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Md. Jamil-Ur Rahman
Ahashan Habib Niloy
Shammi Akhter Shiba
S. M. Farah Al Fahim
Faizun Nahar Faria
Emtiaz Hussain
Mohammad Zavid Parvez
CoroPy: A Deep Learning Based Comparison Between X-Ray and CT Scan Images in Covid-19 Detection and Classification.
Anthony Khawaja
Pierre Kamlé
Elie Maliha
Ghassan Maalouf
Hechmi Toumi
Antonio Pinti
Rawad El Hage
Relationships Between Vertical Jump and Composite Indices of Femoral Neck Strength in a Group of Young Women.
Rubén Ferrero-Guillén
Javier Díez-González
Paula Verde
Alberto Martínez-Gutiérrez
José-Manuel Alija-Pérez
Hilde Pérez
Memory Chains for Optimizing the Table Disposition During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Loulwah AlSumait
Hasah Alhenieidi
Andrew P. Smith
Exploring the Effects of Loneliness and Internet Addiction on Adults' Well-Being During COVID-19 Quarantine.
Borys Biletskyy
Anatoliy Gupal
Risk Group Determination in Case of COVID-19 Infection.
Javier León
Juan José Escobar
Jesús González
Julio Ortega
Francisco Manuel Arrabal-Campos
Andrés Ortiz
Miguel Damas
Recurrent Neural Networks and Efficiency in High-Dimensional EEG Classification.
Yuliana Jiménez-Gaona
María-José Rodríguez-Alvarez
Hector Espinó Morató
Darwin Castillo Malla
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
DenseNet for Breast Tumor Classification in Mammographic Images.
Pauly P. W. Ossenblok
Stephan P. L. Meesters
Raf van Hoof
Albert J. Colon
G. Louis Wagner
Image Fusion to Guide Decision-Making Towards Minimally Invasive Epilepsy Treatment.
Javier Bajo-Morales
Daniel Castillo-Secilla
Luis Javier Herrera
Ignacio Rojas
COVID-19 Biomarkers Detection Using 'KnowSeq' R Package.
Pablo Pérez-Sánchez
Víctor Vicente-Palacios
Manuel Barreiro-Pérez
Elena Díaz-Peláez
Antonio Sánchez-Puente
Jesús Sampedro-Gómez
Alberto García-Galindo
P. Ignacio Dorado-Díaz
Pedro L. Sánchez
Automatic Classification of Valve Diseases Through Natural Language Processing in Spanish and Active Learning.
Francisco Carrillo-Perez
Juan Carlos Morales
Daniel Castillo-Secilla
Alberto Guillén
Ignacio Rojas
Luis Javier Herrera
Comparison of Fusion Methodologies Using CNV and RNA-Seq for Cancer Classification: A Case Study on Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Valentina Markova
Todor Ganchev
Miroslav Markov
Automated Annotation of Valence and Arousal During Cognitive Activity.
Katarzyna J. Blinowska
Piotr Lachert
Maciej Kaminski
Jaroslaw Zygierewicz
Adam Liebert
Causal Coupling of Low Frequency Oscillations During Movement Imagination - A Multimodal Study.
Sneha Ravichandran
Rohini Avantsa
3D Tomosynthesis Evaluation of Pixel Intensity Values of Breast Masses.
Evelia Franco
Rubén Barakat
Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Among Participants in a Health-Promotion Program.
Zhilin Gao
Wang Wan
Zhongze Gu
Xingran Cui
Application of Resting Brain Frontal Lobe Complexity in Depression Screening.
Rajdeep Chatterjee
Soham Roy
SK Hafizul Islam
Trident U-Net: An Encoder Fusion for Improved Biomedical Image Segmentation.
Jesús Toledano Pavón
Juan Carlos Morales Vega
Francisco Carrillo-Perez
Luis Javier Herrera
Ignacio Rojas
COVID-19 Detection Method from Chest CT Scans via the Fusion of Slice Information and Lung Segmentation.
Ariela Marçal Stefanini
Taylor Oliveira Fidelis
Gustavo Moreira Penna
Gabriel Rodrigo Gomes Pessanha
Reinaldo Antônio Gomes Marques
Deive Ciro de Oliveira
Tomographic Identification and Evaluation of Pulmonary Involvement Due to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Using Artificial Intelligence and Image Segmentation Technique.
Ivan Stajduhar
Teo Manojlovic
Franko Hrzic
Mateja Napravnik
Goran Glavas
Matija Milanic
Sebastian Tschauner
Mihaela Mamula
Damir Miletic
Analysing Large Repositories of Medical Images.
Marco A. Formoso
Andrés Ortiz
Francisco Jesús Martínez-Murcia
Nicolás Gallego-Molina
Juan Luis Luque
Juan José Escobar
Francisco G. Montoya
Modelling Brain Connectivity Networks by Graph Embedding for Dyslexia Diagnosis.
Sergey Lytaev
Modern Neurophysiological Research of the Human Brain in Clinic and Psychophysiology.
Giuseppe Placidi
Matteo Polsinelli
Local Contrast Normalization to Improve Preprocessing in MRI of the Brain.
Indrani Roy
Exit Strategy from COVID-19: Vaccination and Alternate Solution.
R. Chandrasekaran
S. Vijayaraj
G. R. Jothilakshmi
Investigation of Gastroparesis Using Multichannel Electro Gastro Gram - A Study.
Carlos Eduardo Ximenes da Cunha
Laís Rytholz Castro
Marina Maria Gonzaga Moreira
Paloma da Silva de Santana
Marina Viegas Moura Rezende Ribeiro
Luciano Timbó Barbosa
Eugênia Mirza Queiroz Ferreira Barboza da Silveira
Ana Ramalho Gameleira Soares
Artificial Corneal Transplantation and the Safe Recovery of Vision in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Emanuela Zilli
Antonio Madia
Paola Giuriato
Davide Bonaldo
Sofia Barbar
Francesca Cassutti
Eleonora Bertoli
Guido Di Gregorio
Luca Cancian
Claudio Bozzoli
Maria Rita Marchi
Protected Discharge Model for Mild to Moderate Covid Patients in a North-East Italian Hospital.
Pauly P. W. Ossenblok
Albert J. Colon
Liesbeth Geerts
Paul Boon
Petra J. van Houdt
Jan C. de Munck
Data-Driven EEG Informed Functional MRI Combined with Network Analysis Successfully Identifies the Seizure Onset Zone.
Shakib Mahmud Dipto
Irfana Afifa
Mostofa Kamal Sagor
Md Tanzim Reza
Md. Ashraful Alam
Interpretable COVID-19 Classification Leveraging Ensemble Neural Network and XAI.
Lina Abou-Abbas
Imene Jemal
Khadidja Henni
Amar Mitiche
Neila Mezghani
Focal and Generalized Seizures Distinction by Rebalancing Class Data and Random Forest Classification.
Balal Mian
Vladislav Toronov
Xun Zhou
Yeni H. Yucel
Optimizing Photoacoustic Tomography: Lymphatic Drainage from the Brain in Pigmented Mice.
Lina Abou-Abbas
Stefon J. R. van Noordt
Mayada Elsabbagh
Event Related Potential Analysis Using Machine Learning to Predict Diagnostic Outcome of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Vershalee Shukla
Jared Johns
Christine S. M. Lau
Sharon Kanya
Jennifer Mayer
Kara Kalkbrenner
Felicia Washington
Pablo Prichard
Prevalence of COVID-19 Amongst Arizona First Responders.
Alberto Ortega
Juan José Escobar
Julio Ortega
Jesús González
Alfredo Alcayde
Jorge Munilla
Miguel Damas
Performance Study of Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection in EEG Classification.
Giuseppe Sgroi
Giuseppe Alessandro Parasiliti Palumbo
Valentina Di Salvatore
Giulia Russo
Francesco Pappalardo
PEAK: A Clever Python Tool for Exploratory, Regression, and Classification Data. A Case Study for COVID-19.
Rajesh Mishra
Michal Petru
Natural Cellulosic Fiber Reinforced Bio-Epoxy Based Composites and Their Mechanical Properties.
Amal Antoun
Antonio Pinti
Hayman Saddik
Emneh Hammoud
Eric Watelain
Rawad El Hage
Fat Mass is Negatively Associated with Composite Indices of Femoral Neck Strength in Elderly Lebanese Subjects.
Andrey P. Pugovkin
Valeriy O. Erkudov
Sergey Lytaev
Methodological Approaches to the Comparison of Left Ventricular Stroke Volume Values Measured by Ultrasonic Technique or Estimated via Transfer Functions.
Hector Espinó Morató
David Cascales-Picó
Marina Vergara
María-José Rodríguez-Alvarez
Image Motion Correction of GATE Simulation in Dedicated PET Scanner with Open Geometry.
Juan Carlos Gómez-López
Juan José Escobar
Jesús González
Francisco Gil Montoya
Julio Ortega
Mike Burmester
Miguel Damas
Energy-Time Profiling for Machine Learning Methods to EEG Classification.
Olga Georgieva
Nadejda Bocheva
Miroslava Stefanova
Bilyana Genova
Analysis of Accuracy and Timing in Decision-Making Tasks.
Abir Troudi
Ines Ben Alaya
Salam Labidi
Morphological Characteristics Analysis of Working Memory Tracts Using BOLD-fMRI and HARDI Based Tractography in Healthy Human Brains.
volume 12940, 2021
Bioengineering and Biomedical Signal and Image Processing - First International Conference, BIOMESIP 2021, Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Spain, July 19-21, 2021, Proceedings
12940 (2021)