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RuleML (Supplement)
Jacob Feldman
What-If Analyzer for DMN-based Decision Models.
RuleML (Supplement)
Harold Boley
Christoph Benzmüller
Meng Luan
Zhendong Sha
Translating Higher-Order Modal Logic from RuleML to TPTP.
RuleML (Supplement)
Marcello Ceci
Firas Al Khalil
Leona O'Brien
Making Sense of Regulations with SBVR.
RuleML (Supplement)
Mohammadreza Abbasifard
Rule Based Fragment Allocation in Distributed Database Systems.
RuleML (Supplement)
Fariba Sadri
An Executable Logic-Based Model for Cutter Suction Dredging Using LPS.
RuleML (Supplement)
Nada Sharaf
Slim Abdennadher
Thom W. Frühwirth
A Rule Based Approach to teach Mathematics using Animation.
RuleML (Supplement)
James Anderson
Tara Athan
Adrian Paschke
Rules and RDF Streams - A Position Paper.
RuleML (Supplement)
Ingmar Dasseville
Laurent Janssens
Gerda Janssens
Jan Vanthienen
Marc Denecker
Combining DMN and the Knowledge Base Paradigm for Flexible Decision Enactment.
RuleML (Supplement)
Adrian Paschke
Simon Könnecke
RuleML - DMN Translator.
RuleML (Supplement)
Adrian Paschke
On the Use of Provalets in a Predictive Maintenance Use Case.
RuleML (Supplement)
Julia Pielmeier
Stefan Braunreuther
Gunther Reinhart
Situational Handling of Events for Industrial Production Environments.
RuleML (Supplement)
Tuan Anh Pham
Nhan Le Thanh
Checking the Compliance of Business Process in Business Process Life Cycle.
RuleML (Supplement)
Dörthe Arndt
Joachim Van Herwegen
Ruben Verborgh
Erik Mannens
Rik Van de Walle
Using Rules to generate and execute Workflows in Smart Factories.
RuleML (Supplement)
volume 1620, 2016
Supplementary Proceedings of the RuleML 2016 Challenge, Doctoral Consortium and Industry Track hosted by the 10th International Web Rule Symposium, RuleML 2016, New York, USA, July 6-9, 2016.
RuleML (Supplement)
1620 (2016)