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TOOLS (50)
Néstor Cataño
Sorren Hanvey
Camilo Rueda
Poporo: A Formal Methods Tool for Fast-Checking of Social Network Privacy Policies.
TOOLS (50)
Mark J. Olah
David C. Mohr
Darko Stefanovic
Representing Uniqueness Constraints in Object-Relational Mapping - The Natural Entity Framework.
TOOLS (50)
Andrzej Olszak
Eric Bouwers
Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
Joost Visser
Detection of Seed Methods for Quantification of Feature Confinement.
TOOLS (50)
Gábor Bergmann
Ábel Hegedüs
Ákos Horváth
István Ráth
Zoltán Ujhelyi
Dániel Varró
Integrating Efficient Model Queries in State-of-the-Art EMF Tools.
TOOLS (50)
Manuel Wimmer
Nathalie Moreno
Antonio Vallecillo
Viewpoint Co-evolution through Coarse-Grained Changes and Coupled Transformations.
TOOLS (50)
Erwann Wernli
Mircea Lungu
Oscar Nierstrasz
Incremental Dynamic Updates with First-Class Contexts.
TOOLS (50)
Hannes Mehnert
Jonathan Aldrich
Verification of Snapshotable Trees Using Access Permissions and Typestate.
TOOLS (50)
Francesco Fiamberti
Daniela Micucci
Francesco Tisato
An Object-Oriented Application Framework for the Development of Real-Time Systems.
TOOLS (50)
Stefan Marr
Theo D'Hondt
Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines.
TOOLS (50)
Anna Derezinska
Marcin Rudnik
Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented and Standard Mutation Operators Applied to C# Programs.
TOOLS (50)
Mathias Soeken
Robert Wille
Rolf Drechsler
Assisted Behavior Driven Development Using Natural Language Processing.
TOOLS (50)
Kamil Jezek
Premek Brada
Lukas Holy
Enhancing OSGi with Explicit, Vendor Independent Extra-Functional Properties.
TOOLS (50)
Claas Wilke
Andreas Bartho
Julia Schroeter
Sven Karol
Uwe Aßmann
Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation.
TOOLS (50)
Michaela Greiler
Arie van Deursen
Andy Zaidman
Measuring Test Case Similarity to Support Test Suite Understanding.
TOOLS (50)
Daniel Langr
Pavel Tvrdík
Tomás Dytrych
Jerry P. Draayer
Fake Run-Time Selection of Template Arguments in C++.
TOOLS (50)
Martín Ochoa
Jan Jürjens
Jorge Cuéllar
Non-interference on UML State-Charts.
TOOLS (50)
Julien DeAntoni
Frédéric Mallet
TimeSquare: Treat Your Models with Logical Time.
TOOLS (50)
Luis Corral
Alberto Sillitti
Giancarlo Succi
Juri Strumpflohner
Jelena Vlasenko
DroidSense: A Mobile Tool to Analyze Software Development Processes by Measuring Team Proximity.
TOOLS (50)
Yannis Lilis
Anthony Savidis
Supporting Compile-Time Debugging and Precise Error Reporting in Meta-programs.
TOOLS (50)
Yudi Zheng
Danilo Ansaloni
Lukás Marek
Andreas Sewe
Walter Binder
Alex Villazón
Petr Tuma
Zhengwei Qi
Mira Mezini
Turbo DiSL: Partial Evaluation for High-Level Bytecode Instrumentation.
TOOLS (50)
Ashish Sureka
Learning to Classify Bug Reports into Components.
TOOLS (50)
Nicholas Ng
Nobuko Yoshida
Kohei Honda
Multiparty Session C: Safe Parallel Programming with Message Optimisation.
TOOLS (50)
Jean-Marie Favre
Ralf Lämmel
Thomas Schmorleiz
Andrei Varanovich
101companies: A Community Project on Software Technologies and Software Languages.
TOOLS (50)
Jan Vraný
Jan Kurs
Claus Gittinger
Efficient Method Lookup Customization for Smalltalk.
TOOLS (50)
volume 7304, 2012
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns - 50th International Conference, TOOLS 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, May 29-31, 2012. Proceedings
TOOLS (50)
7304 (2012)