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ICC 2016
Manar Abourezq
Abdellah Idrissi
Fadoua Yakine
Routing in wireless Ad Hoc networks using the Skyline operator and an outranking method.
ICC 2016
Marnel Peradilla
Younchan Jung
Combined Operations of Mobility and NAT Management on the Horizontal Model of Software-Defined Networking.
ICC 2016
Amita Ajith Kamath
Chirag Jamadagni
K. Chandrasekaran
VirtTorrent: BitTorrent for Inter-VM File Distribution.
ICC 2016
Mohammed Al-Hougbany
Muhammad Al-Qurishi
Mabrook Al-Rakhami
Majed A. AlRubaian
Atif Alamri
A Framework for Optimum Selection of Online Social Network Management Systems.
ICC 2016
Abdul Fuad Abdul Rahman
Maslina Daud
Madihah Zulfa Mohamad
Securing Sensor to Cloud Ecosystem using Internet of Things (IoT) Security Framework.
ICC 2016
Priya Dudhale Pise
Nilesh J. Uke
Efficient Security Framework for Sensitive Data Sharing and Privacy Preserving on Big-Data and Cloud Platforms.
ICC 2016
Umber Noreen
Ahcène Bounceur
Laurent Clavier
Integration of OFDM Based Communication System with Alpha-Stable Interference using CupCarbon Simulator.
ICC 2016
Alshaimaa Abo-Alian
Nagwa L. Badr
Mohamed F. Tolba
Authentication as a Service for Cloud Computing.
ICC 2016
Amir Mohamed Talib
Fahad Omar Alomary
Cloud Computing Based E-Commerce as a Service Model: Impacts and Recommendations.
ICC 2016
Yu-Chi Liu
Wei-Chun Chung
Meng-Huang Lee
Kuan-Jen Wang
Shin-Hung Chang
Chi-Jen Wu
Ray-I Chang
Jan-Ming Ho
Scheduling of Optimal DASH Streaming.
ICC 2016
Jamaiah Haji Yahaya
Aziz Deraman
Zuriani Hayati Abdullah
Evergreen Software Preservation: The Anti-Ageing Model.
ICC 2016
Wassila Guebli
Abdelkader Belkhir
Providing Services in an Intelligent Environment: Smart Home Simulator based WoT.
ICC 2016
Mohammad N. Khalaf
Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi
Laith Al-Yasen
A Trust Framework for Ranking User as a Cloud Provider in Peer-to-Peer cloud system.
ICC 2016
Mohd Hafriz Bin Nural Azhan
Md. Yazid Bin Mohd. Saman
Mustafa Bin Man
A Framework for Collaborative Multi-Institution MOOC Environment.
ICC 2016
Homero Toral-Cruz
Self-Similarity in Voice over Internet Traffic.
ICC 2016
Nyan Lin
Brian M. Kurkoski
Yuto Lim
Yasuo Tan
Balanced Cooperative Linear Data Exchange with Physical Layer Network Coding.
ICC 2016
Seyoung Park
Jae-Gil Lee
So-Jeong Kim
Dong-Hee Shin
The Effect of Visual Cueing in 3D Animations for Learning Procedural-manipulative Tasks: From the Perspective of Cognitive Load Theory.
ICC 2016
Mohamed Abdlhamed
Kashif Kifayat
Qi Shi
William Hurst
A System for Intrusion Prediction in Cloud Computing.
ICC 2016
Sedrati Maamar
Hafnaoui Taleb
Impact of routing protocols on the quality of transmission for video streaming.
ICC 2016
El Fatimi Youssef
Fihri Mohammed
Ezzati Abedellah
Improvement of Leach Routing Algorithm Based on the Use of Game Theory.
ICC 2016
Majed Almubaddel
Ahmed M. Elmogy
Cloud Computing Antecedents, Challenges, and Directions.
ICC 2016
Bhaskar Bhuyan
Nityananda Sarma
A QoS aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Base Stations.
ICC 2016
Mohamed Boubenia
Abdelkader Belkhir
Fayçal M'hamed Bouyakoub
A multi-level approach for mobile recommendation of services.
ICC 2016
Afreen Fatimah
Rahul Johari
Part: Performance Analysis of Routing Techniques in Delay Tolerant Network.
ICC 2016
Shih-Hsiung Lee
Chih-Nan Hu
Chu-Sing Yang
Token-oriented based for Internet of Things and Clouding computing services.
ICC 2016
Talal Albalawi
Austin Melton
Michael Rothstein
A New Approach to Data Dynamic Integrity Control.
ICC 2016
Muhammad Summair Raza
Usman Qamar
A hybrid feature selection approach based on heuristic and exhaustive algorithms using Rough set theory.
ICC 2016
Djallel Eddine Boubiche
Sabrina Boubiche
Azeddine Bilami
Homero Toral-Cruz
Toward Adaptive Data Aggregation Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICC 2016
Mabrook Al-Rakhami
Ahmad Alhamed
Cloud-based Graphical Simulation Tool of ECG for Educational Purpose.
ICC 2016
Adel Alkhalil
Reza Sahandi
David John
A Review of the Current Level of Support to Aid Decisions for Migrating to Cloud Computing.
ICC 2016
Massinissa Saoudi
Ahcène Bounceur
Reinhardt Euler
M. Tahar Kechadi
Data Mining Techniques Applied to Wireless Sensor Networks for Early Forest Fire Detection.
ICC 2016
Abdel-Rahman Al-Ghuwairi
Hazem Eid
Mohammad Aloran
Zaher Salah
Aladdin Hussein Baarah
Ahmad A. Al-Oqaily
A mutation-based model to rank testing as a service (TaaS) Providers in cloud computing.
ICC 2016
Suchi Kumari
Anurag Singh
Priya Ranjan
Towards A Framework for Rate Control on Dynamic Communication Networks.
ICC 2016
Akanksha Das
Ravi Kant Kumar
Dakshina Ranjan Kisku
Heterogeneous Face Detection.
ICC 2016
Saad Bin Ahmed
Muhammad Imran Razzak
Bandar Alhaqbani
The Minutiae Based Latent Fingerprint Recognition System.
ICC 2016
Rahul Johari
Dhari Ali Mahmood
MeNDARIN: Mobile Education Network Using DTN Approach in North IRAQ.
ICC 2016
Geun-Jun Kim
Bongsoon Kang
Automation System Architecture For Barcode Region Detection Algorithm.
ICC 2016
Fayçal M'hamed Bouyakoub
Abdelkader Belkhir
Communities detection based services, time and location.
ICC 2016
Mohammad Hammoudeh
Putting the lab on the map: A wireless sensor network system for border security and surveillance.
ICC 2016
Moudhi M. Aljamea
Ljiljana Brankovic
Jia Gao
Costas S. Iliopoulos
M. Samiruzzaman
Smart Meter Data Analysis.
ICC 2016
Sriram Birudavolu
Biswajit Nag
Omprakash Wali
Open Innovation in ICT Services for Quadruple Helix Model: The Cloud Proposition.
ICC 2016
Tarek Elghazaly
Amal Mahmoud
Hesham A. Hefny
Political Sentiment Analysis Using Twitter Data.
ICC 2016
Taha Alwajeeh
Pierre Combeau
Ahcène Bounceur
Rodolphe Vauzelle
Efficient Method for Associating Radio Propagation Models with Spatial Partitioning for Smart City Applications.
ICC 2016
Kurra Mallaiah
Rishi Kumar Gandhi
Ramachandram Sirandas
Word and Phrase Proximity Searchable Encryption Protocols for Cloud Based Relational Databases.
ICC 2016
Aniruddha Bhattacharjya
Xiaofeng Zhong
Jing Wang
Strong, efficient and reliable personal messaging peer to peer architecture based on Hybrid RSA.
ICC 2016
Ahcène Bounceur
CupCarbon: A New Platform for Designing and Simulating Smart-City and IoT Wireless Sensor Networks (SCI-WSN).
ICC 2016
Moudhi M. Aljamea
Costas S. Iliopoulos
M. Samiruzzaman
Detection Of URL In Image Steganography.
ICC 2016
Djallel Eddine Boubiche
Secure and Efficient Big Data Gathering in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICC 2016
Muhammad Waqar Aziz
Adil Amjad Sheikh
Emad A. Felemban
Requirement Engineering Technique for Smart Spaces.
ICC 2016
Zeineb Dhouioui
Jalel Akaichi
Privacy Protection Protocol in Social Networks Based on Sexual Predators Detection.
ICC 2016