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Arne J. Berre
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2024
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Enterprise Architecture
Requirements Engineering
Specification Language
Environmental Information
Top Venues
Int. J. Spatial Data Infrastructures Res.
ESWC (Satellite Events)
Comput. Sci. Educ.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
Daoud Urdu
Arne J. Berre
Harald Sundmaeker
Stefan Rilling
Ioanna Roussaki
Angelo Marguglio
Kevin Doolin
Piotr Zaborowski
Rob Atkinson
Raúl Palma
Marianna Faraldi
Sjaak Wolfert
Aligning interoperability architectures for digital agri-food platforms.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
224 (2024)
Sailesh Abburu
Arne J. Berre
Michael Jacoby
Dumitru Roman
Ljiljana Stojanovic
Nenad Stojanovic
COGNITWIN - Hybrid and Cognitive Digital Twins for the Process Industry.
Kaïs Chaabouni
Alessandra Bagnato
Ståle Walderhaug
Arne J. Berre
Caj Södergård
Andrey Sadovykh
Enterprise Architecture modelling with ArchiMate.
STAF (Co-Located Events)
Andrey Sadovykh
Alessandra Bagnato
Arne J. Berre
Ståle Walderhaug
ArchiMate as a Specification Language for Big Data Applications - DataBio Example.
Karel Charvát
Bente Lilja Bye
Tomas Mildorf
Arne J. Berre
Karel Jedlicka
Open Data, VGI and Citizen Observatories INSPIRE Hackathon.
Int. J. Spatial Data Infrastructures Res.
13 (2018)
Arne J. Berre
Shihong Huang
Hani Murad
Hanieh Alibakhsh
Teaching modelling for requirements engineering and model-driven software development courses.
Comput. Sci. Educ.
28 (1) (2018)
Arne J. Berre
Shihong Huang
Hani Murad
Ewa M. Kabza
Evolution towards teaching a holistic course in model-driven system development: modeling for enterprise architecture with business and system architecture and platform-based development.
MoDELS (Companion)
Haiying Liu
Arne J. Berre
Mike Kobernus
Mirjam Fredriksen
Richard Rombouts
Andrei Tamlin
Tom Cole-Hunter
Leonardo Santiago
Alena Bartonova
CITI-SENSE Citizens' Observatories Architecture.
Int. J. Spatial Data Infrastructures Res.
13 (2018)
Dina Sukhobok
Nikolay Nikolov
Antoine Pultier
Xianglin Ye
Arne J. Berre
Rick Moynihan
Bill Roberts
Brian Elvesæter
Mahasivam Nivethika
Dumitru Roman
Tabular Data Cleaning and Linked Data Generation with Grafterizer.
ESWC (Satellite Events)
Carlos Granell
Denis Havlik
Sven Schade
Zoheir A. Sabeur
Conor Delaney
Jasmin Pielorz
Thomas Usländer
Paolo Mazzetti
Katharina Schleidt
Mike Kobernus
Fuada Havlik
Nils Rune Bodsberg
Arne J. Berre
José Lorenzo
Future Internet technologies for environmental applications.
Environ. Model. Softw.
78 (2016)
Dumitru Roman
Marin Dimitrov
Nikolay Nikolov
Antoine Pultier
Dina Sukhobok
Brian Elvesæter
Arne J. Berre
Xianglin Ye
Alex Simov
Yavor Petkov
DataGraft: Simplifying Open Data Publishing.
ESWC (Satellite Events)
Yannick L. H. Lew Yaw Fung
Arne J. Berre
Supporting Service Innovation Through a Value Development Framework.
CAiSE Workshops
Arne J. Berre
Sven Schade
Infrastructures and Platforms for Environmental Crowd Sensing and Big Data.
EnviroInfo/ICT4S (2)
Núria Castell
Haiying Liu
Mike Kobernus
Arne J. Berre
Josef Noll
Erol Cagatay
Reidun Gangdal
Mobile technologies and personalized environmental information for supporting sustainable mobility in Oslo: The Citi-Sense-MOB approach.
Arne J. Berre
Sven Schade
Dumitru Roman
Environmental Infrastructures and Platforms with Citizens Observatories and Linked Open Data.
Denis Havlik
Javier Soriano
Carlos Granell
Stuart E. Middleton
Hylke van der Schaaf
Arne J. Berre
Jasmin Pielorz
Future Internet enablers for VGI applications.
Arne J. Berre
Yannick Lew
Brian Elvesæter
Henk de Man
Service Innovation and Service Realisation with VDML and ServiceML.
EDOC Workshops
Thomas Usländer
Arne J. Berre
Carlos Granell
Denis Havlik
José Lorenzo
Zoheir A. Sabeur
Stefano Modafferi
The Future Internet Enablement of the Environment Information Space.
Arne J. Berre
Henk de Man
Peter Lindgren
Open Business Model Innovation with the NEFFICS platform and VDML.
NGEBIS Short Papers
Ling Shi
Dumitru Roman
Arne J. Berre
SBVR as a Semantic Hub for Integration of Heterogeneous Systems.
RuleML (2)
Arne J. Berre
An Agile Model-Based Framework for Service Innovation for the Future Internet.
ICWE Workshops
Mira Kajko-Mattsson
Michael Striewe
Michael Goedicke
Ivar Jacobson
Ian Spence
Shihong Huang
Paul McMahon
Bruce MacIsaac
Brian Elvesæter
Arne J. Berre
Ed Seymour
Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (Invited presentation).
Andrey Sadovykh
Christian Hein
Brice Morin
Parastoo Mohagheghi
Arne J. Berre
REMICS- REuse and Migration of Legacy Applications to Interoperable Cloud Services.
Dumitru Roman
Sven Schade
Arne J. Berre
Open Environmental Platforms: Top-Level Components and Relevant Standards.
Denis Havlik
Sven Schade
Zoheir A. Sabeur
Paolo Mazzetti
Kym Watson
Arne J. Berre
José Lorenzo
From Sensor to Observation Web with Environmental Enablers in the Future Internet.
11 (4) (2011)
Arne J. Berre
Thomas Usländer
Sven Schade
Identification and Specification of Generic and Specific Enablers of the Future Internet - Illustrated by the Geospatial and Environmental Domain - (Invited Paper).
Dumitru Roman
Xiaoxin Gao
Arne J. Berre
Demonstration: Sensapp - An Application Development Platform for OGC-based Sensor Services.
Arne J. Berre
Dumitru Roman
Environmental Service Infrastructure with Ontologies (ENVISION) - ENVISION Consortium.
Yongxin Liao
Dumitru Roman
Arne J. Berre
Model-driven rule-based mediation in XML data exchange.
Espen Moeller
Arne J. Berre
Business service identification and modelling with context support.
Dumitru Roman
Sven Schade
Arne J. Berre
Nils Rune Bodsberg
Joël Langlois
Environmental Services Infrastructure with Ontologies - A Decision Support Framework.
EnviroInfo (1)
Reyes Grangel
Jean Pierre Bourey
Arne J. Berre
Solving Problems in the Parameterisation of ERPs Using a Model-Driven Approach.