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AHFE (26)
volume 610, 2018
Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making - Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making, July 17-21, 2017, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA
AHFE (26)
610 (2018)
Atsuo Murata
New Approach to Decision Making (DM) - Evaluation of DM by not Choice but Preference of Alternatives.
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Aline Souza
Rita Almendra
Lia Krucken
Autochthonous Materials and Traditional Manufacturing Methods: Analysis Based on Cultural and Historical Features.
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Roger M. Whitaker
Liam D. Turner
Gualtiero Colombo
Dinesh C. Verma
Diane Felmlee
Gavin Pearson
Intra-group Tension Under Inter-group Conflict: A Generative Model Using Group Social Norms and Identity.
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Denis A. Coelho
Cultural and Social Determinants of Working Conditions in Europe.
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Fuad Ali El-Qirem
Gilbert Cockton
Designing Culturally Appropriate Responses to Culturally Influenced Computer Usage Behaviors.
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Samira Shaikh
Prasanna Lalingkar
Eliza Barach
Laurie Feldman
Cross-Cultural Reactions to Crisis Events via Language and Emoticon Use.
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Corey Lofdahl
Martin Voshell
Challenges in Making Policy Decision-Support Systems Operational.
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Mukesh Dalal
Amy Sliva
David Blumstein
Complex Causality: Computational Formalisms, Mental Models, and Objective Truth.
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Leon Ciechanowski
Aleksandra Przegalinska
Krzysztof Wegner
The Necessity of New Paradigms in Measuring Human-Chatbot Interaction.
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Gerald Matthews
Lauren Reinerman-Jones
Grace Teo
Shawn Burke
David Scribner
Nationalism, Patriotism and Multinational Decision-Making Competence: Evidence from a Situation Judgment Test.
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Mark Hoffman
Martin O. Hofmann
Challenges and Opportunities in Gray Zone "Combat".
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Glenn Pierce
Paul F. Cleary
Curtis Holland
Gordana Rabrenovic
Security Challenges in the 21st Century: The Changing Nature of Risk, Security and Sustainability.
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Sunil Joshi
Organization & Cultural Impact of Microservices Architecture.
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Umer Asgher
Riaz Ahmad
Yasar Ayaz
Noman Naseer
Liaqat Ali
José Arzola-Ruiz
Maureen Kole
Analyzing Various Functions of Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) in Decision Making via Brain Imaging Techniques.
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Mark Turner
Eeven Chin
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Accuracy of Personality Judgements Made Through Social Media.
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Yan Gan
Yasuyuki Hirai
Comparative Study of Design by Culture Reference: Design Examples.
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Ronda Jenson
Alexis Petri
Arden Day
Veterans in STEM: Supporting the Transition from Military Culture to the Culture of College.
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Cheng Qian
Philipp Kats
Sergey Malinchik
Mark Hoffman
Brian P. Kettler
Constantine E. Kontokosta
Stanislav Sobolevsky
Geo-Tagged Social Media Data as a Proxy for Urban Mobility.
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Erman Çakit
Waldemar Karwowski
Understanding the Social and Economic Factors Affecting Adverse Events in an Active Theater of War: A Neural Network Approach.
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James Starz
Jennifer Lautenschlager
Timothy Siedlecki
Luis Asencios Reynoso
Enabling Mixed Method Modeling Through the Use of Causal Networks.
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Jason Schlachter
Jennifer Lautenschlager
A Fast Track Approach Towards Automatic Detection of Gray Zone Activities from Text.
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Michael L. Bernard
Asmeret Bier Naugle
Examining How Perception of External Threat Influences the Popularity of Government Leaders.
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Alexis Cordovés-García
José Arzola-Ruiz
Umer Asgher
Incorporating the Cultural and Decisions Factors in Multi-objective Optimization of Air Conditioning Conduit Design Process.
AHFE (26)