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Soc. Networks
volume 79, 2024
Axel Browne
David Butts
Edgar Jaramillo Rodriguez
Nidhi Parikh
Geoffrey Fairchild
Zach Needell
Cristian Poliziani
Tom Wenzel
Timothy C. Germann
Sara Y. Del Valle
Evaluating disease surveillance strategies for early outbreak detection in contact networks with varying community structure.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Philippa E. Pattison
Garry L. Robins
Tom A. B. Snijders
Peng Wang
Exponential random graph models and pendant-triangle statistics.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Harald Waxenecker
Christina Prell
Corruption dynamics in public procurement: A longitudinal network analysis of local construction contracts in Guatemala.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Ana Bravo
Robert W. Krause
Rosario Ortega-Ruiz
Eva M. Romera
Corrigendum to "How adolescents' popularity perceptions change: Measuring interactions between popularity and friendship networks" [Soc. Netw. 78 (2024) 1462].
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Thibaud Deguilhem
Juliette Schlegel
Jean-Philippe Berrou
Ousmane Djibo
Alain Piveteau
Too many options: How to identify coalitions in a policy network?
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Peter V. Marsden
Derick S. Baum
Occupational selection and the reliability of position generator measures of social capital.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Jing Wu
Aude Bernard
Elisabeth Gruber
Lifetime internal migration trajectories and social networks: Do repeat migrants fare worst?
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Daniel A. McFarland
David Broska
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Dan Jurafsky
Coming into relations: How communication reveals and persuades relational decisions.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Ricardo González
Esteban Muñoz
Adolfo Fuentes
Nonresponse in name generators across countries and survey modes.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Niccolò Giorgio Armandola
A clan detector algorithm to identify independent clans in the kinship networks of elite family dynasties.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Juhwan Seo
Choosing isolation in the face of stigma: Relational work in tie severance among Korean unwed mothers.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Edoardo Filippi-Mazzola
Ernst C. Wit
Modeling non-linear effects with neural networks in Relational Event Models.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Chen-Shuo Hong
Anthony Paik
Swethaa Ballakrishnen
Carole Silver
Steven Boutcher
Categorical closure: Transitivity and identities in longitudinal networks.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
L. E. A. Braden
Ju Hyun Park
Jay Lee
Symbolic association networks: A case study of orchestral programming's effect on the reputation of composers.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Tomás Lintner
Tomás Diviák
Barbora Nekardová
Interaction dynamics in classroom group work.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
Daniele Bellutta
Kathleen M. Carley
Indicators of the formation of precedent at the International Court of Justice.
Soc. Networks
79 (2024)
volume 78, 2024
Miguel A. González Casado
Gladis Gonzales
José Luis Molina
Ángel Sánchez
Towards a general method to classify personal network structures.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Adam R. Roth
Siyun Peng
Streams of interactions: Social connectedness in daily life.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Diego Jannace
Ronald S. Burt
Contingent bridge supervision: New evidence and cautions for network theory.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Zeyi Wang
Ian E. Fellows
Mark S. Handcock
Understanding networks with exponential-family random network models.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Sandra Stark
Daniel Peter
Andreas Tutic
Homophily and the evolution of cooperation in the Volunteer's Dilemma: A computational study on dynamic graphs.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Maia King
Walk-Independence Probabilities and WIP Centrality: A new heuristic for diffusion probabilities in networks.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
David Schoch
Termeh Shafie
The interplay of structural features and observed dissimilarities among centrality indices.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Alejandro Espinosa-Rada
Elisa Bellotti
Martin G. Everett
Christoph Stadtfeld
Co-evolution of a socio-cognitive scientific network: A case study of citation dynamics among astronomers.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Srebrenka Letina
Emily Long
Paul McCrorie
Kirstin Mitchell
Claudia Zucca
Julie Riddell
Sharon Anne Simpson
Laurence Moore
Mark McCann
Cross-sectional social network study of adolescent peer group variation in substance use and mental wellbeing: The importance of the meso level.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Zaira Torres
Amparo Oliver
Irene Fernández
Older adults' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: The association with social networks.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Joris Mulder
Nial Friel
Philip Leifeld
Bayesian testing of scientific expectations under exponential random graph models.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Yuliia Kazmina
Eelke M. Heemskerk
Eszter Bokányi
Frank W. Takes
Socio-economic segregation in a population-scale social network.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Chaeyoon Lim
Yoonyoung Na
Hyeona Park
Dongkyun Im
Not all friends are created equal: Friendship ties across different social contexts in South Korea.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Jiawei Sophia Fu
Network portfolio diversity and social innovation: An egocentric approach to cross-sector partnerships.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Giacomo Ceoldo
Tom A. B. Snijders
Ernst C. Wit
Stochastic actor oriented model with random effects.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Kyosuke Tanaka
George G. Vega Yon
Imaginary network motifs: Structural patterns of false positives and negatives in social networks.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Ana Bravo
Robert W. Krause
Rosario Ortega-Ruiz
Eva M. Romera
How adolescents' popularity perceptions change: Measuring interactions between popularity and friendship networks.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Omar Lizardo
Theorizing the concept of social tie using frames.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
David A. Bright
Jürgen Lerner
Giovanni Radhitio Putra Sadewo
Chad Whelan
Offence versatility among co-offenders: A dynamic network analysis.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Isabel J. Raabe
Chaïm la Roi
Stephanie Plenty
Down and out? the role of household income in students' friendship formation in school-classes.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Matthew Sargent
Luke J. Matthews
George G. Vega Yon
Erik D. Storholm
Allison J. Ober
Harold D. Green
Assessing the dynamics of PrEP adoption in a national-scale physician network.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
Vera de Bel
Eric D. Widmer
Positive, negative, and ambivalent dyads and triads with family and friends: A personal network study on how they are associated with young adults' well-being.
Soc. Networks
78 (2024)
volume 77, 2024
Mirco Schönfeld
Jürgen Pfeffer
Shortest path-based centrality metrics in attributed graphs with node-individual context constraints.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Alessandro Lomi
Federica Bianchi
A time to give and a time to receive: Role switching and generalized exchange in a financial market.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Kevin Lewis
Digital networks: Elements of a theoretical framework.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Frédéric C. Godart
Ashley Mears
Transitory ties: A network ecology perspective on job opportunities in fashion modeling.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
David R. Schaefer
Thoa V. Khuu
J. Ashwin Rambaran
Deborah Rivas-Drake
Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor
How do youth choose activities? Assessing the relative importance of the micro-selection mechanisms behind adolescent extracurricular activity participation.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Hanno Kruse
Clemens Kroneberg
Re-print of: Contextualizing oppositional cultures: A multilevel network analysis of status orders in schools.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Jan A. Fuhse
Neha Gondal
Networks from culture: Mechanisms of tie-formation follow institutionalized rules in social fields.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Malte Doehne
Daniel A. McFarland
James Moody
Network ecology: Tie fitness in social context(s).
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Kerstin Sailer
Routine action networks: An architectural study of spatial layouts and performativity in outpatient clinics.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Lanu Kim
Sanne Smith
Linus Dahlander
Daniel A. McFarland
Networking a career: Individual adaptation in the network ecology of faculty.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
Hana Shepherd
Organizational practices and workplace relationships in precarious work: New survey evidence.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)
John Levi Martin
Jan Overgoor
Bogdan State
Persistence and change in structural signatures of tie formation over time.
Soc. Networks
77 (2024)