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ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 2104, 2024
Software Technologies - 18th International Conference, ICSOFT 2023, Rome, Italy, July 10-12, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
2104 (2024)
Peerachai Banyongrakkul
Suronapee Phoomvuthisarn
DeepPull: Deep Learning-Based Approach for Predicting Reopening, Decision, and Lifetime of Pull Requests on GitHub Open-Source Projects.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Philip Wizenty
Francisco Ponce
Florian Rademacher
Jacopo Soldani
Hernán Astudillo
Antonio Brogi
Sabine Sachweh
Model-Driven Security Smell Resolution in Microservice Architecture Using LEMMA.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Diana-Lucia Miholca
Zsuzsanna Onet-Marian
On the Relevance of Graph2Vec Source Code Embeddings for Software Defect Prediction.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Jordi Cabot
Low-Modeling of Software Systems.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
Mario García-Valdez
Pedro A. Castillo
Green Evolutionary Algorithms and JavaScript: A Study on Different Software and Hardware Architectures.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Urooj Fatima
Katrien De Moor
The Sustainable User Experiences Enabled Human-Centered Framework for Systems Design.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Stefan Hanenberg
Johannes Morzeck
Ole Werger
Stefan Gries
Volker Gruhn
Indentation and Reading Time: A Controlled Experiment on the Differences Between Generated Indented and Non-indented JSON Objects.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 1859, 2023
Software Technologies - 17th International Conference, ICSOFT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
1859 (2023)
Andreea Cristina Lung
Simona Motogna
Vladiela Petrascu
Tool Assisted Empirical Approach to Reusability Models Assessment.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Hanene Rouainia
Hanen Grichi
Laïd Kahloul
Mohamed Khalgui
A New Simulation Tool for Sensor Networks Based on an Energy-Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Methodology.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Yann Pollet
Jérôme Dantan
Hajer Baazaoui Zghal
A Decision Model Based on an Optimized Choquet Integral: Multifactor Prediction and Intelligent Agriculture Application.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Thomas Karanikiotis
Andreas L. Symeonidis
Towards Extracting Reusable and Maintainable Code Snippets.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Tamás Aladics
Péter Hegedüs
Rudolf Ferenc
An AST-Based Code Change Representation and Its Performance in Just-in-Time Vulnerability Prediction.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Gencer Erdogan
Iver Bakken Sperstad
Michele Garau
Oddbjørn Gjerde
Inger Anne Tøndel
Shukun Tokas
Martin Gilje Jaatun
Adapting Cyber-Risk Assessment for the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids Based on Industrial Needs.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Mourad Ellouze
Lamia Hadrich Belguith
A Deep Learning Architecture Based on Advanced Textual Language Models for Detecting Disease Through Its Symptoms Associated with a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Samia Al Blwi
Imen Marsit
Besma Khaireddine
Amani Ayad
Ji Meng Loh
Ali Mili
Three Forms of Mutant Subsumption: Basic, Strict and Broad.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Zakaria Maamar
Noura Faci
Joyce El Haddad
Microservices Deployment on a Multi-platform Ecosystem: A Contract-Based Approach.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Stephen R. Tate
Bo Yuan
On the Efficiency of Building Large Collections of Software: Modeling, Algorithms, and Experimental Results.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 1622, 2022
Software Technologies - 16th International Conference, ICSOFT 2021, Virtual Event, July 6-8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
1622 (2022)
Zakaria Ournani
Romain Rouvoy
Pierre Rust
Joel Penhoat
Tales from the Code #2: A Detailed Assessment of Code Refactoring's Impact on Energy Consumption.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Miles Q. Li
Benjamin C. M. Fung
A Novel Neural Network-Based Malware Severity Classification System.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Jenny Ruiz
Monique Snoeck
Feedback Generation for Automatic User Interface Design Evaluation.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Stefan Sobernig
Object Parsing Expressions for Unplanned, Unmodified, and Incremental Grammar Reuse.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Marco Schaarschmidt
Michael Uelschen
Elke Pulvermüller
Towards Power Consumption Optimization for Embedded Systems from a Model-driven Software Development Perspective.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Torsten Spieldenner
Melvin Chelli
Linked Data as Medium for Stigmergy-based Optimization and Coordination.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Thomas Karanikiotis
Kyriakos C. Chatzidimitriou
Andreas L. Symeonidis
A Personalized Code Formatter: Detection and Fixing.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Soumoud Fkaier
Mohamed Khalgui
Georg Frey
Software Framework of Context-Aware Reconfigurable Secure Smart Grids.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Andrea Delgado
Daniel Calegari
Adriana Marotta
Laura González
Libertad Tansini
A Methodology for Organizational Data Science Towards Evidence-based Process Improvement.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Pascal Zaragoza
Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai
Abderrahmane Seriai
Anas Shatnawi
Hinde-Lilia Bouziane
Mustapha Derras
Materializing Microservice-oriented Architecture from Monolithic Object-oriented Source Code.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 1447, 2021
Software Technologies - 15th International Conference, ICSOFT 2020, Online Event, July 7-9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
1447 (2021)
Rihab Khemiri
Mohamed Naija
Ernesto Exposito
Shared Autonomous Mobility on Demand: A Fuzzy-Based Approach and Its Performance in the Presence of Uncertainty.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Sohaib Soualah
Yousra Hafidi
Mohamed Khalgui
Allaoua Chaoui
Laïd Kahloul
Efficient Verification of Reconfigurable Discrete-Event System Using Isabelle/HOL Theorem Prover and Hadoop.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Sébastien Salva
Elliott Blot
MLCA: A Model-Learning-Checking Approach for IoT Systems.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Aicha Goubaa
Mohamed Khalgui
Georg Frey
Zhiwu Li
Efficient Scheduling of Periodic, Aperiodic, and Sporadic Real-Time Tasks with Deadline Constraints.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Ulrike Witteck
Denis Grießbach
Paula Herber
A Genetic Algorithm with Tournament Selection for Automated Testing of Satellite On-board Image Processing.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Patrick Kubiak
Stefan Rass
Martin Pinzger
Stephan Schneider
A Method for the Joint Analysis of Numerical and Textual IT-System Data to Predict Critical System States.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Duyen Phuc Nguyen
Stephane Maag
A Machine Learning Based Methodology for Web Systems Codeless Testing with Selenium.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Thomas Karanikiotis
Michail D. Papamichail
Andreas L. Symeonidis
Multilevel Readability Interpretation Against Software Properties: A Data-Centric Approach.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Besmir Sejdiu
Florije Ismaili
Lule Ahmedi
A Real-Time Integration of Semantic Annotations into Air Quality Monitoring Sensor Data.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Chams Eddine Choucha
Mohamed Oussama Ben Salem
Mohamed Khalgui
Laïd Kahloul
Naïma Souâd Ougouti
R-TNCES State Space Generation Using Ontology-Based Method on a Distributed Cloud-Based Architecture.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Monika Maidl
Gerhard Münz
Stefan Seltzsam
Marvin Wagner
Roman Wirtz
Maritta Heisel
Model-Based Threat Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Computer-Aided Approach.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Chams Eddine Choucha
Mohamed Ramdani
Mohamed Khalgui
Laïd Kahloul
On Improvement of Formal Verification of Reconfigurable Real-Time Systems Using TCTL and CTL-Based Properties on IaaS Cloud Environment.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 1250, 2020
Software Technologies - 14th International Conference, ICSOFT 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 26-28, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
1250 (2020)
Tatsuya Harada
Antonio Tejero-de-Pablos
Stefano Quer
Francesco Savarese
Service Robots: A Unified Framework for Detecting, Opening and Navigating Through Doors.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Ulrike Witteck
Denis Grießbach
Paula Herber
Equivalence Class Definition for Automated Testing of Satellite On-Board Image Processing.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Rabéa Ameur-Boulifa
Ana R. Cavalli
Stephane Maag
From Formal Test Objectives to TTCN-3 for Verifying ETCS Complex Software Control Systems.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Amani Ayad
Imen Marsit
Sara Tawfig
Ji Meng Loh
Mohamed Nazih Omri
Ali Mili
Quantitative Analysis of Mutant Equivalence.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
Roman Wirtz
Maritta Heisel
Marvin Wagner
Distributed Frames: Pattern-Based Characterization of Functional Requirements for Distributed Systems.
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
volume 1077, 2019
Software Technologies - 13th International Conference, ICSOFT 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 26-28, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
ICSOFT (Selected Papers)
1077 (2019)