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Petri Nets
Damien Morard
Lucas Donati
Didier Buchs
Symbolic Model Checking Using Intervals of Vectors.
Petri Nets
Lucie Guillou
Arnaud Sangnier
Nathalie Sznajder
Safety Verification of Wait-Only Non-Blocking Broadcast Protocols.
Petri Nets
José Manuel Colom
Harnessing Structure Theory of Petri Nets in Discrete Event System Simulation.
Petri Nets
Fernando Pereira
João-Paulo Barros
Filipe Moutinho
Anikó Costa
Rogério Campos-Rebelo
Luís Gomes
Remote Debugger: A Tool to Remotely Monitor and Operate IOPT-Nets Controllers.
Petri Nets
Akio Watanabe
Ayumi Araragi
Hiroki Ikeuchi
Yousuke Takahashi
Concurrent Context-Free Grammar for Parsing Business Processes with Iterated Shuffles.
Petri Nets
Carolina Lagartinho-Oliveira
Filipe Moutinho
Luís Gomes
Using Petri Nets for Digital Twins Modeling and Deployment: A Power Wheelchair System Case Study.
Petri Nets
Tobias Brockhoff
Moritz Nicolas Gose
Merih Seran Uysal
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Process Comparison Using Petri Net Decomposition.
Petri Nets
Gabriele Taentzer
Jens Kosiol
Leen Lambers
On the Application of Model-Driven Optimization to Business Processes.
Petri Nets
Lukas Zech
Karsten Wolf
Verifying Temporal Logic Properties in the Modular State Space.
Petri Nets
Dominique Sommers
Natalia Sidorova
Boudewijn F. van Dongen
Conformance Checking with Model Projections - Rethinking Log-Model Alignments for Processes with Interacting Objects.
Petri Nets
Ryszard Janicki
Jetty Kleijn
Maciej Koutny
Lukasz Mikulski
Relational Structures for Interval Order Semantics of Concurrent Systems.
Petri Nets
Jakub Kovár
Robin Bergenthum
Token Trail Semantics II - Petri Nets And Their Net Language.
Petri Nets
Stefan Haar
Serge Haddad
On the Expressive Power of Transfinite Sequences for Continuous Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Alex Chan
Adrian Wheeldon
Rishad A. Shafik
Alex Yakovlev
Design of Event-Driven Tsetlin Machines Using Safe Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Pierre Bouvier
Hubert Garavel
Identifying Duplicates in Large Collections of Petri Nets and Nested-Unit Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Étienne André
Jaime Arias
Benoît Barbot
Francis Hulin-Hubard
Fabrice Kordon
Van-François Le
Laure Petrucci
CosyVerif: The Path to Formalisms Cohabitation.
Petri Nets
Eike Best
Raymond R. Devillers
Petri Net Synthesis from a Reachability Set.
Petri Nets
Loïc Hélouët
Prerak Contractor
Symbolic Domains and Reachability for Nets with Trajectories.
Petri Nets
Elvio G. Amparore
Susanna Donatelli
Lea Terracini
Hilbert Composition of Multilabelled Events.
Petri Nets
Julian Gaede
Sophie Wallner
Karsten Wolf
Modular State Spaces - A New Perspective.
Petri Nets
Amazigh Amrane
Hugo Bazille
Emily Clement
Uli Fahrenberg
Languages of Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata.
Petri Nets
volume 14628, 2024
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 45th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, June 26-28, 2024, Proceedings
Petri Nets
14628 (2024)
Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Janik-Vasily Benzin
Juergen Mangler
From Process-Agnostic to Process-Aware Automation, Mining, and Prediction.
Petri Nets
Yisong Zhang
Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Explorative Process Discovery Using Activity Projections.
Petri Nets
Daniël Barenholz
Marco Montali
Artem Polyvyanyy
Hajo A. Reijers
Andrey Rivkin
Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf
There and Back Again - On the Reconstructability and Rediscoverability of Typed Jackson Nets.
Petri Nets
Sami Evangelista
Experimenting with Stubborn Sets on Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Midhun Xavier
Sandeep Patil
Victor Dubinin
Valeriy Vyatkin
Formal Modelling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Modular Industrial Systems Inspired by Net Condition/Event Systems.
Petri Nets
Ryszard Janicki
Maciej Koutny
Lukasz Mikulski
Interval Traces with Mutex Relation.
Petri Nets
Florian Wittbold
Rebecca Bernemann
Reiko Heckel
Tobias Heindel
Barbara König
Stochastic Decision Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Vlad Paul Cosma
Thomas T. Hildebrandt
Tijs Slaats
Transforming Dynamic Condition Response Graphs to Safe Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Daniel Moldt
Marcel Hansson
Lukas Seifert
Karl Ihlenfeldt
Laif-Oke Clasen
Kjell Ehlers
Matthias Feldmann
Enriching Heraklit Modules by Agent Interaction Diagrams.
Petri Nets
Jaime Arias
Kyungmin Bae
Carlos Olarte
Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Laure Petrucci
Fredrik Rømming
Symbolic Analysis and Parameter Synthesis for Time Petri Nets Using Maude and SMT Solving.
Petri Nets
Robin Bergenthum
Sabine Folz-Weinstein
Jakub Kovár
Token Trail Semantics - Modeling Behavior of Petri Nets with Labeled Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Raymond R. Devillers
On the Reversibility of Circular Conservative Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Seyedehzahra Hosseini
Gianfranco Ciardo
Computing Under-approximations of Multivalued Decision Diagrams.
Petri Nets
Loriane Leclercq
Didier Lime
Olivier H. Roux
A State Class Based Controller Synthesis Approach for Time Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Dominique Sommers
Natalia Sidorova
Boudewijn F. van Dongen
Exact and Approximated Log Alignments for Processes with Inter-case Dependencies.
Petri Nets
Daniel Moldt
Jonte Johnsen
Relana Streckenbach
Laif-Oke Clasen
Michael Haustermann
Alexander Heinze
Marcel Hansson
Matthias Feldmann
Karl Ihlenfeldt
RENEW: Modularized Architecture and New Features.
Petri Nets
Sabine Folz-Weinstein
Robin Bergenthum
Jörg Desel
Jakub Kovár
Miner - Process Discovery for Partially Ordered Event Logs Using Integer Linear Programming.
Petri Nets
Loïc Hélouët
Antoine Thébault
Mochy: A Tool for the Modeling of Concurrent Hybrid Systems.
Petri Nets
Remigiusz Wisniewski
Grzegorz Bazydlo
Marcin Wojnakowski
Mateusz Poplawski
Hippo-CPS: A Tool for Verification and Analysis of Petri Net-Based Cyber-Physical Systems.
Petri Nets
Uli Fahrenberg
Krzysztof Ziemianski
A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata.
Petri Nets
Felix Mannhardt
Sander J. J. Leemans
Christopher T. Schwanen
Massimiliano de Leoni
Modelling Data-Aware Stochastic Processes - Discovery and Conformance Checking.
Petri Nets
Nicolas Amat
Silvano Dal-Zilio
Didier Le Botlan
Automated Polyhedral Abstraction Proving.
Petri Nets
Nick Würdemann
Thomas Chatain
Stefan Haar
Taking Complete Finite Prefixes to High Level, Symbolically.
Petri Nets
volume 13929, 2023
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 44th International Conference, PETRI NETS 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-30, 2023, Proceedings
Petri Nets
13929 (2023)
Maxim Storetvedt
Latchezar Betev
Nikola Hardi
Håvard Helstrup
Kristin Fanebust Hetland
Bjarte Kileng
Modelling the Next Generation ALICE Grid Middleware Using Coloured Petri Nets.
Petri Nets
Loïc Hélouët
Pranay Agrawal
Waiting Nets.
Petri Nets
Franck Pommereau
Colin Thomas
Cédric Gaucherel
Petri Nets Semantics of Reaction Rules (RR) - A Language for Ecosystems Modelling.
Petri Nets
volume 13288, 2022
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency - 43rd International Conference, PETRI NETS 2022, Bergen, Norway, June 19-24, 2022, Proceedings
Petri Nets
13288 (2022)