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Principles of Modeling
Sanjit A. Seshia
Cyber-Physical Systems Education: Explorations and Dreams.
Principles of Modeling
Adam Duracz
Eugenio Moggi
Walid Taha
Zhenchao Lin
A Semantic Account of Rigorous Simulation.
Principles of Modeling
Stavros Tripakis
Roberto Lublinerman
Modular Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams: Interfaces, Abstraction, Compositionality.
Principles of Modeling
Nis Wechselberg
Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten
Steven Smyth
Reinhard von Hanxleden
Augmenting State Models with Data Flow.
Principles of Modeling
Werner Damm
Eike Möhlmann
Thomas Peikenkamp
Astrid Rakow
A Formal Semantics for Traffic Sequence Charts.
Principles of Modeling
Stephen A. Edwards
On Determinism.
Principles of Modeling
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
Johan Lilius
Model-Based Representations for Dataflow Schedules.
Principles of Modeling
Martin Törngren
Ulf Sellgren
Complexity Challenges in Development of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Principles of Modeling
Jie Liu
Autonomous Retailing: A Frontier for Cyber-Physical-Human Systems.
Principles of Modeling
Reinhard Wilhelm
On the Road to Conviction: An Email Exchange with Edward Lee.
Principles of Modeling
Janette Cardoso
Pierre Siron
Ptolemy-HLA: A Cyber-Physical System Distributed Simulation Framework.
Principles of Modeling
Pascal Fradet
Alain Girault
Leila Jamshidian
Xavier Nicollin
Arash Shafiei
Lossy Channels in a Dataflow Model of Computation.
Principles of Modeling
Alireza S. Abyaneh
Christoph M. Kirsch
You Can Program What You Want but You Cannot Compute What You Want.
Principles of Modeling
Pierluigi Nuzzo
Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Hierarchical System Design with Vertical Contracts.
Principles of Modeling
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Thomas A. Henzinger
Jan Otop
Computing Average Response Time.
Principles of Modeling
Soonhoi Ha
Eunjin Jeong
Embedded Software Design Methodology Based on Formal Models of Computation.
Principles of Modeling
Rajeev Alur
Konstantinos Mamouras
Caleb Stanford
Val Tannen
Interfaces for Stream Processing Systems.
Principles of Modeling
Bernhard Rumpe
Andreas Wortmann
Abstraction and Refinement in Hierarchically Decomposable and Underspecified CPS-Architectures.
Principles of Modeling
Marjan Sirjani
Power is Overrated, Go for Friendliness! Expressiveness, Faithfulness, and Usability in Modeling: The Actor Experience.
Principles of Modeling
Murat Arcak
John N. Maidens
Simulation-Based Reachability Analysis for Nonlinear Systems Using Componentwise Contraction Properties.
Principles of Modeling
Caroline Brandberg
Marco Di Natale
Enabling Flow Preservation and Portability in Multicore Implementations of Simulink Models.
Principles of Modeling
David G. Messerschmitt
The Relativity Example: Is Terminological Innovation a Good Idea?
Principles of Modeling
Bruno Sinopoli
John A. W. B. Costanzo
Modeling Dynamical Phenomena in the Era of Big Data.
Principles of Modeling
Marc Geilen
If We Could Go Back in Time... On the Use of 'Unnatural' Time and Ordering in Dataflow Models.
Principles of Modeling
Gul Agha
Karl Palmskog
Transforming Threads into Actors: Learning Concurrency Structure from Execution Traces.
Principles of Modeling
Hermann Kopetz
Anytime Algorithms in Time-Triggered Control Systems.
Principles of Modeling
Radu Grosu
Elahe Ghalebi K.
Ali Movaghar
Hamidreza Mahyar
Compressed Sensing in Cyber Physical Social Systems.
Principles of Modeling
David Broman
Hybrid Simulation Safety: Limbos and Zero Crossings.
Principles of Modeling
Sanjoy K. Baruah
Predictability Issues in Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems.
Principles of Modeling
volume 10760, 2018
Principles of Modeling - Essays Dedicated to Edward A. Lee on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
Principles of Modeling
10760 (2018)