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Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Maurice H. ter Beek
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú
Markus Holzer
György Vaszil
Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems: Components with Nonincreasing Competence.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Petr Sosík
Selected Topics in Computational Complexity of Membrane Systems.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Bogdan Aman
Gabriel Ciobanu
A Temporal Logic for Mutual Mobile Membranes with Objects on Surface.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Solomon Marcus
Introduction: Impact of GP's Scientific Work.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Rudolf Freund
Marian Kogler
Marion Oswald
A General Framework for Regulated Rewriting Based on the Applicability of Rules.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Hans-Joachim Böckenhauer
Juraj Hromkovic
Andreas Sprock
Knowing All Optimal Solutions Does Not Help for TSP Reoptimization.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Ludek Cienciala
Lucie Ciencialová
P Colonies and Their Extensions.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú
CD Grammar Systems: Competence and Confidence.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Rodica Ceterchi
Alexandru Ioan Tomescu
Computing the Maximum Bisimulation with Spiking Neural P Systems.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Vincenzo Manca
A Recurrent Enumeration of Free Hypermultisets.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Jirí Wiedermann
Nanomachine Computing by Quorum Sensing.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Alica Kelemenová
Sárka Vavrecková
Generative Power of Eco-Colonies.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Paolo Bottoni
Radu Gramatovici
Anna Labella
Florin Manea
Victor Mitrana
Context Insertions.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Arto Salomaa
On Some Biologically Motivated Control Devices for Parallel Rewriting.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Robert Brijder
Andrzej Ehrenfeucht
Grzegorz Rozenberg
Reaction Systems with Duration.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
Henning Fernau
Ralf Stiebe
On the Expressive Power of Valences in Cooperating Distributed Grammar Systems.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
György Vaszil
On the Parallelizability of Languages Accepted by P Automata.
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
volume 6610, 2011
Computation, Cooperation, and Life - Essays Dedicated to Gheorghe Paun on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Computation, Cooperation, and Life
6610 (2011)