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ISAT (2)
volume 1051, 2020
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 40th Anniversary International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - ISAT 2019 - Part II, Wrocław, Poland, 15-17 September, 2019.
ISAT (2)
1051 (2020)
Rustam A. Burnashev
Ruslan G. Gabdrahmanov
Ismail F. Amer
Galim Z. Vakhitov
Arslan I. Enikeev
Research on the Development of Expert Systems Using Artificial Intelligence.
ISAT (2)
Kamil Banach
Rafal Kasprzyk
Online Environment for Prototyping and Testing Graph and Network Algorithms.
ISAT (2)
Lubomír Stepánek
Pavel Kasal
Jan Mesták
Machine-Learning and R in Plastic Surgery - Evaluation of Facial Attractiveness and Classification of Facial Emotions.
ISAT (2)
N. F. Khalimon
Dmytro P. Kucherov
I. V. Ogirko
Estimation of the Characteristics of the Stochastic Interconnection of Meteorological Elements of an Aerodrome for Solving Problems of Forecasting Flight Conditions.
ISAT (2)
Baptiste Jacquet
Jean Baratgin
Towards a Pragmatic Model of an Artificial Conversational Partner: Opening the Blackbox.
ISAT (2)
Assel Zh. Akzhalova
Atsushi Inoue
Dmitry Mukharsky
Evolutionary Strategies of Intelligent Agent Training.
ISAT (2)
Oleksandr Sokolov
Veslava Osinska
Aleksandra Mrela
Wlodzislaw Duch
Marcin Burak
Scientists' Contribution to Science and Methods of Its Visualization.
ISAT (2)
Grzegorz Bocewicz
Jaroslaw Wikarek
Pawel Sitek
Zbigniew Antoni Banaszak
Robust Competence Allocation for Multi-project Scheduling.
ISAT (2)
Ján Paralic
Tomás Kaszoni
Jakub Macina
Predicting Suitable Time for Sending Marketing Emails.
ISAT (2)
Bernd-Jürgen Falkowski
A Kernel Iterative K-Means Algorithm.
ISAT (2)
Andrzej Najgebauer
From Interactive Simulations Towards Decision Patterns in Conflict Situations.
ISAT (2)
Dagmara Górnicka
Joanna Kochanska
Anna Burduk
Production Resources Utilization Improvement with the Use of Simulation Modelling.
ISAT (2)
Kristína Machová
Dominik Kolesár
Recognition of Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussions.
ISAT (2)
Parfait Bemarisika
André Totohasina
Elimination of Redundant Association Rules.
ISAT (2)
Stefan Plappert
Paul Christoph Gembarski
Roland Lachmayer
The Use of Knowledge-Based Engineering Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Product Development: A Snapshot.
ISAT (2)
Mariusz Mulka
Wojciech A. Lorkiewicz
Different Hierarchical Clustering Methods in Basic-Level Extraction Using Multidendrogram.
ISAT (2)
Pawel Dunaj
Stefan Berczynski
Slawomir Marczynski
Numerical Studies on the Effectiveness of Optimization Algorithms to Identify the Parameters of Machine Tool Hybrid Body Structural Component Model.
ISAT (2)
Pawel Michalski
Bogdan Ruszczak
Pedro Javier Navarro Lorente
The Implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of the Transmission Towers Using Satellite Imagery.
ISAT (2)
P. Joy Prabhakaran
Enhanced Hierarchical Multi-resolution Imaging.
ISAT (2)
Daniel Halikowski
Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska
The Image Classification of Workstation Instructions Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
ISAT (2)
Robert Wójcik
Grzegorz Bocewicz
Zbigniew Antoni Banaszak
Synthesis of No-Wait Cyclic Schedules for Cascade-Like Systems of Repetitive Processes with Fixed Periods.
ISAT (2)
Piotrowska Ewelina
Evaluation of the Classifiers in Multiparameter and Imbalanced Data Sets.
ISAT (2)
Maciej Hojda
Grzegorz Filcek
Grzegorz Popek
Sequential Function Chart to Function Block Diagram Transformation with Explicit State Representation.
ISAT (2)
Joanna Kochanska
Dagmara Górnicka
Anna Burduk
Calculation of Labour Input in Multivariant Production with Use of Simulation.
ISAT (2)
Radhwan Al-Jawadi
Marcin Studniarski
Aisha Younus
An Optimization Algorithm Based on Multi-free Dynamic Schema of Chromosomes.
ISAT (2)
Kamil Buczel
Jolanta Wrzuszczak-Noga
Prefiltration Analysis for Image Recognition Algorithms for the Android Mobile Platform.
ISAT (2)
Leanne Rebecca Miller
Antonio Ros García
Pedro Javier Navarro Lorente
Carlos Fernández Andrés
Raúl Borraz Morón
Time of Flight Camera Calibration and Obstacle Detection Application for an Autonomous Vehicle.
ISAT (2)
Aneta Górniak
Ewa Skubalska-Rafajlowicz
Automatic Tissue Type Classification in Large-Scale Microscopic Images Using Zernike Moments.
ISAT (2)
Jacek Stój
State Machine of a Redundant Computing Unit Operating as a Cyber-Physical System Control Node with Hot-Standby Redundancy.
ISAT (2)
Galina Setlak
Lukasz Pasko
Random Forests in a Glassworks: Knowledge Discovery from Industrial Data.
ISAT (2)
volume 656, 2018
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 38th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - ISAT 2017 - Part II, Szklarska Poręba, Poland, September 17-19, 2017
ISAT (2)
656 (2018)
Wojciech M. Kempa
Queueing Delay in a Finite-Buffer Model with Failures and Bernoulli Feedback.
ISAT (2)
Anna Derezinska
A Structure-Driven Process of Automated Refactoring to Design Patterns.
ISAT (2)
Artur Kornilowicz
Andrii Kryvolap
Mykola S. Nikitchenko
Ievgen Ivanov
Formalization of the Nominative Algorithmic Algebra in Mizar.
ISAT (2)
Mieczyslaw Drabowski
Kazimierz Kielkowicz
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Hardware-Software Synthesis of Heterogeneous Parallel Embedded Systems.
ISAT (2)
Peter Sarafín
Juraj Micek
Ondrej Karpis
Judith Molka-Danielsen
Proposal of Input Shaper in Real Applications.
ISAT (2)
Adrian Andrzejewski
Kordian Krecisz
Mariusz Matusiak
Andrzej Romanowski
Laurent Babout
Brainstorming Sessions - Towards Improving Effectiveness and Assessment of Ideas Generation.
ISAT (2)
Piotr Zabawa
Bogumila Hnatkowska
CDMM-F - Domain Languages Framework.
ISAT (2)
Anna Czarnecka
Zofia Wilimowska
Hurst Exponent as a Risk Measurement on the Capital Market.
ISAT (2)
Sylwester Kaczmarek
Maciej Sac
Analysis of IMS/NGN Call Processing Performance Using Phase-Type Distributions Based on Experimental Histograms.
ISAT (2)
Thomas Rauber
Gudula Rünger
Tuning Energy Effort and Execution Time of Application Software.
ISAT (2)
Mariusz Chmielewski
Marcin Kukielka
Damian Fraszczak
Dawid Bugajewski
Military and Crisis Management Decision Support Tools for Situation Awareness Development Using Sensor Data Fusion.
ISAT (2)
Viktor Vlasenko
Slawomir Stemplewski
Piotr Koczur
Identification of Objects Based on Generalized Amplitude-Phase Images Statistical Models.
ISAT (2)
Dariusz Gall
Anita Walkowiak
An Approach to Semantics for UML Activities.
ISAT (2)
Malgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek
Robert Waszkowski
Mariusz Piechowski
Ryszard Wyczólkowski
Implementing BPMN in Maintenance Process Modeling.
ISAT (2)
Grzegorz Bocewicz
Peter Nielsen
Zbigniew Antoni Banaszak
Robert Wójcik
An Analytical Modeling Approach to Cyclic Scheduling of Multiproduct Batch Production Flows Subject to Demand and Capacity Constraints.
ISAT (2)
Viktor Vlasenko
Slawomir Stemplewski
Piotr Koczur
Abnormal Textures Identification Based on Digital Hilbert Optics Methods: Fundamental Transforms and Models.
ISAT (2)
Marek Krótkiewicz
Marcin Jodlowiec
Modeling Autoreferential Relationships in Association-Oriented Database Metamodel.
ISAT (2)
volume 522, 2017
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 37th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - ISAT 2016 - Part II
ISAT (2)
522 (2017)