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A. Goswami
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1988-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Cell Formation
Password Authentication
Supply Chain
Manufacturing Processes
Top Venues
Int. J. Math. Oper. Res.
Int. J. Syst. Sci.
A. Goswami
Hamed Saeidi
Ardalan Vahidi
P. Jayakumar
Implementation of Hierarchical Framework with Accurate Localization and Low Level Control in a Low-Cost Scaled Autonomous Car.
Arindum Mukhopadhyay
A. Goswami
Stockout aversion in retailing supply chain using newsvendor models.
Int. J. Math. Oper. Res.
8 (2) (2016)
S. Choudhury
A. Kalwar
A. Goswami
Monowar H. Bhuyan
BRC-KEP: A secure biometric and reversible CA based 2-party key exchange protocol.
Om Prakash
A. R. Roy
A. Goswami
Stochastic manufacturing system with process deterioration and machine breakdown.
Int. J. Syst. Sci.
45 (12) (2014)
B. S. Sirisha
V. K. J. Jeevan
R. V. Raja Kumar
A. Goswami
A personalised information support system for searching portals and e-resources.
43 (1) (2009)
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
Bhanu Prasad
Mining fuzzy temporal patterns from process instances with weighted temporal graphs.
Int. J. Data Anal. Tech. Strateg.
1 (1) (2008)
A. Goswami
T. Bezboruah
K. Sarma
Design and Implementation of an Embedded System for Monitoring and Controlling the Intensity of Light.
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
Bhanu Prasad
Discovery of Fuzzy Temporal Patterns from Process Instances.
Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
Mining Frequent Fuzzy Grids in Dynamic Databases with Weighted Transactions and Weighted Items.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag.
5 (3) (2006)
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
Mining fuzzy quantitative association rules.
Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng.
23 (4) (2006)
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
Mining Fuzzy Association Rules from Fuzzy Databases.
R. B. V. Subramanyam
A. Goswami
A Fuzzy Data Mining Algorithm for Incremental Mining of Quantitative Sequential Patterns.
Int. J. Uncertain. Fuzziness Knowl. Based Syst.
13 (6) (2005)
Awadhesh Kumar Sharma
A. Goswami
Dharmendra Kumar Gupta
FTS relational data model for source-aware fuzzy relational multidatabases.
Awadhesh Kumar Sharma
A. Goswami
Dharmendra Kumar Gupta
Discovery of fuzzy inclusion dependencies in fuzzy relational databases.
Awadhesh Kumar Sharma
A. Goswami
Dharmendra Kumar Gupta
Fuzzy Inclusion Dependencies in Fuzzy Relational Databases.
ITCC (1)
Awadhesh Kumar Sharma
A. Goswami
Dharmendra Kumar Gupta
An Extended Relational Algebra for Fuzzy Multidatabases.
A. Goswami
Prabin Kumar Panigrahi
Conceptual Modeling of Fuzzy Object-Oriented Database Systems.
S. K. Das
A. Goswami
S. S. Alam
Multiobjective transportation problem with interval cost, source and destination parameters.
Eur. J. Oper. Res.
117 (1) (1999)
J. Ray
A. Goswami
K. S. Chaudhuri
On an inventory model with two levels of storage and stock-dependent demand rate.
Int. J. Syst. Sci.
29 (3) (1998)
S. A. Sanyal
A. Goswami
D. R. Poddar
S. K. Chowdhury
A microprocessor controlled programmable switching module for phased array applications.
Proc. IEEE
76 (5) (1988)