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Anil Rao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1996-2020
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Laplacian Eigenmaps
Manifold Learning
Millimeter Wave
Brain Activation
Top Venues
M. Majid Butt
Anil Rao
Daejung Yoon
RF Fingerprinting and Deep Learning Assisted UE Positioning in 5G.
Manan Gupta
Anil Rao
Eugene Visotsky
Amitava Ghosh
Jeffrey G. Andrews
Learning Link Schedules in Self-Backhauled Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun.
19 (12) (2020)
M. Majid Butt
Anil Rao
Daejung Yoon
RF Fingerprinting and Deep Learning Assisted UE Positioning in 5G.
VTC Spring
Dandan Wang
Gurudutt Hosangadi
Pantelis Monogioudis
Anil Rao
Mobile Device Localization in 5G Wireless Networks.
Manan Gupta
Anil Rao
Eugene Visotsky
Mark Cudak
Amitava Ghosh
Jeffrey G. Andrews
Learning-based Delay Optimization for Self-Backhauled Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks.
Gurudutt Hosangadi
Dandan Wang
Anil Rao
System Design Considerations For Internet Of Things (IoT) With Category-M Devices In LTE Networks.
Anil Rao
João M. Monteiro
Janaina Mourão Miranda
Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Predictive modelling using neuroimaging data in the presence of confounds.
150 (2017)
Orlando Fernandes Junior
Liana Catarina Lima Portugal
Rita de Cássia Soares Alves
Tiago Arruda-Sanchez
Anil Rao
Eliane Volchan
Mirtes Pereira
Leticia de Oliveira
Janaina Mourão Miranda
Decoding negative affect personality trait from patterns of brain activation to threat stimuli.
145 (2017)
Anil Rao
João M. Monteiro
Janaina Mourão Miranda
Prediction of clinical scores from neuroimaging data with censored likelihood gaussian processes.
Anil Rao
Joao M. Monteiro
John Ashburner
Liana Catarina Lima Portugal
Orlando Fernandes Junior
Leticia de Oliveira
Mirtes Pereira
Janaina Mourão Miranda
A Comparison of Strategies for Incorporating Nuisance Variables into Predictive Neuroimaging Models.
Joao M. Monteiro
Anil Rao
John Ashburner
John Shawe-Taylor
Janaina Mourão Miranda
Multivariate Effect Ranking via Adaptive Sparse PLS.
Gurudutt Hosangadi
Anil Rao
Roger Bartlett
Matthew Schlesener
Carrier-Grade Voice over LTE: Advantages and Challenges.
VTC Fall
João M. Monteiro
Anil Rao
John Ashburner
John Shawe-Taylor
Janaina Mourão Miranda
Leveraging Clinical Data to Enhance Localization of Brain Atrophy.
Anil Rao
Christian Ledig
Virginia F. J. Newcombe
David K. Menon
Daniel Rueckert
Contusion segmentation from subjects with Traumatic Brain Injury: A random forest framework.
Claire R. Donoghue
Anil Rao
Anthony M. J. Bull
Daniel Rueckert
Learning osteoarthritis imaging biomarkers using Laplacian eigenmap embeddings with data from the OAI.
Kanwal K. Bhatia
Anil Rao
Anthony N. Price
Robin Wolz
Joseph V. Hajnal
Daniel Rueckert
Hierarchical Manifold Learning for Regional Image Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
33 (2) (2014)
Nick Weiss
Daniel Rueckert
Anil Rao
Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation Using Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding.
Alexandr M. Kuzminskiy
Jun Yang
Shin Horng Wong
Anil Rao
Matthew P. J. Baker
Decentralized adaptive range expansion in heterogeneous WCDMA networks.
Kanwal K. Bhatia
Anil Rao
Anthony N. Price
Robin Wolz
Joseph V. Hajnal
Daniel Rueckert
Hierarchical Manifold Learning.
Claire R. Donoghue
Anil Rao
Luis Pizarro
Anthony M. J. Bull
Daniel Rueckert
Fast and accurate global geodesic registrations using knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.
CVPR Workshops
Claire R. Donoghue
Anil Rao
Anthony M. J. Bull
Daniel Rueckert
Robust Global Registration through Geodesic Paths on an Empirical Manifold with Knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI).
Claire R. Donoghue
Anil Rao
Anthony M. J. Bull
Daniel Rueckert
Manifold learning for automatically predicting articular cartilage morphology in the knee with data from the osteoarthritis initiative (OAI).
Medical Imaging: Image Processing
Gwenaëlle Douaud
Saâd Jbabdi
Timothy Edward John Behrens
Ricarda A. Menke
Achim Gass
Andreas U. Monsch
Anil Rao
Brandon J. Whitcher
Gordon L. Kindlmann
Paul M. Matthews
Stephen M. Smith
DTI measures in crossing-fibre areas: Increased diffusion anisotropy reveals early white matter alteration in MCI and mild Alzheimer's disease.
55 (3) (2011)
Anil Rao
Ying Lee
Achim Gass
Andreas U. Monsch
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease from structural MRI using sparse logistic regression with optional spatial regularization.
Nicola Filippini
Anil Rao
Sally Wetten
Rachel A. Gibson
Michael Borrie
Danilo Guzman
Andrew Kertesz
Inge Loy-English
Julie Williams
Thomas E. Nichols
Brandon J. Whitcher
Paul M. Matthews
Anatomically-distinct genetic associations of APOE ɛ4 allele load with regional cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.
44 (3) (2009)
Anil Rao
Paul Aljabar
Daniel Rueckert
Hierarchical statistical shape analysis and prediction of sub-cortical brain structures.
Medical Image Anal.
12 (1) (2008)
Stephen M. Smith
Anil Rao
Nicola De Stefano
Mark Jenkinson
Jonathan M. Schott
Paul M. Matthews
Nick C. Fox
Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of atrophy in Alzheimer's disease: Cross-validation of BSI, SIENA and SIENAX.
36 (4) (2007)
Anil Rao
Kolawole O. Babalola
Daniel Rueckert
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sub-cortical Brain Structures Using Non-rigid Registration.
Kolawole O. Babalola
Timothy F. Cootes
Brian Patenaude
Anil Rao
Mark Jenkinson
Comparing the Similarity of Statistical Shape Models Using the Bhattacharya Metric.
Anil Rao
Timothy F. Cootes
Daniel Rueckert
Hierarchical Statistical Shape Analysis and Prediction of Sub-Cortical Brain Structures.
CVPR Workshops
Dimitrios Perperidis
Raghavendra Chandrashekara
Maria Lorenzo-Valdés
Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz
Anil Rao
Daniel Rueckert
Raad Mohiaddin
Building a 4D Atlas of the Cardiac Anatomy and Motion Using MR Imaging.
Anil Rao
Raghavendra Chandrashekara
Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz
Raad Mohiaddin
Paul Aljabar
Joseph V. Hajnal
Basant K. Puri
Daniel Rueckert
Spatial transformation of motion and deformation fields using nonrigid registration.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
23 (9) (2004)
Anil Rao
Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz
Raghavendra Chandrashekara
Maria Lorenzo-Valdés
Raad Mohiaddin
Daniel Rueckert
Construction of a Cardiac Motion Atlas From MR Using Non-rigid Registration.
Raghavendra Chandrashekara
Anil Rao
Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz
Raad Mohiaddin
Daniel Rueckert
Construction of a Statistical Model for Cardiac Motion Analysis Using Nonrigid Image Registration.
Dimitrios Perperidis
Anil Rao
Maria Lorenzo-Valdés
Raad Mohiaddin
Daniel Rueckert
Spatio-temporal Alignment of 4D Cardiac MR Images.
Dimitrios Perperidis
Anil Rao
Raad Mohiaddin
Daniel Rueckert
Non-rigid Spatio-Temporal Alignment of 4D Cardiac MR Images.
Anil Rao
Gerardo I. Sanchez-Ortiz
Raghavendra Chandrashekara
Maria Lorenzo-Valdés
Raad Mohiaddin
Daniel Rueckert
Comparison of Cardiac Motion Across Subjects Using Non-rigid Registration.
Anil Rao
Duncan Gillies
Vortex Segmentation from Cardiac MR 2D Velocity Images Using Region Growing about Vortex Centres.
Anil Rao
Reda A. Ammar
A Simulator Design for Studying Operating Systems: Related Issues.
67 (6) (1996)