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Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
volume 6668, 2011
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging. Computational Challenges and Clinical Opportunities - Second International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2010, Beijing, China, September 20, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
6668 (2011)
Javed M. Aman
Ronald M. Summers
Jianhua Yao
Characterizing Colonic Detections in CT Colonography Using Curvature-Based Feature Descriptor and Bag-of-Words Model.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Xujiong Ye
Gareth Beddoe
Greg G. Slabaugh
A Bayesian Approach for False Positive Reduction in CTC CAD.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Hongbin Zhu
Yi Fan
Zhengrong Liang
Improved Curvature Estimation for Shape Analysis in Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Kenji Suzuki
Recent Advances in Reduction of False Positives in Computerized Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Hongbin Zhu
Lihong Li
Yi Fan
Zhengrong Liang
Haustral Fold Segmentation of CT Colonography Using Ridge Line Detection.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Xiaoyun Yang
Gareth Beddoe
Greg G. Slabaugh
Learning to Detect 3D Rectal Tubes in CT Colonography Using a Global Shape Model.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Zhuoshi Wei
Jianhua Yao
Shijun Wang
Ronald M. Summers
Teniae Coli Extraction in Human Colon for Computed Tomographic Colonography Images.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
June-Goo Lee
Wenli Cai
Anand Singh
Hiroyuki Yoshida
Estimation of Necrosis Volumes in Focal Liver Lesions Based on Multi-phase Hepatic CT Images.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Zhide Wu
Zhengxing Shi
Guopeng Zhang
Hongbing Lu
Detection of the Invasion of Bladder Tumor into Adjacent Wall Based on Textural Features Extracted from MRI Images.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Wenli Cai
Hiroyuki Yoshida
Electronic Cleansing in CT Colonography: Past, Present, and Future.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Haiyong Xu
H. Donald Gage
Peter Santago
Yaorong Ge
Colorectal Polyp Segmentation Based on Geodesic Active Contours with a Shape-Prior Model.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Fanghua Liu
Chaijie Duan
Kehong Yuan
Zhengrong Liang
Shanglian Bao
Detecting Bladder Abnormalities Based on Inter-layer Intensity Curve for Virtual Cystoscopy.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Nisha I. Sainani
Janne Näppi
Dushyant Sahani
Hiroyuki Yoshida
Computer-Aided Detection of Small Bowel Strictures for Emergency Radiology in CT Enterography.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Krishna Chaitanya Gurijala
Arie E. Kaufman
Wei Zeng
Xianfeng Gu
Extraction of Landmarks and Features from Virtual Colon Models.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Joseph Marino
Arie E. Kaufman
Colon Visualization Using Shape Preserving Flattening.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Wei Zeng
Joseph Marino
Xianfeng Gu
Arie E. Kaufman
Conformal Geometry Based Supine and Prone Colon Registration.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Masahiro Oda
Eiichiro Fukano
Takayuki Kitasaka
Hirotsugu Takabatake
Masaki Mori
Hiroshi Natori
Shigeru Nawano
Kensaku Mori
Synchronized Display of Virtual Colonoscopic Views in Supine and Prone CT Images.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Jianwu Xu
Kenji Suzuki
False-Positive Reduction in Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography: A Massive-Training Support Vector Regression Approach.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging
Janne Näppi
June-Goo Lee
Joel G. Fletcher
Hiroyuki Yoshida
Computer-Assisted Diagnosis for Quantitative Image-Based Analysis of Crohn's Disease in CT Enterography.
Virtual Colonoscopy and Abdominal Imaging