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ACC (4)
A. A. Arifa Azeez
Elizabeth Isaac
Sabu M. Thampi
Anonymous and Secured Communication Using OLSR in MANET.
ACC (4)
Ratna Dutta
Dheerendra Mishra
Sourav Mukhopadhyay
Vector Space Access Structure and ID Based Distributed DRM Key Management.
ACC (4)
Imad M. Abbadi
Clouds' Infrastructure Taxonomy, Properties, and Management Services.
ACC (4)
Subhalaxmi Das
Sujata Mohanty
Banshidhar Majhi
A Convertible Designated Verifible Blind Multi-signcryption Scheme.
ACC (4)
S. Saraswathi
M. Hemamalini
S. Janani
V. Priyadharshini
Multi-document Text Summarization in E-learning System for Operating System Domain.
ACC (4)
Ramaswamy Palaniappan
Jenish Gosalia
Kenneth Revett
Andrews Samraj
PIN Generation Using Single Channel EEG Biometric.
ACC (4)
Sonam Tobgay
Rasmus L. Olsen
Ramjee Prasad
Architecture for Running Multiple Applications on a Single Wireless Sensor Network: A Proposal.
ACC (4)
Jai Prakash Singh
A New Indian Model for Human Intelligence.
ACC (4)
C. L. Biji
D. Selvathi
Asha Panicker
Tumor Detection in Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using Modified Thresholding Techniques.
ACC (4)
P. U. Nimi
C. Tripti
Feature Based Image Retrieval Algorithm.
ACC (4)
Ibrahim Missaoui
Zied Lachiri
Undecimated Wavelet Packet for Blind Speech Separation Using Independent Component Analysis.
ACC (4)
N. Sandeep Chaitanya
Ramachandram Sirandas
B. Padmavathi
S. Shiva Skandha
G. Ravi Kumar
Data Privacy for Grid Systems.
ACC (4)
Rahul Roy
Madhabananda Das
Satchidananda Dehuri
A Combinatorial Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based Algorithm for Task Allocation in Distributed Computing Systems.
ACC (4)
Sudheer Kurakula
A. S. D. P. Sudhansh
Roy Paily
Samarendra Dandapat
Design of QRS Detection and Heart Rate Estimation System on FPGA.
ACC (4)
Zubair Ahmad Khattak
Jamalul-lail Ab Manan
Suziah Sulaiman
Finding New Solutions for Services in Federated Open Systems Interconnection.
ACC (4)
K. Vinod Kumar
G. Lakshmi Phani
K. Venkat Sayeesh
Aparna Chaganty
Garimella Rama Murthy
Two Layered Hierarchical Model for Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks.
ACC (4)
Aditya R. Kanitkar
Brijendra K. Bharti
Umesh N. Hivarkar
Object Classification Using Encoded Edge Based Structural Information.
ACC (4)
Neethu Mohandas
Sabu M. Thampi
Improving Hadoop Performance in Handling Small Files.
ACC (4)
Mohamed Guerroumi
Nadjib Badache
Samira Moussaoui
Data Dissemination and Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ACC (4)
C. K. Raju
P. B. S. Bhadoria
Software Secureness for Users: Significance in Public ICT Applications.
ACC (4)
G. Sreenu
P. M. Dhanya
Sabu M. Thampi
Enhancement of BARTERCAST Using Reinforcement Learning to Effectively Manage Freeriders.
ACC (4)
Jie Song
Tiantian Li
Lulu Jia
Zhiliang Zhu
A Deduced SaaS Lifecycle Model Based on Roles and Activities.
ACC (4)
Vijayalaxmi Kakulapati
Ramakrishna Kolikipogu
P. Revathy
D. Karunanithi
Improved Web Search Engine by New Similarity Measures.
ACC (4)
Brij B. Gupta
P. K. Agrawal
Anupama Mishra
M. K. Pattanshetti
On Estimating Strength of a DDoS Attack Using Polynomial Regression Model.
ACC (4)
J. Mohamedmoideen Kader Mastan
G. A. Sathish Kumar
K. Bhoopathy Bagan
A Color Image Encryption Technique Based on a Substitution-Permutation Network.
ACC (4)
S. Roselin Mary
Paul Rodrigues
Survey and Comparison of Frameworks in Software Architecture.
ACC (4)
Dhanya Sudarsan
P. R. Mahalingam
G. Jisha
A Novel Approach to Represent Detected Point Mutation.
ACC (4)
Ryan K. L. Ko
Bu-Sung Lee
Siani Pearson
Towards Achieving Accountability, Auditability and Trust in Cloud Computing.
ACC (4)
Ana Elisa Ferreira
Anilton Salles Garcia
Carlos Alberto Malcher Bastos
Studies of Management for Dynamic Circuit Networks.
ACC (4)
Juhi Gupta
Ishan Kumar
Anil Kacholiya
Game Theoretic Approach to Resolve Energy Conflicts in Ad-Hoc Networks.
ACC (4)
Priya Gupta
Priyadarshini Londhe
Arvind Bhosale
IPTV End-to-End Performance Monitoring.
ACC (4)
Gaurav Kumar Yadav
Tarun Kancharla
Smita Nair
Real Time Vehicle Detection for Rear and Forward Collision Warning Systems.
ACC (4)
Hira Sathu
Mohib A. Shah
Performance Analysis of Video Protocols over IP Transition Mechanisms.
ACC (4)
Abel Palaty
Mohammad Suaib
Kumar Sambhav Pandey
Exploiting ILP in a SIMD Type Vector Processor.
ACC (4)
Kiran Kumar Bhuvanagiri
Sunil Kumar Kopparapu
Recognition of Subsampled Speech Using a Modified Mel Filter Bank.
ACC (4)
Tarun Kancharla
Sanjyot Gindi
A Real Time Video Stabilization Algorithm.
ACC (4)
Anand Singh Jalal
Vrijendra Singh
A Robust Framework for Multi-object Tracking.
ACC (4)
Sri Krishna Adusumalli
V. Valli Kumari
Attribute Based Anonymity for Preserving Privacy.
ACC (4)
G. Jisha
Philip Samuel
Impact of Node Density on Node Connectivity in MANET Routing Protocols.
ACC (4)
Likewin Thomas
B. Annappa
Application of Parallel K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Prediction of Optimal Path in Self Aware Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks with Link Stability.
ACC (4)
Tatiana Gualotuña
Diego Marcillo
Elsa María Macías López
Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento
Mobile Video Service Disruptions Control in Android Using JADE.
ACC (4)
Rajkumar Kannan
Frédéric Andrès
Fernando Ferri
Patrizia Grifoni
Towards Multimodal Capture, Annotation and Semantic Retrieval from Performing Arts.
ACC (4)
Jayashree Padmanabhan
Tamil Selvan Raman Subramaniam
Kumaresh Prakasam
Vigneswaran Ponpandiyan
A Secure Routing Protocol to Combat Byzantine and Black Hole Attacks for MANETs.
ACC (4)
M. Priyadharshini
R. Baskaran
Madhan Kumar Srinivasan
Paul Rodrigues
A Framework for Securing Web Services by Formulating an Collaborative Security Standard among Prevailing WS-* Security Standards.
ACC (4)
P. Thiyagarajan
Gnanasekaran Aghila
V. Prasanna Venkatesan
Stepping Up Internet Banking Security Using Dynamic Pattern Based Image Steganography.
ACC (4)
Kaliappan Gopalan
A Bit Modification Technique for Watermarking Images and Streaming Video.
ACC (4)
B. Vivekavardhana Reddy
Y. S. Kumara Swamy
N. Usha
Generate Vision in Blind People Using Suitable Neuroprosthesis Implant of BIOMEMS in Brain.
ACC (4)
S. Saraswathi
M. Anusiya
P. Kanivadhana
S. Sathiya
Bilingual Translation System for Weather Report.
ACC (4)
Jaydip Sen
An Anonymous Authentication and Communication Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks.
ACC (4)
volume 193, 2011
Advances in Computing and Communications - First International Conference, ACC 2011, Kochi, India, July 22-24, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV
ACC (4)
193 (2011)