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The Future of the Social Web
Aline Carvalho
Adilson Cabral
Brazilian Digital Culture Forum: A New Way of Making Public Policies.
The Future of the Social Web
Sharon Paradesi
Fuming Shih
GlobalIdentifier: Unexpected Personal Social Content with Data on the Web.
The Future of the Social Web
Kristina Lerman
Aram Galstyan
Greg Ver Steeg
Tad Hogg
Social Mechanics: An Empirically Grounded Science of Social Media.
The Future of the Social Web
The Future of the Social Web, Papers from the 2011 ICWSM Workshop, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 21, 2011
The Future of the Social Web
Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Luz Rello
How Bad Do You Spell?: The Lexical Quality of Social Media.
The Future of the Social Web
Gilad Lotan
Mapping Information Flows on Twitter.
The Future of the Social Web