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Chanan Singh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2024
Publications (10 Years): 25
Top Topics
Power System
Kernel Density Estimation
Unit Commitment
Reliability Assessment
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
IEEE Access
Kate Davis
Laszlo B. Kish
Chanan Singh
Smart Grids Secured By Dynamic Watermarking: How Secure?
Mehmet Yildirim
Nasir Kenarangui
Robert S. Balog
Laszlo B. Kish
Chanan Singh
Simple Cracking of (Noise-Based) Dynamic Watermarking in Smart Grids.
Yongli Zhu
Chanan Singh
Assessing Bulk Power System Reliability by End-to-End Line Maintenance-Aware Learning.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Arun Kumar Karngala
Chanan Singh
Le Xie
Predictive Reliability Assessment of Distribution Grids with Residential Distributed Energy Resources.
Yongli Zhu
Chanan Singh
A Free Industry-grade Education Tool for Bulk Power System Reliability Assessment.
Yongli Zhu
Chanan Singh
End-to-End Topology-Aware Machine Learning for Power System Reliability Assessment.
Ali Menati
Xiangtian Zheng
Ki-Yeob Lee
Ranyu Shi
Pengwei Du
Chanan Singh
Le Xie
High Resolution Modeling and Analysis of Cryptocurrency Mining's Impact on Power Grids: Carbon Footprint, Reliability, and Electricity Price.
Saad A. Muaddi
Chanan Singh
Reliability Constrained Optimal Sizing and Examining Capacity Credit and Alternatives for Renewable Energy Sources.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
P. A. Gihan M. Amarasinghe
Saranga Kumudu Abeygunawardane
Chanan Singh
Adequacy Evaluation of Composite Power Systems Using an Evolutionary Swarm Algorithm.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Dongqi Wu
Xiangtian Zheng
Ali Menati
Lane Smith
Bainan Xia
Yixing Xu
Chanan Singh
Le Xie
How Much Demand Flexibility Could Have Spared Texas from the 2021 Outage?
Yi Ding
Changzheng Shao
Bo Hu
Minglei Bao
Tao Niu
Kaigui Xie
Chanan Singh
Operational Reliability Assessment of Integrated Heat and Electricity Systems Considering the Load Uncertainties.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (5) (2021)
Thanatheepan Balachandran
Arun-Kaarthick Manoharan
Visvakumar Aravinthan
Chanan Singh
Component-Level Reliability Evaluation Model for Cyber Power Devices.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
12 (1) (2021)
Mukesh Gautam
Narayan Bhusal
Mohammed Benidris
Chanan Singh
Joydeep Mitra
A Sensitivity-based Approach for Optimal Siting of Distributed Energy Resources.
P. A. Gihan M. Amarasinghe
Saranga Kumudu Abeygunawardane
Chanan Singh
Kernel Density Estimation Based Time-Dependent Approach for Analyzing the Impact of Increasing Renewables on Generation System Adequacy.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Heping Jia
Changzheng Shao
Dunnan Liu
Chanan Singh
Yi Ding
Yanbin Li
Operating Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems With Demand-Side Resources Considering Cyber Malfunctions.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Dogan Urgun
Chanan Singh
Vijay Vittal
Importance Sampling Using Multilabel Radial Basis Classification for Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation.
IEEE Syst. J.
14 (2) (2020)
Minglei Bao
Yi Ding
Chanan Singh
Changzheng Shao
A Multi-State Model for Reliability Assessment of Integrated Gas and Power Systems Utilizing Universal Generating Function Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
10 (6) (2019)
Heping Jia
Yi Ding
Yonghua Song
Chanan Singh
Maozhen Li
Operating Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems Considering Flexible Reserve Provider in Demand Side.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
10 (3) (2019)
Anoosheh Heidarzadeh
Alex Sprintson
Chanan Singh
A Fast and Accurate Failure Frequency Approximation for k-Terminal Reliability Systems.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
67 (3) (2018)
Mohammad Sadegh Modarresi
Le Xie
Chanan Singh
Reserves from Controllable Swimming Pool Pumps: Reliability Assessment and Operational Planning.
Mohsen Ghavami
Chanan Singh
Reliability evaluation of electric vehicle charging systems including the impact of repair.
Anoosheh Heidarzadeh
Alex Sprintson
Chanan Singh
A Fast and Accurate Failure Frequency Approximation for k-Terminal Reliability Systems.
Carmen L. T. Borges
Maynara A. Aredes
Chanan Singh
A probabilistic approach to the evaluation of energy availability of fixed and variable speed wind turbines.
ISGT Europe
Shijia Zhao
Chanan Singh
A reliability evaluation method for line switching operations in power systems.
Dipti Srinivasan
Ly Trong Trung
Chanan Singh
Bidding and Cooperation Strategies for Electricity Buyers in Power Markets.
IEEE Syst. J.
10 (2) (2016)
Anupam Trivedi
Dipti Srinivasan
Thomas Reindl
Chanan Singh
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for unit commitment with significant wind penetration.
Hangtian Lei
Chanan Singh
Alex Sprintson
Reliability analysis of modem substations considering cyber link failures.
Joydeep Mitra
Mallikarjuna R. Vallem
Chanan Singh
Optimal deployment of distributed generation using a reliability criterion.
Yixing Xu
Chanan Singh
Power System Reliability Impact of Energy Storage Integration With Intelligent Operation Strategy.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
5 (2) (2014)
Hangtian Lei
Chanan Singh
Alex Sprintson
Reliability Modeling and Analysis of IEC 61850 Based Substation Protection Systems.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
5 (5) (2014)
Robert C. Green II
Lingfeng Wang
Mansoor Alam
Chanan Singh
Intelligent state space pruning for Monte Carlo simulation with applications in composite power system reliability.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell.
26 (7) (2013)
Hamid Falaghi
Maryam Ramezani
Chanan Singh
Mahmood Reza Haghifam
Probabilistic Assessment of TTC in Power Systems Including Wind Power Generation.
IEEE Syst. J.
6 (1) (2012)
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Andrew Kusiak
Guest Editorial Special Section on Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources Into Power Grid.
IEEE Syst. J.
6 (2) (2012)
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Andrew Kusiak
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources Into Power Grid.
IEEE Syst. J.
6 (1) (2012)
Yong Liu
Chanan Singh
Evaluation of hurricane impact on composite power system reliability considering common-cause failures.
Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag.
1 (2) (2010)
Kai Jiang
Chanan Singh
Reliability analysis of future special protection schemes.
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Unit commitment considering generator outages through a mixed-integer particle swarm optimization algorithm.
Appl. Soft Comput.
9 (3) (2009)
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Reserve-constrained multiarea environmental/economic dispatch based on particle swarm optimization with local search.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell.
22 (2) (2009)
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Reliability-Constrained Optimum Placement of Reclosers and Distributed Generators in Distribution Networks Using an Ant Colony System Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C
38 (6) (2008)
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
Kay Chen Tan
Reliability evaluation of power-generating systems including time-dependent sources based on binary particle swarm optimization.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Lingfeng Wang
Chanan Singh
PSO-Based Multi-Criteria Optimum Design of A Grid-Connected Hybrid Power System With Multiple Renewable Sources of Energy.
Nader A. Samaan
Chanan Singh
Using genetic algorithms for reliability calculations of complex power systems.
Hyungchul Kim
Chanan Singh
Steady state and dynamic security assessment in composite power systems.