Sensemaking: An Applied Framework.
Marta Dziabiola
Robert Steiner
Ralf Vetter
Daniel Nørskov
Dorothé Smit
Qude: Exploring Tactile Code in Long-Distance Relationships.
Georg Regal
Helmut Schrom-Feiertag
Quynh Nguyen
Marco Aust
Markus Murtinger
Dorothé Smit
Manfred Tscheligi
Mark Billinghurst
VR [we are] Training - Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Training for Challenging Contexts.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Dorothé Smit
Ruth Neubauer
Verena Fuchsberger
Distributed Collaborative Sensemaking: Tracing a Gradual Process.
Verena Fuchsberger
Janne Mascha Beuthel
Dorothé Smit
Philippe Bentegeac
Manfred Tscheligi
Marije Nouwen
Bieke Zaman
Tanja Döring
Designing for Tangible (Un-)Connectedness.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume)
Martin Murer
Verena Fuchsberger
Alina Krischkowsky
Bernhard Maurer
Alexander Meschtscherjakov
Dorothé Smit
Manfred Tscheligi
Center for HCI, University of Salzburg.
27 (1) (2020)
Dorothé Smit
Verena Fuchsberger
Sprinkling Diversity: Hurdles on the Way to Inclusiveness in Makerspaces.
Dorothé Smit
Augmenting Embodied Sensemaking using VR-Enabled New and Unusual perspectives.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Dorothé Smit
Andreas Lindlbauer
Martin Murer
Bart Hengeveld
Manfred Tscheligi
Let the Bot Take Care of It: Exploring #CapIt, a Whiteboard Table Capture System.
ECSCW Exploratory Papers, Demos and Posters
Dorothé Smit
Bernhard Maurer
Martin Murer
Jens Reinhardt
Katrin Wolf
Be the Meeple: New Perspectives on Traditional Board Games.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Dorothé Smit
Thomas Grah
Martin Murer
Vincent van Rheden
Manfred Tscheligi
MacroScope: First-Person Perspective in Physical Scale Models.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Dorothé Smit
Martin Murer
Vincent van Rheden
Thomas Grah
Manfred Tscheligi
The Evolution of a Scale Model as an Impromptu Design Tool.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Vincent van Rheden
Bernhard Maurer
Dorothé Smit
Martin Murer
Manfred Tscheligi
LaserViz: Shared Gaze in the Co-Located Physical World.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Philemonne Jaasma
Dorothé Smit
Jelle van Dijk
Thomas Latcham
Ambra Trotto
Caroline Hummels
The Blue Studio: Designing an Interactive Environment for Embodied Multi-Stakeholder Ideation Processes.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Dorothé Smit
Doenja Oogjes
Bruna Goveia de Rocha
Ambra Trotto
Yeup Hur
Caroline Hummels
Ideating in Skills: Developing Tools for Embodied Co-Design.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Dorothé Smit
Saskia Bakker
BlurtLine: A Design Exploration to Support Children with ADHD in Classrooms.