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ICTERI Workshops
Tetiana A. Vakaliuk
Andrii Yefimenko
Viktoriia Bolotina
Yelyzaveta Bailiuk
Oleksandra Pokotylo
Svitlana Didkivska
Using Massive Open Online Courses in Teaching the Subject "Computer Networks" to the Future IT Specialists.
ICTERI Workshops
Anna Puliaieva
Lyudmila Kravtsova
Tatyana Zaytseva
Formation of Personalized Learning Path for Foreign Students Based on the MOODLE E-learning Platform Using SCORM-package.
ICTERI Workshops
Zarema Seidametova
Combining Programming and Mathematics through Computer Simulation Problems.
ICTERI Workshops
Nataliya Kushnir
Nataliia Osypova
Nataliia Valko
Liudmyla Kuzmich
Distance Learning Technologies in Institution of Higher Education by Means of LCMS Moodle.
ICTERI Workshops
Kateryna Vlasenko
Daria Kovalenko
Olena Chumak
Iryna Lovianova
Sergii Volkov
Minimalism in Designing User Interface of the Online Platform "Higher School Mathematics Teacher".
ICTERI Workshops
Andrii Striuk
Olena Rybalchenko
Svitlana Bilashenko
Development and Using of a Virtual Laboratory to Study the Graph Algorithms for Bachelors of Software Engineering.
ICTERI Workshops
Yurii Konovalenko
Svitlana Garkavenko
Tetiana Derkach
Oksana Morgulets
Demand and Learning Environment to Provide English-Language Learning at Technical Universities in Ukraine.
ICTERI Workshops
Valentyn M. Yanchuk
Dmitry S. Antoniuk
Andrii G. Tkachuk
Elena Maestri
Oleksandr Vizghalov
Integration of Delivery Services Business Cases for Improvement of Business and Environmental Sustainability of E-Commerce Solutions.
ICTERI Workshops
Uliana Kohut
Mariya Shyshkina
Providing the Fundamentalisation of Operations Research Learning Using MAXIMA System.
ICTERI Workshops
Olena Skrynnyk
Tetyana Vasilyeva
Neuro-Genetic Hybrid System for Management of Organizational Development Measures.
ICTERI Workshops
Nataliia Soroko
Methodology for Teachers' Digital Competence Developing through the Use of the STEAM-oriented Learning Environment.
ICTERI Workshops
Oleksii Ignatenko
Guessing Games Experiments in School Education and Their Analysis.
ICTERI Workshops
Hanna Shalatska
Olena Zotova-Sadylo
Olexandr Makarenko
Larysa Dzevytska
Implementation of E-assessment in Higher Education.
ICTERI Workshops
Lyudmila Kravtsova
Nataliia Kaminska
Hennadiy Kravtsov
Cloud Services in the Distance Learning System for Future Sailors.
ICTERI Workshops
Olena Hrybiuk
Olena Vedyshcheva
Petro Lukavyi
Anton Ivaniuk
Natalia Kulish
Engineering in Educational Institutions: Standards for Arduino Robots as an Opportunity to Occupy an Important Niche in Educational Robotics in the Context of Manufacturing 4.0.
ICTERI Workshops
Ihor Bodnarchuk
Oleksii Duda
Alexander Kharchenko
Nataliia Kunanets
Oleksandr Matsiuk
Volodymyr Pasichnyk
Choice Method of Analytical Platform for Smart Cities.
ICTERI Workshops
Andriy Stavytskyy
Ganna Kharlamova
Mariia Naumova
Development of Information System to Model Cyclic Fluctuations of Economic Time Series.
ICTERI Workshops
Viktoria Yatsenko
Cost Modeling of Business Processes and Structure of Discrete Accounting Objects: Experience of Restaurant Business.
ICTERI Workshops
Galyna Chornous
Kostiantyn Pysanets
Nataliia Yakovenko
A Hybrid Approach for Feature Selection in Data Mining Modeling of Credit Scoring.
ICTERI Workshops
Kateryna Osadcha
Viacheslav Osadchyi
Serhiy Semerikov
Hanna Chemerys
Alona Chorna
The Review of the Adaptive Learning Systems for the Formation of Individual Educational Trajectory.
ICTERI Workshops
Olena G. Glazunova
Tetyana Voloshyna
Andrii Gurzhii
Valentyna Korolchuk
Oleksandra Parhomenko
Taisia Sayapina
Tetiana Semyhinivska
Cloud Resources and Services for Development of Self-Educational Competence of Future IT Specialists: Business Process Modelling and Examples of Using.
ICTERI Workshops
Svitlana Pochtovyuk
Varvara Chernenko
Tetiana A. Vakaliuk
Information and Communication Technologies in the Study of Mathematical Methods in Psychology.
ICTERI Workshops
Ievgen Ivanov
On Induction for Diamond-Free Directed Complete Partial Orders.
ICTERI Workshops
Viktor Gurieiev
Yulii Kutsan
Anna Iatsyshyn
Andrii Iatsyshyn
Valeriia Kovach
Evgen Lysenko
Volodymyr Artemchuk
Oleksandr Popov
Simulating Systems for Advanced Training and Professional Development of Energy Specialists in Power Sector.
ICTERI Workshops
Ivan Tsidylo
Sergiy Samborskiy
Stanislav-Ivan Mazur
Maria Zamoroz
Designing a Chat Bot for Learning a Subject in a Telegram Messenger.
ICTERI Workshops
Oleksandr Gura Jr.
Oleksandr Gura
Tetiana Gura
Ludmila Chernikova
Research on Metacognitive Skills of Software Testers: a Problem Statement.
ICTERI Workshops
Maryna Zhenchenko
Oksana Melnyk
Viktoriia Miroshnychenko
Igor Zhenchenko
Electronic Textbooks for Ukrainian Education: Statistics, Models of Development, Quality Problems.
ICTERI Workshops
Oksana Klochko
Vasyl Fedorets
Svitlana Tkachenko
Olena Maliar
The Use of Digital Technologies for Flipped Learning Implementation.
ICTERI Workshops
Andrii Buriachenko
Tetiana Zhyber
Tetiana Paientko
Deliverology Implementation at the Local Government Level of Ukraine.
ICTERI Workshops
Sergiy Gnatyuk
Maksim Iavich
Vasyl Kinzeryavyy
Tetyana Okhrimenko
Yuliia Burmak
Iuliia Goncharenko
Improved Secure Stream Cipher for Cloud Computing.
ICTERI Workshops
Vitaliy Kobets
Valeria Yatsenko
Lesia Buiak
Identifying the Gaps in the Preparing of a Business Analyst between the Requirements of the Labor Market and the Standards of Study Programs: Case of Ukraine.
ICTERI Workshops
Viktoriia Strilets
Nina Bakumenko
Volodymyr Donets
Serhii Chernysh
Mykhaylo Ugryumov
Tamara Goncharova
Machine Learning Methods in Medicine Diagnostics Problem.
ICTERI Workshops
Svitlana Kolosok
Iuliia Myroshnychenko
Liudmyla Zakharkina
Open Data in Electrical Energy Balancing of Ukraine: Green Deal and Security Aspects.
ICTERI Workshops
Tatiana Goncharenko
Nataliia Yermakova-Cherchenko
Yelyzaveta Anedchenko
Experience in the Use of Mobile Technologies as a Physics Learning Method.
ICTERI Workshops
Tetiana Shmelova
Svitlana Kredentsar
Maksym Yastrub
Methodology for the Selection of an Optimal Location of Remote Tower Centre.
ICTERI Workshops
Viktoriia Tkachuk
Yuliia V. Yechkalo
Serhiy Semerikov
Maria Kislova
Valentyna Khotskina
Exploring Student Uses of Mobile Technologies in University Classrooms: Audience Response Systems and Development of Multimedia.
ICTERI Workshops
Nataliia Osypova
Olena Kokhanovska
Galina Yuzbasheva
Hennadiy Kravtsov
Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in Teacher Retraining.
ICTERI Workshops
Rostyslav Tarasenko
Svitlana Amelina
A Unification of the Study of Terminological Resource Management in the Automated Translation Systems as an Innovative Element of Technological Training of Translators.
ICTERI Workshops
Oleksandr Holub
Mykhailo Moiseienko
Natalia Moiseienko
Fluid Flow Modeling in Houdini.
ICTERI Workshops
Tetiana A. Vakaliuk
Valerii Kontsedailo
Dmytro Antoniuk
Olha Korotun
Serhiy Semerikov
Iryna S. Mintii
Using Game Dev Tycoon to Create Professional Soft Competencies for Future Engineers-Programmers.
ICTERI Workshops
Evgeniy Lavrov
Olga Siryk
Pavel Chabanenko
A Method to Ensure the Effectiveness and Attractiveness of E-Learning. Human-Oriented Systemic Ergonomic Approach.
ICTERI Workshops
Yevhen Kalinin
Dmytro Klets
Mykhailo Shuliak
Anton Kholodov
Information System for Controlling Transport-Technological Unit With Variable Mass.
ICTERI Workshops
Andrii Nicheporuk
Oleg Savenko
Anastasiia Nicheporuk
Yuriy Nicheporuk
An Android Malware Detection Method Based on CNN Mixed-Data Model.
ICTERI Workshops
Viktoriia Tkachuk
Serhiy Semerikov
Yuliia V. Yechkalo
Svitlana Khotskina
Vladimir N. Soloviev
Selection of Mobile ICT for Learning Informatics of Future Professionals in Engineering Pedagogy.
ICTERI Workshops
Andrii Roskladka
Nataliia Roskladka
Ganna Kharlamova
Andriy Stavytskyy
The Data Association Algorithm for the Formation of Optional IT-Courses List System.
ICTERI Workshops
Antonina Hryvko
Olexii Sytnyk
Yurii Zhuk
Exploring Students' Views on ICT Skills as the Components of Journalists' Professional Competence: EDM Aspect.
ICTERI Workshops
Svitlana Proskura
Svitlana Lytvynova
Olga Kronda
Students Academic Achievement Assessment in Higher Education Institutions.
ICTERI Workshops
Kateryna Vlasenko
Oksana Kondratyeva
Inna Khyzhniak
Olena Chumak
Sergey Volkov
Developing Training Materials for the On-Line Course "Project Method in Teaching Higher Mathematics".
ICTERI Workshops
Yuliya Krylova-Grek
Mariya Shyshkina
Blended Learning Method for Improving Students' Media Literacy Level.
ICTERI Workshops
volume 2732, 2020
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications. Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer. Volume II: Workshops, Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 06-10, 2020.
ICTERI Workshops
2732 (2020)