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Armin Zare
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 21
Top Topics
Stochastic Models
Kalman Filtering
Video Encoding
Alternating Direction
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
Mireille Rodrigues
Nicolas A. Burgess
Aditya H. Bhatt
Stefano Leonardi
Armin Zare
Robustness of two-dimensional stochastic dynamical wake models for yawed wind turbines.
Dhanushki Hewawaduge
Armin Zare
The effect of base flow uncertainty on transitional channel flows.
Hesameddin Mohammadi
Armin Zare
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Convergence and Sample Complexity of Gradient Methods for the Model-Free Linear-Quadratic Regulator Problem.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
67 (5) (2022)
Armin Zare
Data-enhanced Kalman filtering of colored process noise.
Dhanushki Hewawaduge
Tyler H. Summers
Armin Zare
Robustness of variance suppression in channel flows with imperfect transverse wall oscillations.
Armin Zare
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Stochastic Dynamical Modeling of Turbulent Flows.
Annu. Rev. Control. Robotics Auton. Syst.
3 (2020)
Armin Zare
Hesameddin Mohammadi
Neil K. Dhingra
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Proximal Algorithms for Large-Scale Statistical Modeling and Sensor/Actuator Selection.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
65 (8) (2020)
Hesameddin Mohammadi
Armin Zare
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Global exponential convergence of gradient methods over the nonconvex landscape of the linear quadratic regulator.
Wei Ran
Armin Zare
M. J. Philipp Hack
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Relating global and local stochastic receptivity analysis of boundary layer flows.
Hesameddin Mohammadi
Armin Zare
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Convergence and sample complexity of gradient methods for the model-free linear quadratic regulator problem.
Wei Ran
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Drag reduction in turbulent channel flow over spatially periodic surfaces.
Armin Zare
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Stochastic dynamical modeling of turbulent flows.
Armin Zare
Neil K. Dhingra
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Proximal algorithms for large-scale statistical modeling and optimal sensor/actuator selection.
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Optimal Sensor Selection via Proximal Optimization Algorithms.
Wei Ran
Armin Zare
M. J. Philipp Hack
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Low-complexity modeling of mode interactions in boundary layer flows.
Deepjyoti Deka
Armin Zare
Andrey Y. Lokhov
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Michael Chertkov
State and noise covariance estimation in power grids using limited nodal PMUs.
Armin Zare
Neil K. Dhingra
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Structured covariance completion via proximal algorithms.
Armin Zare
Yongxin Chen
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Low-Complexity Modeling of Partially Available Second-Order Statistics: Theory and an Efficient Matrix Completion Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
62 (3) (2017)
Wei Ran
Armin Zare
M. J. Philipp Hack
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Low-complexity stochastic modeling of spatially-evolving flows.
Christian Grussler
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Anders Rantzer
The use of the r* heuristic in covariance completion problems.
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Perturbation of system dynamics and the covariance completion problem.
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Alternating direction optimization algorithms for covariance completion problems.
Armin Zare
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Completion of partially known turbulent flow statistics.
Armin Zare
Binh K. Lieu
Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Turbulent drag reduction by streamwise traveling waves.