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Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Alexandra-Mihaela Olteanu
Kévin Huguenin
Reza Shokri
Jean-Pierre Hubaux
Quantifying the Effect of Co-location Information on Location Privacy.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Wouter Lueks
Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Klaus Kursawe
Forward-Secure Distributed Encryption.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Philipp Winter
Richard Köwer
Martin Mulazzani
Markus Huber
Sebastian Schrittwieser
Stefan Lindskog
Edgar R. Weippl
Spoiled Onions: Exposing Malicious Tor Exit Relays.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis
Catuscia Palamidessi
Marco Stronati
A Predictive Differentially-Private Mechanism for Mobility Traces.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Chad Brubaker
Amir Houmansadr
Vitaly Shmatikov
CloudTransport: Using Cloud Storage for Censorship-Resistant Networking.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Brad Miller
Ling Huang
Anthony D. Joseph
J. D. Tygar
I Know Why You Went to the Clinic: Risks and Realization of HTTPS Traffic Analysis.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Stefanie Roos
Benjamin Schiller
Stefan Hacker
Thorsten Strufe
Measuring Freenet in the Wild: Censorship-Resilience under Observation.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Tehila Minkus
Keith W. Ross
I Know What You're Buying: Privacy Breaches on eBay.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Terence Chen
Roksana Boreli
Mohamed Ali Kâafar
Arik Friedman
On the Effectiveness of Obfuscation Techniques in Online Social Networks.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Jens Grossklags
Nigel J. Barradale
Social Status and the Demand for Security and Privacy.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Karen Renaud
Melanie Volkamer
Arne Renkema-Padmos
Why Doesn't Jane Protect Her Privacy?
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Vasile Claudiu Perta
Marco Valerio Barbera
Alessandro Mei
Exploiting Delay Patterns for User IPs Identification in Cellular Networks.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Hamza Harkous
Rameez Rahman
Karl Aberer
C3P: Context-Aware Crowdsourced Cloud Privacy.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Casey Devet
Ian Goldberg
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Information-Theoretic and Computational PIR for Communication Efficiency.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Jody Sankey
Matthew K. Wright
Dovetail: Stronger Anonymity in Next-Generation Internet Routing.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Simon Oya
Carmela Troncoso
Fernando Pérez-González
Do Dummies Pay Off? Limits of Dummy Traffic Protection in Anonymous Communications.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
volume 8555, 2014
Privacy Enhancing Technologies - 14th International Symposium, PETS 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 16-18, 2014. Proceedings
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
8555 (2014)
Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis
Miguel E. Andrés
Nicolás Emilio Bordenabe
Catuscia Palamidessi
Broadening the Scope of Differential Privacy Using Metrics.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Qinghua Li
Guohong Cao
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Stream Aggregation in Mobile Sensing with Low Aggregation Error.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Nevena Vratonjic
Kévin Huguenin
Vincent Bindschaedler
Jean-Pierre Hubaux
How Others Compromise Your Location Privacy: The Case of Shared Public IPs at Hotspots.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Terence Chen
Chaabane Abdelberi
Pierre-Ugo Tournoux
Mohamed Ali Kâafar
Roksana Boreli
How Much Is Too Much? Leveraging Ads Audience Estimation to Evaluate Public Profile Uniqueness.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
John Geddes
Rob Jansen
Nicholas Hopper
How Low Can You Go: Balancing Performance with Anonymity in Tor.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
David Fifield
Gabi Nakibly
Dan Boneh
OSS: Using Online Scanning Services for Censorship Circumvention.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Mashael AlSabah
Kevin S. Bauer
Tariq Elahi
Ian Goldberg
The Path Less Travelled: Overcoming Tor's Bottlenecks with Traffic Splitting.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Hamed Soroush
Keen Sung
Erik G. Learned-Miller
Brian Neil Levine
Marc Liberatore
Turning Off GPS Is Not Enough: Cellular Location Leaks over the Internet.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Craig Gentry
Kenny A. Goldman
Shai Halevi
Charanjit S. Jutla
Mariana Raykova
Daniel Wichs
Optimizing ORAM and Using It Efficiently for Secure Computation.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Marian Harbach
Sascha Fahl
Matthias Rieger
Matthew Smith
On the Acceptance of Privacy-Preserving Authentication Technology: The Curious Case of National Identity Cards.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Gesine Hinterwälder
Christian T. Zenger
Foteini Baldimtsi
Anna Lysyanskaya
Christof Paar
Wayne P. Burleson
Efficient E-Cash in Practice: NFC-Based Payments for Public Transportation Systems.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Markulf Kohlweiss
Ueli Maurer
Cristina Onete
Björn Tackmann
Daniele Venturi
Anonymity-Preserving Public-Key Encryption: A Constructive Approach.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Amir Houmansadr
Nikita Borisov
The Need for Flow Fingerprints to Link Correlated Network Flows.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
volume 7981, 2013
Privacy Enhancing Technologies - 13th International Symposium, PETS 2013, Bloomington, IN, USA, July 10-12, 2013. Proceedings
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
7981 (2013)
George Danezis
Markulf Kohlweiss
Benjamin Livshits
Alfredo Rial
Private Client-Side Profiling with Random Forests and Hidden Markov Models.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Wen Ming Liu
Lingyu Wang
Kui Ren
Pengsu Cheng
Mourad Debbabi
k-Indistinguishable Traffic Padding in Web Applications.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Andrew W. E. McDonald
Sadia Afroz
Aylin Caliskan
Ariel Stolerman
Rachel Greenstadt
Use Fewer Instances of the Letter "i": Toward Writing Style Anonymization.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Xun Gong
Nikita Borisov
Negar Kiyavash
Nabil Schear
Website Detection Using Remote Traffic Analysis.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Claude Castelluccia
Mohamed Ali Kâafar
Minh-Dung Tran
Betrayed by Your Ads! - Reconstructing User Profiles from Targeted Ads.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Vaibhav Garg
L. Jean Camp
Katherine H. Connelly
Lesa Lorenzen-Huber
Risk Communication Design: Video vs. Text.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Marek Jawurek
Florian Kerschbaum
Fault-Tolerant Privacy-Preserving Statistics.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Yossi Gilad
Amir Herzberg
Spying in the Dark: TCP and Tor Traffic Analysis.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Erik-Oliver Blass
Roberto Di Pietro
Refik Molva
Melek Önen
PRISM - Privacy-Preserving Search in MapReduce.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Fernando Pérez-González
Carmela Troncoso
Understanding Statistical Disclosure: A Least Squares Approach.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Martin Pirker
Daniel Slamanig
Johannes Winter
Practical Privacy Preserving Cloud Resource-Payment for Constrained Clients.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
T.-H. Hubert Chan
Mingfei Li
Elaine Shi
Wenchang Xu
Differentially Private Continual Monitoring of Heavy Hitters from Distributed Streams.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Dima Alhadidi
Noman Mohammed
Benjamin C. M. Fung
Mourad Debbabi
Secure Distributed Framework for Achieving ε-Differential Privacy.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Nick Nikiforakis
Steven Van Acker
Frank Piessens
Wouter Joosen
Exploring the Ecosystem of Referrer-Anonymizing Services.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Chengfang Fang
Ee-Chien Chang
Adaptive Differentially Private Histogram of Low-Dimensional Data.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
David Fifield
Nate Hardison
Jonathan D. Ellithorpe
Emily Stark
Dan Boneh
Roger Dingledine
Phillip A. Porras
Evading Censorship with Browser-Based Proxies.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
volume 7384, 2012
Privacy Enhancing Technologies - 12th International Symposium, PETS 2012, Vigo, Spain, July 11-13, 2012. Proceedings
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
7384 (2012)
volume 6794, 2011
Privacy Enhancing Technologies - 11th International Symposium, PETS 2011, Waterloo, ON, Canada, July 27-29, 2011. Proceedings
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
6794 (2011)
volume 6205, 2010
Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 10th International Symposium, PETS 2010, Berlin, Germany, July 21-23, 2010. Proceedings
Privacy Enhancing Technologies
6205 (2010)