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Christoph Czepa
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2020
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Business Processes
Ws Bpel
Specification Language
Linear Temporal Logic
Top Venues
EDOC Workshops
Business Process Management Workshops
CAiSE Forum
Christoph Czepa
Uwe Zdun
On the Understandability of Temporal Properties Formalized in Linear Temporal Logic, Property Specification Patterns and Event Processing Language.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng.
46 (1) (2020)
Christoph Czepa
Amirali Amiri
Evangelos Ntentos
Uwe Zdun
Modeling compliance specifications in linear temporal logic, event processing language and property specification patterns: a controlled experiment on understandability.
Softw. Syst. Model.
18 (6) (2019)
Christoph Czepa
Uwe Zdun
How Understandable Are Pattern-based Behavioral Constraints for Novice Software Designers?
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.
28 (2) (2019)
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
On the Understandability of Semantic Constraints for Behavioral Software Architecture Compliance: A Controlled Experiment.
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Thi Kim Tran
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Reduction techniques for efficient behavioral model checking in adaptive case management.
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Thi Kim Tran
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Lightweight approach for seamless modeling of process flows in case management models.
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Plausibility Checking of Formal Business Process Specifications in Linear Temporal Logic.
CAiSE Forum
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Thi Kim Tran
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Plausibility Checking of Formal Business Process Specifications in Linear Temporal Logic.
36 (2) (2016)
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Ontology-Based Behavioral Constraint Authoring.
EDOC Workshops
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Towards a Compliance Support Framework for Adaptive Case Management.
EDOC Workshops
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Alexander Adensamer
Christoph Ruhsam
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
An Ontology-Based Approach for Defining Compliance Rules by Knowledge Workers in Adaptive Case Management - A Repair Service Management Case.
EDOC Workshops
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Thi Kim Tran
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Plausibility Checking of Formal Business Process Specifications in Linear Temporal Logic (Extended Abstract).
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Enabling flexibility of business processes by compliance rules - a case study from the insurance industry.
BPM (Industry Track)
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Towards Structural Consistency Checking in Adaptive Case Management.
Business Process Management Workshops
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Supporting Structural Consistency Checking in Adaptive Case Management.
OTM Conferences
Thanh Tran Thi Kim
Erhard Weiss
Christoph Ruhsam
Christoph Czepa
Huy Tran
Uwe Zdun
Embracing Process Compliance and Flexibility Through Behavioral Consistency Checking in ACM - A Repair Service Management Case.
Business Process Management Workshops
Christoph Czepa
Shelley Buchinger
Helmut Hlavacs
Ewald Hotop
Yohann Pitrey
Towards an energy-efficient attention-aware mobile video player with sensor and face detection support.
Alexander Franiak
Yohann Pitrey
Christoph Czepa
Helmut Hlavacs
Streaming DirectX-Based Games on Windows.
Advances in Computer Entertainment